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Learn about chemical elements, types of atoms, organic compounds, acids, minerals, ions, and oxidation in a beginner-friendly manner.

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  2. KIMIA ASAS • All chemical elements are atoms • – Analogyall • atom of hydrogen, atom of carbon, etc. • All atoms have similar structure • – Analogyall • people have similar body structure Atom

  3. Number of Protons (atomic number) makes each • atom unique in its identity Jenis-jenis Atom

  4. Atoms, nucleus, proton, neutron, electron, atomic number, valance

  5. Sebatian Organik • Definasi • An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solidchemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. • Methane is one of the simplest organic compounds

  6. Alcohol

  7. is an organosulfur compound that contains a carbon-bonded sulfhydryl. Aldehydes are highly reactive and participate in many reactions.[7]" From the industrial perspective, important reactions are condensations, e.g. to prepare plasticizers and polyols, and reduction to produce alcohols, especially "oxo-alcohols." ALDEHIDA

  8. Thiol • an organosulfur compound that contains a carbon-bonded sulfhydryl (–C–SH or R–SH) group (where R represents an alkane, alkene, or other carbon-containing group of atoms). Thiols are the sulfur analogue of alcohols (that is, sulfur takes the place of oxygen in the hydroxyl group of an alcohol), and the word is a portmanteau of "thio" + "alcohol,“

  9. keton • an organic compound with the structure RC(=O)R', where R and R' can be a variety of carbon-containing substituents. Ketones feature a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to two other carbon atoms • Aceton

  10. ASID KARBOSILIK • an organic acid characterized by the presence of at least one carboxyl group .

  11. Pengertian Molekul: molekul adalah gabungan dua atom atau lebih baik dari unsur yang sama maupun dari unsur yang berbeza, jika atomnya berasal dari unsur yang sama disebut molekul unsur. • jika atomnya berasal dari unsur yang berbeda disebut molekul senyawa.contoh molekul unsur, oksigen O2 ( ** diatomik terdiri dari 2 atom), ozon O3 (** poliatomik, lebih dari 2 atom)contoh molekul senyawa adalah karbon dioksida CO2 yang tersusun dari 2 unsur iaitu atom karbon dan atom oksigen MOLEKUL

  12. Organic compounds are produced by living things. Inorganic compounds are produced by non-living natural processes or by human intervention in the laboratory. carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide , carbonates , cyanides, cyanates,  carbides, and thyocyanates. Sebatian Inorganic

  13. Vitamin

  14. Garam Mineral • Garam mineral yang diperlukan banyak oleh tubuh ialah: • Kalsium (Ca) • Fosforus (P) • Kalium (K) • Sulfur (S) • Klorin (Cl) • Natrium (Na) • Magnesium (Mg) • Garam mineral yang diperlukan sedikit ioleh tubuh ialah: • Iodin (I) • Ferum (Fe) • Mangan (Mn) • Fluorin (F) • Kobalt (Co) • Nikel (Ni) • Zink (Zn) • Kromium (Cr)

  15. ION • an atom or molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom a net positive or negative electrical charge. • Ions can be created by both chemical and physical means. In chemical terms, if a neutral atom loses one or more electrons, it has a net positive charge and is known as an cation. • If an atom gains electrons, it has a net negative charge and is known as an anion. An ion consisting of a single atom is an atomic or monatomic ion; if it consists of two or more atoms, it is a molecular or polyatomic ion.


  17. oxidation • Sodium and fluorine bonding ionically to form sodium fluoride. Sodium loses its outer electron to give it a stable electron configuration, and this electron enters the fluorine atom exothermically. • The oppositely charged ions are then attracted to each other. The fluorine undergoes reduction, and sodium undergoes oxidation.


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