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Introduction to Acupuncture &Oriental Medicine Philosophies, Principles & Possibilities. Dr. Jeffrey (Ji Fei) Wang ,OMD, L.Ac & CH 7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Ste.300 Charlotte, NC 28277 704-968-0351 www.ballantyneacupuncture.com. Lecture Over View.
Introduction to Acupuncture &Oriental MedicinePhilosophies, Principles & Possibilities Dr. Jeffrey (Ji Fei) Wang ,OMD, L.Ac & CH 7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Ste.300 Charlotte, NC 28277 704-968-0351 www.ballantyneacupuncture.com .
Lecture Over View 1. What is Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine? 2. Philosophies, Principles 3. Efficacy, acceptance, cost effectiveness of Acupuncture &OM 4. Acceptance & future of Acupuncture & OM in America
Oriental Medicine began about 3000 years ago…Perhaps longer according to the cartoon.
What is Oriental Medicine? Oriental Medicine is also called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Chinese Medicine. Oriental Medicine is a ancient, natural, comprehensive system of healing with a continuous clinical history of over 3000 years. This system of health care is used extensively by one-quarter of the world's population residing in Asia and is rapidly growing in popularity in the West in recent 30 years.
Chinese Herbs Formulas • Traditional Chinese medicine has a great deal to offer for people. Chinese medical practitioners treat each person individually, taking into account the whole pattern of each patient’s physical and mental-emotional symptoms. Treatment may include either one or a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, dietary suggestions, and/or specific exercises or lifestyle recommendations
Benefits of Chinese Medicine • 1. Chinese medicine is one of the most holistic medical systems available today. • 2. Chinese medicine regards the body as a whole one, focus on restore and maintains the balance of whole body. CM treats the root of disease. • 3.Chinese medicine has unique diagnostic and treatment techniques. • 4. Chinese medicine has no side effects. • 5. Chinese medicine’s emphasis is on prevention. • 6. Chinese medicine has a long history of successful treatment for physical, mental, emotional disorders. • 6. Chinese medicine offers self-empowerment.
What is Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture Body work Tui Na
Traditional Chinese Medicine Or Oriental Medicine • Acupuncture • Medicinal Herbology • Tui Na (Oriental Bodywork) • Tai Chi/Qi Gong • Chinese Food Therapy • Exercise • Lifestyle Management
What is Acupuncture? • Acupuncture is one branch or a part of Oriental Medicine • Acupuncturists use needle to stimulate the meridians and points to prevent and treat disease in order to regulate and unblock the person’s energy channels. They always combine with other therapies. • The needles stimulate the nervous system to release endorphins or other naturally occurring chemicals and hormones that affect mood, health, relieve pain.
What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most in the world. Originating in China commonly used systems of healing some 3,000 years ago, only in the last three decades has it become popular in the United States. In 1993, the FDA estimated that Americans made up to 12 million visits per year to acupuncture practitioners and spent upwards of half a billion dollars on acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture • Qi maintains balance in the body. • 16 meridians • 360 regular acupoints • 40 commonly used extra points • Acupoints influence the physiology
They are natural materials. Most of them are products of plants, food. 400 commonly used herbs Each herb has specific properties and functions Forms of herbs are taken: Decoction /Tea Capsule Powder Tablets Syrup Tinctures Pills Ointments Plaster Extracts and more What is Chinese Herbology
What is Asia Bodywork(TUI NA) • Chinese therapeutic massage • Manipulating and influencing the acupoints and meridians to restore and maintain health
How Does Acupuncture Work? • Acupuncture works by stimulating the various meridians and points in the body which are pathways for “Qi” to flow. Modern science demonstrates: • Acupuncture alters body chemicals, including stimulation of endorphins. • Acupuncture sensation effect nerves and cause beneficial reflex response. • Acupuncture affects the bodies natural electro-magnetic fields. • Acupuncture harmonizes the balance of whole body, Yin/Yang; Qi/Blood; Zang/Fu
How does Acupuncture Work? • Acupuncture has capacity to harmonize and enhance our capacity for enjoyment, fulfillment and happiness • Acupuncture harmonizes the balance of whole body, Yin/Yang; Qi/Blood; Zang/Fu • Acupuncture restores and maintains the normal function of meridians. • Acupuncture regulates the function of immunity system. • Acupuncture calms mind and Spirit.
How Does Oriental Medicine Work? • Oriental Medicine is a holistic medical system that has diagnosed, treated, and prevented diseases for over thirty centuries. • Oriental medicine treats not only diseases, but also the underlying patterns causing disease, root causes of disease. • It focuses re-harmonize imbalances in the body. While it remedy ailments and alter states of mind, also enhance recuperative power, immunity, and the capacity of pleasure, work, and creativity.
Yin & Yang • Yin & Yang Yin Wet Moon Front Female Darkness Rest Matter Cold Chronic Yang Dry Sun Back Male Bright Activity Energy Heat Acute
What Is Qi? ---Qi ---Vapor, Steam, Gas ---Uncooked Rice Vital Force Life Force Vital Power Moving Power Essence Function Energy Material Force Matter Ether Matter-Energy Breath
Principles • Prevention and treating before disease arises • Seeking the root cause of disease • Strengthening the body’s capacity to restore the balance between Yin and Yang • Giving treatment in line with the patient’s constitution, climatic condition, and geographic location
Why do We Choose Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine? • Effective and proven system of health care • 3000-4000 years • National Institute of Health • World Health Organization • More and more everyday… • Safe & decreased side effects • Cost effective • Oriental medicine is in demand A 1997 study showed that approximately 40% of the U.S. population used some form of alternative medicine;629 million visits to those providers annually.
What Happens at an Acupuncture Treatment? • Diagnosis • Listening • Observation • Palpation • Pulse Diagnosis • Tongue Diagnosis • 4-20 acupoints • Additional therapies • Herbal formula
Chinese Medicine Efficacy • Primary health care system for over 3000 years • NIH (National Institute of Health) stated in 1997 report acupuncture is effective in the treatment of: • Nausea - Headache • Dental pain -Fibromyalgia • Addictions -Tennis Elbow • Asthma -Stroke Rehab • Osteoarthritis • Menstrual Cramps • Myofascial Pain • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Lower Back Pain
Chinese Medicine Efficacy • In 1979, the United Nations World Health Organization lists over 40 conditions treated by acupuncture: • Digestive– Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hyperacidity, indigestion • Neurological– headaches, migraines, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease • Musculoskeletal- arthritis, back pain, muscle cramping, muscle pain & weakness, sciatica • Gynecological– infertility, menopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome (continued)
Chinese Medicine Efficacy • In 1979, the United Nations World Health Organization lists over 40 conditions treated by acupuncture: • Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat– cataracts, gingivitis, poor vision, tinnitis, toothache, tonsillitis • Emotional-anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness, neurosis • Miscellaneous– addiction control, athletic performance, blood pressure regulation. chronic fatigue, immune system enhancement, stress reduction, postoperative pain, stroke, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, sinusitis, smoking cessation
Chinese Medicine Efficacy The 1997 National Institute of Health Consensus Conference on Acupuncture stated; • "The data in support of acupuncture are as strong as those for many accepted Western medical therapies.“ • "One of the advantages of acupuncture is that the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions."
Acceptance of Oriental Medicine in America Legislation & Education • 38 states and the District of Columbia have recognized the practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine. Legislation has been introduced in an additional eight states. • The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) is recognized by the United States Department of Education. Oriental medicine is a four-year masters level program(2700-3200 hours training) since 1980, and doctor lever program since 2003. • The number of licensed acupuncturists in the US has doubled between 1992 and 1998, rising from 5,525 in the fall of 1992 to 10,512 in 1998, 13,517 in 2003 . • They are more than 50 acupuncture and oriental medicine schools are accredited by NCCAOM in USA. • The students graduated from those school are titled as L.Ac, L. Ch.; Acupuncturist; Doctor of Oriental Medicine, etc.
Oriental Medicine Cost Effectiveness Acupuncture Treatment Results In Decreased Days In Hospital Or Nursing Home Half of 78 stroke patients receiving standard rehabilitative care were randomly chosen to receive adjunctive acupuncture treatment. Patients given acupuncture recovered faster and to a greater extent, spending 88 days/patient in hospital and nursing homes compared to 161 days/patient for standard care alone. Cost savings: $26,000 per patient. Johansson K et al (1994), "Can sensory stimulation improve the functional outcome in stroke patients?", Neurology 43:2189-2192.
Oriental Medicine Cost Effectiveness Acupuncture Treatment Results In Avoidance Of Surgery, Fewer Hospital Visits And Greater Return To Employment 69 patients with severe angina pectoris received 12 acupuncture treatments in 4 weeks. Of the 49 patients who were candidates for coronary bypass or balloon angioplasty surgery, 30 had surgery postponed by the 2-year follow-up due to clinical improvement. Cost savings: $13,000 per patient. Decrease in number of in-hospital days for all 69 patients: 79% first year post-treatment, 95% 2nd year post-treatment. Reduction in number of out-patient visits: 60% and 87% respectively. Estimated additional cost savings from increase in percent of patients able to work: 11% prior to treatment; 60% at 2 years post-treatment. Estimated savings in annual sick-pay: $18,000/patient. Ballegaard S et al (1996) "Cost-benefit of combined use of acupuncture, shiatsu and lifestyle adjustment for treatment of patients with severe angina pectoris", Acupunct Electro-Ther Res 21:187-197.
Acupuncturetoday.Com • Acupuncture Study at Kansas Hospital Shows Dramatic Improvement in Stroke Patients (Jan.2004) Media outlets throughout Kansas have reported that an acupuncture study conducted on stroke patients at Wesley Rehabilitation Hospital in Wichita has produced improvements so dramatic, officials have decided to stop the study early so that they can offer the service to all stroke patients who qualify. (continued)
Acupuncture Study at Kansas Hospital Shows Dramatic Improvement in Stroke Patients • In the study, which began two years ago, 33 patients who had suffered their first stroke were randomly assigned to receive either acupuncture or traditional speech, occupational and physical therapy. Ninety percent of the patients in the acupuncture group improved so much that they were able to go home rather than another facility after leaving the hospital, compared to just 33 percent of patients in the traditional therapy group. Stroke patients who received acupuncture also showed more improvement in the ability to carry out tasks such as as dressing, bathing, grooming, walking and changing position.
Oriental Medicine Cost Effectiveness Acupuncture Treatment Allows Low-Back Pain Patients To Return To Physical Labor 56 patients at a workers' compensation clinic were randomized to receive either physical therapy/ occupational therapy/exercise or the standard care plus acupuncture. Of the 29 treated with acupuncture, 18 returned to their original or equivalent jobs and 10 returned to lighter employment. Of the 27 who received only standard therapy, 4 returned to original or equivalent jobs and 14 to lighter employment. Gunn CC et al (1980), "Dry needling of muscle motor points for chronic low-back pain", Spine 5:279-291
References • There are oriental medicine clinics in the western hospitals in New York, LA, NM,NC,MD,MI,KS, TX. etc. • Acupuncturetoday.com • Natural healing • Some insurance cover acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture News, Jan.2004 • Pittsburgh Residents, Doctors Embrace Acupuncture • According to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, acupuncture is offered in the city's three largest hospitals. • University of Mississippi Opens Acupuncture Clinic • NCCAM Awards $9.5 Million for Acupuncture, • TCM Research in recent years • New Program Allows Illinois, AZ, Employers to Provide Acupuncture in Health Plans
Acupuncture may help fertility treatment - studyBy Maggie FoxWASHINGTON, April 16,2002 (Reuters) • WASHINGTON, April 16,2002 (Reuters) - Acupuncture could help women undergoing fertility treatment conceive babies, German researchers said on Tuesday. • Scientists said they increased the success rate by nearly 50 percent in women undergoing in vitro fertilization, the procedure commonly known as the "test-tube" baby treatment. • Working with a team at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, Paulus and colleagues tested 160 women
Acupuncture may help fertility treatment - studyBy Maggie FoxWASHINGTON, April 16,2002 (Reuters) • Working with a team at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, Paulus and colleagues tested 160 women
NCCAM • The National Center for Complementary • and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at NIH • 65 staff • Budget • $114,149,000 • Amount Congress appropriated for NCCAM's use in FY 2003. 1998 NCCAM was established at NIH
Introduction to Acupuncture & Oriental MedicinePhilosophies, Principles & Possibilities Dr. Jeffrey (Ji Fei) Wang,OMD 7810 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Ste. 300 Charlotte, NC 28277 704-968-0351;E-mail: jifei1@hotmail.com