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Wireless Project Update: IT Briefing & Demo Agenda

Stay informed on the latest updates of the Wireless Project with this detailed IT briefing agenda. Explore project history, current status, and future steps. Learn about Emory's wireless system and demo as of 8/19/04.

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Wireless Project Update: IT Briefing & Demo Agenda

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  1. NetReg Update Wireless Update & Demo SP2 Knowledge Sharing IT Briefing Agenda 8/19/04 • Jay Flanagan • Paul Petersen • All

  2. Wireless Update & Demo

  3. Agenda • Short History of the Wireless Project • Current Project Status • How Emory’s Wireless Works • Demonstration

  4. Wireless History • 1/27/04: Ways & Means Meeting • Presented NetCom’s initial research • Asked to proceed with infrastructure development using NetCom funds • Asked to estimate cost of campus wide wireless • Asked to analyze different billing models

  5. Wireless History cont. • 4/13/04: Ways & Means Meeting • Presented campus wide estimate and billing models • Asked to build list of University only common areas that would benefit the most from wireless access • Asked to estimate cost of common area installation

  6. Wireless History cont. • 6/8/04: Ways & Means Meeting • Presented wireless common areas, installation cost and operational cost • Startup operational funding model approved • Wireless announcement and approval process identified • Netcom approved to move forward with common area installation

  7. Wireless Project Status • All three wireless pilots complete • Management system and support infrastructure in place • Netcom wireless workgroup and ITD/NetCom wireless planning group established • Wireless support positions identified and recruiting has begun

  8. Wireless Project Next Steps • Complete installation of wireless networking for University users in common areas • Install wireless in requested areas based on appropriate request procedures (Healthcare or University)

  9. Wireless Common Areas • Ways & Means approved the following areas to be funded centrally and installation efforts have begun • Woodruff Library • Cox Hall • SAAC • Dobbs University Center • Quadrangle • Health Sciences Center Quad

  10. Wireless Equipment • Access Points manufactured by Colubris Networks • Named “hottest startup” at Supercomm • Deployed by over 500 companies and Universities • McDonalds, University British Columbia, McGill University, Nagoya University, AT&T, Marriott, Hilton, Barnes and Noble,…

  11. Security • Security and Authenticated Access is achieved using VPN (PPTP) • VPN is supported on the widest variety of clients • As new wireless authentication and encryption standards are ratified we will be able to transition

  12. The Parts

  13. How it works • Wireless Client associates to the Access Point (AP) and is given a private IP address by DHCP server on the AP • Wireless Client establishes VPN (PPTP) tunnel to AP. AP uses campus Radius servers to check authentication credentials • Campus DHCP server provides global IP address to wireless client • Wireless Client is on the network

  14. Demonstration

  15. NetCom

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