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Meeting and Officer Duty Awareness

Meeting and Officer Duty Awareness. What is a Meeting?. Any kind of gathering convened to discuss public business, in person, by telephone, electronically or other means of communication.

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Meeting and Officer Duty Awareness

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  1. Meeting and Officer Duty Awareness

  2. What is a Meeting? Any kind of gathering convened to discuss public business, in person, by telephone, electronically or other means of communication. • State Public Body: All meetings of two or more members at which public business is to be discussed or at which formal action may be taken are open. • Local Public Body: All meetings of a quorum or three or more members, whichever are fewer, at which public business is discussed or formal action might be taken are open. SOCIAL GATHERINGS and chance meetings are exempt from open meetings regulations if discussion of public business is not the central purpose. E-MAIL exchanged between elected officials on subjects other than public business is not a “meeting.”

  3. Beware: Holding a Legal Meeting

  4. What is a Quorum? If you do not have a quorum, no “ACTION ITEMS” (such as voting to pay bills) can take place. However, information can still be exchanged during the course of the meeting. According to West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, “a quorum is the number of people required to be present before a meeting can conduct business”. A quorum for a conservation district is sometimes established in the district’s bylaws. However, unless stated differently in bylaws, a quorum is usually a simple majority of supervisors. The purpose of a quorum is to give decisions made by the district board quorum enough authority to allow binding action to be conducted.

  5. Emergency Meetings Sometimes the question is asked, can we have an emergency meeting? An emergency meeting can be legally held by a CD if there is an imminent threat to public health and safety; or a reasonably unforeseen situation. This is up to your judgment, but make sure you can defend your reasoning. • Give the best notice practicable of the time, place and topics to be considered. • Attempt to contact all board members. • A majority of the board members must approve the meeting. Supervisors sometimes question the legality of meeting on a Federal or State holiday. You can legally meet on any day as long as you follow the rules for holding an official district meeting.

  6. Effective Board Meetings Ask any board member about what makes a good meeting and most will tell you it is a meeting that started on time, stayed focused on agenda topics, and ended on time. Each board will be a little different but many believe that a board meeting should last no more than one (1) hour. Others believe two (2) hours is the maximum length for an effective board meeting. Most importantly, everyone leaves knowing they accomplished the goals set forth in the agenda and that their actions “made a difference”.

  7. Parliamentary Procedure Parliamentary Procedure is a safeguard that protects individuals and groups in their exercise of free speech, free assembly and free to unite in groups and organizations. Its purpose is to promote efficient meetings so business can be transacted in an orderly manner. The rules of Parliamentary Procedure come from actual court decisions regarding the proper way to conduct business. While this section does not go in depth into every rule needed to run effective, successful meetings, it does provide a few basics to get you started or refresh your memory. Please check references at the end of the section for additional resources.

  8. Basic Principles of Parliamentary Procedure Only one topic or motion should be addressed at a time, and proceedings must by carried out in the correct order. Once presented for consideration, the topic is entitled to full and free discussion. All members are equal. Majority rules, but minority rights must be recognized. Secret ballot is a right.

  9. Conducting a Meeting Board Member states a motion Motion is not seconded Motion is seconded Motion dies Chair states the motion and opens the floor for discussion Board discusses the motion No amendments made to motion Amendments made to motion Amendments to motion approved by motion and vote Chair restates the motion as amended and calls for a vote It is recommended that districts adopt and follow procedures for conducting meetings, particularly regarding official action by the board. Many districts find that using Robert’s Rules of Order (or a modified version) is useful for conducting meetings. A sample District Meeting Motion Policy is shown at right.

  10. Terms and Definitions

  11. Additional Resources For more information about Parliamentary Procedure, please see the following: • Robert’s Rules of Order by Henry M. Robert • Robert’s Rules of Order On-line (http://www.rulesonline.com/ ) • Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure by Alice Sturgis • A one page guide from NACD is located at: http://nacdnet.org/resources/guides/parlimentary_procedure_reference.pdf

  12. Beware – Agenda Creation The agenda on the left tells the public nothing. No place, no time, nothing about what they will be discussing. It is basically useless to someone who is interested in attending the board meeting. XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRICT PO Box 678 Somewhere, Colorado (555) 555-5555 Meeting Notice Agenda Call to Order Minutes Bills Correspondence Reports Adjourn

  13. Be Aware XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF A REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRICT PURSUANT TO (CRS 24-6-402) OF THE Colorado GOVERNMENT CODE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The Regular Meeting of the board of supervisors of the XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRCT will be at 7:00am on Friday June 09th, 2006 at the USDA Service Center, 1700 N. Smith, Somewhere, Colorado and the following items of business will be considered and acted upon: AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: Creation by Flowers $40.00 TWC $50.00 SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 Totally $1,090.00 Set time, place and date for District Supervisor Election. Discussion and possible action on Matching Grant reimbursement from State Board. Discussion and possible action on District Supervisors 3rd Qtr. Mileage & Per Diems. Report by Partners (NRCS, CSCB, FSA) Adjourn The XYXYXY Board may convene in executive session on any of the above items in accordance with (CRS 24-6-402) Colorado Sunshine Act. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services such as interpreters for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired, readers, large print or Braille, are requested to contact Suzie Soil at (123) 456-7890 ext.3 two (2) days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The Public is invited to attend this meeting. This agenda has all of the legal requirements.

  14. Agenda: Points to Remember The purpose of your agenda is to let the public know when, where, and what time you will be meeting and what you will be discussing. You want your meeting to be as accessible as possible. • Interested parties know where and when the meeting will be held • They know the items that the CD board plans to consider/discuss/or take action upon • If the interested party is disabled or in need of auxiliary aids to be able to attend and/or understand what is happening in the meeting, the contact information and person is included on the agenda • There is also a public invitation at the bottom, promoting public participation

  15. Be Aware: Financial Statements See the next page XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRICT NOTICE OF A REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING XYXY CONSERVATION DISTRICT PURSUANT TO (CRS 24-6-402) OF THE Colorado GOVERNMENT CODE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The Regular Meeting of the board of supervisors of the XYXYXY CONSERVATION DISTRCT will be at 7:00am on Friday June 09th, 2006 at the USDA Service Center, 1700 N. Smith, Somewhere, Colorado and the following items of business will be considered and acted upon: AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: Creation by Flowers $40.00 TWC $50.00 SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 Totally $1,090.00 Set time, place and date for District Supervisor Election. Discussion and possible action on Matching Grant reimbursement from State Board.

  16. Pointers: Financial Report AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: • Creation by Flowers $40.00 • TWC $50.00 • SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 • Totally $1,090.00 The financial report is your bookkeeper’s report to you of your financial standings. Remember that this is a report generated by your bookkeeper. Mistakes can be made, so pay attention to the balances and the checks that are submitted for approval, and those that were written between meetings (also known as those that need to be ratified). Best business practices recommends that the treasurer of the board give this report and that the treasurer also compare the financial report with bank statements. This ensures that a CD director is paying attention to the CD’s financial activity.

  17. Example Financial Report

  18. Be Aware: Agenda Items AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: Creation by Flowers $40.00 TWC $50.00 SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 Totally $1,090.00 • Set time, place and date for District Supervisor Election. • Discussion custodian of records and chief election clerk. • Discuss open meeting acts training to be completed by December 31, 2006. • Discussion and possible action on attendance to the District Director Workshop July 11 & 12 in Somewhere, CO. • Discussion and possible action on Matching Grant reimbursement from State Board. • Discussion and possible action on District Supervisors 3rd Qtr. Mileage & Per Diems. • Security Clearances Background Investigations for District Employee. • Report by District Conservationist. • Report by Field Representative. • Adjourn.

  19. Pointers: Agenda Items • The Agenda items listed should be discussed and acted upon. Action usually means a motion and a second is required. • An items that is simply for discussion or to make the board award of what is taking place, is for information only, and a motion and second are not required. • Rule of Thumb – It always requires a motion and a second to spend money. • Reports from the NRCS District Conservation and Field Representative are for the CD board’s information. They do not need to be accepted by the CD board, and normally no action is needed because of them.

  20. Beware: Executive Sessions AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: Creation by Flowers $40.00 TWC $50.00 SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 Totally $1,090.00 Set time, place and date for District Supervisor Election. Discussion and possible action on Matching Grant reimbursement from State Board. Discussion and possible action on District Supervisors 3rd Qtr. Mileage & Per Diems. Report by Partners (NRCS, CSCB, FSA) Adjourn The XYXYXY Board may convene in executive session on any of the above items in accordance with (CRS 24-6-402) Colorado Sunshine Act. You can go into executive session ONLY on these items: Consultations with attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer or to seek legal advice; Discussion regarding the purchase, lease, value of real property or a prospective gift if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the governmental body’s position in the negotiations with a third person; Deliberations on personnel matters regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint against an employee; Meetings involving security devices; You can only go into executive session if the item is on your agenda!!

  21. Executive Session 2 AGENDA Call meeting to order and Roll Call. Reading of the minutes of May regular meeting. Review Correspondence Review and consider Financial Report (see attachments) Discuss payment of the following items: Creation by Flowers $40.00 TWC $50.00 SWCD Employee Payroll $1,000.00 Totally $1,090.00 Set time, place and date for District Supervisor Election. Discussion and possible action on Matching Grant reimbursement from State Board. Discussion and possible action on District Supervisors 3rd Qtr. Mileage & Per Diems. Report by Partners (NRCS, CSCB, FSA) Adjourn The XYXYXY Board may convene in executive session on any of the above items in accordance with (CRS 24-6-402) Colorado Sunshine Act. ***Please refer to the Online Conservation District Reference Manual for more information about the legal requirements and standards for holding Executive Sessions. No resolution, contract, or appointment may be approved in a closed or executive meeting. Closed meetings may be held only upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of board members present at a public meeting. No board action may be taken in closed meeting. Meeting must be electronically recorded. For ALL closed meetings regardless of budget or requirements for open meetings: the board MUSTkeep detailed written minutes.***

  22. Minutes explained Some boards choose to receive their minutes prior to the board meeting day. This gives the directors time to review them for accuracy. Some choose to listen as the Clerk/bookkeeper read the minutes the day of the meeting. The minutes are the backbone of your CD. Pay attention to your minutes and make sure they are an accurate reflection of what actually happened in your board meeting. Remember, they are public record and they are a reflection of your CD. Also, accurate minutes help to avoid problems in the future when the CD has already taken action on an item. In accordance with the State of Colorado Sunshine Law, all CDs must have written minutes of their open meetings. Exception: • A site visit or traveling tour where no vote or action is taken. • Events shall be summarized and recorded in the minutes of the meeting that follows that event.

  23. Content of Minutes

  24. Content of Meeting Minutes for Executive Session

  25. Oath of Office District supervisors, as unpaid ELECTED government officials, hold a unique position among agencies managing Colorado’s natural resources. They serve as the grass roots representatives of landowners and the general public in their communities, providing leadership and direction to bring volunteer cooperation in natural resource conservation programs. Upon taking the oath of office each supervisor agrees to carry out the responsibilities of the position associated in CRS Title 35 Article 70. In contrast a volunteer board member of an ordinary organization does not have the same legal responsibilities and duties to local landowners and citizens under the law. (Detailed in Election Process module)

  26. What are the Duties of Being an Officer? Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like everything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. A typical CD Board consists of a: • President, • Vice-President, • Treasurer, • Secretary or • Secretary/Treasurer.

  27. President • Assists the District staff in developing agenda items for Board meetings. • Presides at all meetings of the full Board in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure. • Starts the meeting on time and encourages all board members to be on time for the meeting. • Introduce board members and visitors. Determine if any visitors would like to be called upon under “Open Mic”. • Follow Open Meeting rules: • A Meeting means the convening of a quorum, whether corporal, or by means of electronic equipment (phone) to hear, discuss, or act upon a matter. • All meetings must be open to the public. • Coordinate the Board’s public statements representing the position of the Board and issue statements to the press when appropriate. Ensure actions, CD related, by the supervisors/employees represent the majority opinion of the board. • Keep the Board focused on the mission, vision, and goals of the Board. Delegate assignments and duties to other Board members. • Sign, approve and manage business matters of the Board. • Perform other duties as assigned by the Board. The role of the president is to provide leadership to the Board and to ensure the group operates efficiently, effectively and orderly.

  28. VicePresident Teamwork, per Wikipedia, is a joint action by two or more people or a group, in which each person contributes with different skills and express his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve common goals. The role of the vice president is rather simple… Assume all duties and responsibilities in the absence of the president in conducting the meeting!!

  29. Treasurer The role of the Treasurer is possibly the most important position on the board. The treasurer is to keep full and accurate records of all financial transactions and provide oversight of the conservation district finances. • Prepare a “treasurer’s report” in writing to be presented at each regular meeting. (per state law) • Have the bank statements sent to their house to ensure continuity with the check registry in the office. • Keep complete financial records. • Reviews/approves claim vouchers submitted by supervisors and employees, bills to be paid, and other expenses; (It is recommended to do this prior to the Board Meeting in order to answer any questions that arise). • Assists with and/or develops the conservation district budget. • Recommended to have a surety bond for all officers and employees who are entrusted with funds or property. • Typically has signatory authority on checks. (recommended : each check should have two supervisor signatures)

  30. Secretary • Notifies board members of each meeting • Places business items on the agenda • Keeps the board meeting minutes • Records committee actions and correspondence on behalf of the board • Documents all forms of communications and prepares district reports This is an optional board position, per CD bylaws. In most cases, the District Manager acts as the secretary at meetings. Several CD’s combine the responsibilities of Secretary and Treasurer.

  31. Helpful Hints • Lead and accept responsibilities on behalf of the district board of supervisors. • Appoint committees to get work. • The President should assign responsibilities and orient new board members. Be sure all supervisors get training as needed. • If a personnel issue is brewing, address it sooner than later, and be sure to follow through as necessary. • Follow agenda and maintain focus during the meeting (Don’t recap what you’ve covered if someone comes in late: doing so sends the message that it is OK to be late for meetings). • Appoint a supervisor to be the personnel director. • Refresh yourselves on Open Meeting Rules. • Working as a TEAM will have great benefits. • Contact your CSCB Conservation Specialist for assistance when needed!

  32. KEY POINTS • The President assists the District staff in developing agenda items for Board meetings. • The Treasurer prepares a “treasurer’s report” to be presented at each meeting. • There are very specific, detailed rules on going into executive session. (Your local Conservation Specialist is a GREAT resource.) • Districts can not vote to approve bills or any other “action items” unless there is a quorum present.

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