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Quick Write

Quick Write. When did World War 1 begin? Where did it take place? Why did it occur? What was America’s involvement in the War at its beginning ? Do you think America should have gone to War earlier? Why or Why not? . Effects of WWI at Home. By: Mr. Brady. Background .

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  1. Quick Write When did World War 1 begin? Where did it take place? Why did it occur? What was America’s involvement in the War at its beginning? Do you think America should have gone to War earlier? Why or Why not?
  2. Effects of WWI at Home

    By: Mr. Brady
  3. Background When the War broke out in Europe after Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914. As a result, Austria declared war on Serbia System of Alliances in Europe
  4. America at the Beginning of WWI America was ISOLATIONIST: When WWI began, America did not want to get involved in Europe’s conflict. Why did I underline ISOLAT(E)? Why was America practicing isolationism?
  5. America Gets Involved Why? (2 reasons) 1. German Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Germans sank British U Boat Lusitania with 128 Americans aboard. 2. The Zimmerman Telegram Germans tell Mexico to begin War with America The United States Declared War on Germany in April 1917- Wilson claimed that we needed to make the “World Safe for Democracy”. How does Wilson’s statement fit in with his specific type of diplomacy?
  6. From Isolationist to Total War Total War- The United States needed money and supplies to help the Allies in World War I. The government took control of the economy, and geared all American production and conservation for the War.
  7. WWI had BIG Effects in America 1.) Political Effects: 2.) Economic Effects: 3.) Social Effects: Effects: Outcomes as a result of WWI
  8. 1.) Political Effects: There was much debate about what America’s role should be in the world on Foreign Affairs (issues outside of America) What were some of the “diplomacies” that US President took on at the time?
  9. Political Effects Some Americans wanted to remain isolationist others believed America should act as a world leader. The Gv’t worked to gain support for the War through speeches, pamphlets, and posters This use of media to try and influence public opinion in known as? Propaganda
  10. Committee of Public Information (CPI) Organization created by the government to influence America through Propaganda to support the War. Established in 1917 Headed by George Creel Used every medium possible, especially propaganda Posters
  11. Definition of Propaganda Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  12. Identifying the 4 types Propaganda Propaganda comes in 4 different styles Demonization Entitlement Nationalism Glorification
  13. Demonization Demonization goal: is to make the opposition group look bad.
  14. Entitlement: to show that you are better or deserving of something
  15. Nationalism: To glorify or idolize one’s country. To promote the nation as better—play on one’s sense of national pride
  16. Glorification To glorify (or show great praise) to a particular thing, item, person, or event.
  17. Create a Propaganda Poster In your groups, you will create a propaganda poster using some of the techniques and styles that you just learned about. Your poster will be on 1 of 8 different topics that were going on in America during WWI. During the presentation of these posters, you will take notes so that you too will learn about the social, economic, and political events of WWI
  18. Task 1.) Read and learn about your topic 2.) Create a propaganda poster that reflects your topic. Remember the goal of Propaganda is to win the support of the public so you will want to promote your topic 3.) 2 paragraphs explanation One paragraph explaining some information about your topic What is it, when did it occur, how did it happen, why it is important/significant 2nd paragraph explaining how your poster helps promotes your topic—explain using some of the ideas that we just covered.
  19. Political Effects As a result of propaganda, the Lusitania sinking and the Zimmerman Telegram many more Americans started to support the War. Ultimately, America intervened and began fighting in 1917.
  20. Long-Term Political Effects After the War, Isolationists gained more power and blocked US entry into the League of Nations. League of Nations: Organization of foreign countries that get together to try and bring about peace in the world. Similar to the United Nations of today. The USA tried to remain isolationist until the Japanese attacked America at Pearl Harbor in 1941 Why might USA’s entry in WWI prompted USA to turn back to isolationism? What was going on at home in America between WWI and Pearl Harbor that made USA not want to focus on foreign issues?
  21. League of Nations
  22. 2.) Economic Effects of WWI at Home The USA tried to remain trading partners with the European countries involved in WWI (Triple Entente), but the unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans helped push the country into war.
  23. Economic Effects and Total War 1.) The Gv’t gained money for the war by selling Liberty Bonds Bonds: Where you buy a bond from the USA G’vt and they will give you your money back, with interest at a later date. 2.) G’vt regulated Industrial Production Industries began producing products to help with war effort Propaganda Poster
  24. Results of WWI on USA Economy 1.) The war effort propelled the US economy to become the strongest industrial power in the world. 2.) Wages rose in industry, but food and housing costs also rose quickly. 3.) large corporations made huge profits. 4.) labor unions grew and strikes were common 5.) Workers were needed in all industries. As a result, women and African Americans were hired.
  25. 3.) Social Effects of WWI 1.) African Americans moved from the South to the Northern cities in what is known as the Great Migration. Here the African Americans gained better wages, more work, and there was less discrimination.
  26. Selective Service Act of 1917 Was an Act or law created by congress that made it legal to have a draft to raise a national army.
  27. Women in WWI Women worked in jobs previously done by men Why were women needed to replace men? Took jobs in industry, mining, and construction. They also worked as nurses, teachers, and clerks. Women’s new work helped build support for woman suffrage (passed after the war in 1920) 19th Amendment
  28. Americans become Anti-German To avoid German-sounding names, American advertisers called sauerkraut “Liberty cabbage” and hamburger “Salisbury steak”. Schools stopped teaching German language, and listening to the music of Beethoven was enough to get a person’s mail intercepted.
  29. German gutting a child
  30. Social Effects Strong feelings also prompted attacks on German immigrants and any citizens opposed to the war.
  31. Acts pass that Limit Americans Freedoms and Civil Liberties 1.) Espionage Act of 1917: prohibited any attempt to interfere with military operations, to support U.S. enemies during wartime, to promote insubordination in the military, or to interfere with military recruitment. Espionage=Spying Today the Espionage Act is still on the books.
  32. Eugene Debs and the Espionage Act “They tell us that we live in a great free republic, that our institutions are democratic; that we are a free and self-governing people. That is too much, even for a joke… Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder…And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.” Debs was arrested for violating the Espionage Act under grounds that he was “obstructing the recruiting or enlistment service.”
  33. Debs’ response on being Arrested “I have been accused of obstructing the war. I admit it. Gentlemen, I abhor war. I would oppose war if I stood alone…I have sympathy with the suffering, struggling people everywhere. It does not make any difference under what flag they were born, or where they live…”
  34. 2.) Sedition Act of 1918 Sedition Act of 1918: that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover a broader range of offenses: notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the g’vtor the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds Congress repealed this act in 1920.
  35. Red Scare Red Scare: The Russian Revolution of 1919 (in which the Bolsheviks took over Russia on a platform of workers taking over business owners) and the wave of strikes in America in 1919 helped fuel fears that Communists were conspiring to start a revolution in the United States. This became known as the Red Scare
  36. Return to “Normalcy” After the war, many Americans wanted things to return to “normal” after the many sacrifices and changes of this turbulent time. Warren Harding won the presidential election of 1920 promising a “return to normalcy” Warren G. Harding
  37. Exit Questions 1 Which statement best describes political feeling in the United States before World War I? A Most people had strong feelings but did not always agree on the U.S. role in the world. B Most people believed that the conflict in Europe would pass if left alone. C Most people wanted the United States to stay out of world affairs. D Most people believed that the United States should protect its European allies from attack.
  38. Question 2: Conditions improved for which groups as a result of WWI? How did this occur?
  39. Question 3: African Americans moved from the South to Northern cities in a process known as A.) The Movement B.) The Great Migration C.) The Redemption D.) The Northern Shift
  40. Which effect resulted from the government’s program to gain support for the war? A Women used more meat in cooking. B Food and housing prices dropped. C Labor unions rarely had strikes. D German immigrants were attacked.
  41. How did World War I affect the economy of the United States? A It hurt the economy because the government regulated industry. B Many men were unemployed after they returned from the war. C It made the United States the strongest industrial power in the world. D It was a good time for farmers but had little effect on manufacturing.
  42. Which of the following best describes economic changes during the war? A Wages rose and corporate profits dropped. B Wages dropped and corporate profits dropped. C Wages dropped and corporate profits rose. D Wages rose and corporate profits rose.
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