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to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects

Objectives:. to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns. Learning outcomes: to recognise some classroom objects to understand that gender exists in French. un stylo un stylo à bille. un feutre. un cahier.

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to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects

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  1. Objectives: • to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects • to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns • Learning outcomes: • to recognise some classroom objects • to understand that gender exists in French

  2. un stylo un stylo à bille un feutre un cahier un taille-crayon un crayon un livre Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  3. une gomme une trousse une règle une calculatrice Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  4. un feutre une gomme un stylo une règle un crayon un livre une trousse un cahier une calculatrice un taille-crayon

  5. A noun is a person, place or thing. E.g.: boy, table Gender Nouns in French belong to one of two groups: masculine feminine un sac une gomme un stylo une règle Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  6. Les objets de la salle de classe masculin féminin un stylo = a pen une gomme = an eraser un stylo = a pen une règle = a ruler un crayon = a pencil une trousse = a pencil case un livre = a book une calculatrice = a calculator un cahier = an exercise book un taille-crayon = a sharpener

  7. Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est un crayon. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  8. Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est une gomme. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  9. Qu’est-ce que c’est? C’est … Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  10. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  11. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  12. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  13. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  14. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  15. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  16. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  17. Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

  18. Copie la grille et mets les mots dans la bonne colonne masculin féminin un sac Copy the table and put the words in the right column. une cassette une règle une banane un CD un crayon un sandwich une règle un crayon un CD une cassette un sandwich une banane un sac Objectives: to learn some vocabulary for school/classroom objects to begin to understand what we mean by gender of nouns

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