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2013-14 Maintained Schools Balances Agenda Item 3. 2013-14 School Balances. School balances information was reported to the NCC Cabinet meeting in June.
2013-14 School Balances School balances information was reported to the NCC Cabinet meeting in June. In order to make the figures comparable the brought forward balances from 2012-13 are solely for maintained schools as at 31st March 14 and are therefore included in the 2013-14 maintained schools balances.
DSG 2013-14 School balances CAPITAL BALANCES
DSG 2013-14 School Balances Committed Revenue Balances
DSG 2013-14 School Balances Uncommitted Revenue Balances
DSG 2013-14 School Balances Overall
DSG 2013-14 School Balances Changes AND CONCLUSIONS
Maintained School Balances Information on balances shared with relevant colleagues within NCC No clawbacks identified for uncommitted balances above 5% Secondaries/8% other schools Only 5 deficits carried forward at end of 2013-14 of greater than £2k - schools finance and NCC are working with these schools 3 primary deficits between £10k and £30k.
Maintained School Balances 2 secondary deficits of between £175k and £225k. Total and average by sector for each SB1 line shown in Appendix A. Pupil premium could usefully be split between FSM element and other in future. We will consider splitting this for 2014-15 year end. The line for revenue funds set aside for capital reads that it should just be for capital in the NCC capital programme although we use it for revenue funds set aside for capital by a school. The description should be amended for 2014-15.