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Agricultural Social Insurance Fund. Basic Information. About KRUS. Agricultural Social Insurance Fund is an Independent public institution separated from social insurance system – ZUS KRUS was established in 1990 to realize tasks connected with full servicing farmers’ social insurance
AgriculturalSocialInsurance Fund Basic Information
About KRUS • Agricultural Social Insurance Fund is an Independent public institution separated from social insurance system – ZUS • KRUS was established in 1990 to realize tasks connected with full servicing farmers’ social insurance • KRUS is supervised by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development • The President of KRUS is appointed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland on application of the Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment
Legalbases • Theact of 20 December 1990 on farmers' social insurance (full text: Official Journal No. 50 of 2008, item 291 with later amendments). The basic legal acts of the European Community are: • Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1408/71 of 14 June 1971on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community, • Council Regulation (EEC) No. 574/72 of 21 March 1972laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No. 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community.
Managment and organization Managment • President • DeputyPresidents Structure • Headoffice in Warsaw • 16 regionalbranches • 256 localoffices • 7 Farmers’ RehabilitationCentres
Tasks • Covering by social insurance • Payment of insurance benefits • Leading medical certification system • Prevention activity • Rehabilitation activity • Initiating development of voluntary insurance • Realization of other tasks given by the state
The Council of Farmers’ SocialInsurance The interests of the insured persons and beneficiaries are represented in KRUS by the Council of Farmers’ Social Insurance whose members are appointed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development among the candidates presented by the national farmers' social and professional organizations and trade unions. The Council of Farmers: • consists of 25 members appointed by farmers’ organizations for 3 years, • has control rights in relation to the President of KRUS • supervises the Contribution Fund, • estimates the amount of quarterly contribution into accident, sickness and maternity insurance, • represents affairs of insured persons and beneficiaries.
Personswhosubjectfarmers’ socialinsurance Farmers and members of the householdswhowork with them and who: • havePolishcitizenship, • or stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on a visa,residence permit for a specified period of time, permit forsettlement, permit for the stay of a long-term resident of theEuropean Communities, a consent for tolerated stay or related tothe obtaining of the refugee status in the Republic of Poland, ora supplementary protection,or • are the citizens of the EU member states, the Swiss Confederationor member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) -parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area.
Personswhoarecoveredby both types of insurance obligatorily • Farmerresiding and conducting a farming activity on his ownaccount in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the farm beingin his possession, of the area above 1 conversion ha of arable land(including also the group of agricultural producers) or a special section of agricultural production, i.e. activity related to farming, not requiring a farm, the size of which and production type are defined by the act, • Spouseof the farmer, • Member of the household, i.e. a person close to the farmer who isat least 16 years old, remains in a common household with thefarmer or dwells in the area of his household, works in thishousehold on a permanent basis and is not related to the farmer byalaborrelation, if these persons are not subject to another social insurance and do not have a fixed right to old age or disability pension, or the right to social insurance benefits.
2 types of insurance2 types of insurancecoverage Types of insurance: • old age and disability insurance, • accident, health and maternity insurance. Types of insurance coverage: • obligatory, • voluntary.
Benefits from the old-ageand disibilityinsurance • Farmers’ old-agepension • Farmers’ pension by virtue of incapacity for work • Farmerstrainingpension • Family pension • Old-age and disibilitypension from socilainsurancefor individualfarmers and members of theirfamilies • Allowances to old-age and disibilitypensions • Funeralallowance
Benefits from the accident, health and maternityinsurance • A one-off indemnity by virtue of permanent or long-term detriment to health or death resulting from an accident at agricultural work or a farmer’s vocational disease • Sickness allowance • Maternity allowance
Preventionactivity KRUS: • isobligated by the Law in the farmers’ socialinsurance to run comprehensiveactivityaimingatprevention of workinjuries in agriculture and farmers’ occupationaldiseases, • organizestrainings and courses for farmers, and competitionsabout the principles of safework. Preventionactivitiescarried out by the KRUS resulted in reduction in a numberaccidentsatwork on a farm.
KRUS Safety Mark • KRUS makesefforts to introduceproduction and distribution of safetechnicalmeans for farmers. • President of KRUS awards the fair prizes „KRUS Safety Mark” and the statue „Dobrosław” – „Product whichimprovessafty of work on the farm” to the safest products. • By the end of 201125producers had the right to attach the KRUS Mark to 187products, and the fair distinction was received by 58suppliers for 98types ofproducts. „Krus Safety Mark” „Dobrosław”
Rehabilitationactivity KRUS: • conductsactivities on prevention of workinjuriesconnected with agriculturalwork and occupationalillness, • assists the insuredpersons and thosewhohave a right to insurancebenefits, presentlyenable to work on the farm orthreatened with suchincapacity, with differentforms of rehabilitationor with a possibility of qualifying for a newjob.
Forms of rehabilitation • 7 Farmers’ RehabilitationCentersthatspecializesin rehabilitation of the locomotion system diseases. • From 1993 morethan269.000farmers and 25.000 childrenhavetakenadvantage of KRUS treatmentrehabilitation. • KRUS providedabove400localhealth service centres with rehabilitationequipment to helpfarmersin continuingrehabilitation.
Number of childrenwhounderwentmedicalrehabilitation in 1993-2012
Farmers’ RehabilitationCenters Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centers: • Iwonicz Zdrój • Horyniec Zdrój • Szklarska Poręba • Jedlec • Kołobrzeg Training and Rehabilitation Centre: • Teresin Recreation and Rehabilitation Centre: • Świnoujście
Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centre in Iwonicz Zdrój Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centre in Jedlec Recreation and Rehabilitation Centre in Świnoujście Training and Rehabilitation Centre in Teresin
Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centre in Kołobrzeg Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centre in Szklarska Poręba Farmers’ Rehabilitation Centre in Horyniec
ISO Standards in KRUS Since 2004 KRUS hasbeen one of fewGovernment Administration officeswhichinitiated the International Organization for Standarization’s System in Poland, in accordance with the European Union ISO Standards.
International cooperation • KRUS isaninstitutional partner of: • SODRA – StateSocialInsurance Fund Board of the Republic of Lithuania • SVB – AustrianInstitution of FarmersSocialInsurance • LSV-SPv– German Federation of AgriculturalProffesionalAssociations • MELA – Farmers' SocialInsuranceInstitution in Finland • MSA – MutualitéSocialeAgricole in France
For moreinformationpleasevisitourwebsite:www.krus.gov.plorcall: +(48) 22 592 65 90