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Food for Life Cooking and Eating to Beat Diabetes. Welcome!!!!!!. Program Goals. Rediscover the foods of Native Ancestors – who never had diabetes. Explore the latest research on diet and diabetes prevention and treatment. Taste healthy and delicious dishes.
Food for LifeCooking and Eating to Beat Diabetes Welcome!!!!!!
Program Goals • Rediscover the foods of Native Ancestors – who never had diabetes. • Explore the latest research on diet and diabetes prevention and treatment. • Taste healthy and delicious dishes. • Put new skills and knowledge into practice to prevent and heal diabetes.
Class Schedule (Provide Dates) Meeting 2: New Recipes with Commodities and The 3 Sisters Meeting 3: Grains, The Staff of Life Meeting 4: Grocery Store Tour (Location TBD) Meeting 5: Stocking Up: Canning/Freezing/ Drying/ Sprouting Meeting 6: Holidays and Feast Days, Healthy Families, and Graduation
Use this Planner to create your own Week of Meal Ideas from class lessons and resources.
Why are we hopeful? Lesson 1: A Reason for Hope for People With Diabetes • Our study has shown that diabetes can be turned around. • Diabetes does NOT have to cause problems. • Food may be the answer.
Look at how the number of people with diabetes has gone up: Number and Percentage of U.S. Population with Diagnosed Diabetes, 1958-2009 CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation. National Diabetes Surveillance System available at http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics
Looking around our planet: Who gets diabetes? Diabetes is rare in Asia, Africa and South America Diabetes becomes more common as diets are Westernized. Diabetes became common among Native Americans with a shift in diet.
What if we compare two different ways of eating for people with diabetes? One group followed the usual diet. • They were told how many carbohydrate servings or exchanges to eat. • If overweight, told eat less calories.
The other group followed a diet that we call the “Power Plate” way of eating.
What didn’t people eat? They ate no animal products.
They avoided fats. • No lard • No shortening • No butter • No fried foods • No or very little oil
Avoided: Cold cereals with sugar or white flour White and most wheat breads White rice Sweets and breads made with white flour Sugar, honey Pop and sugary drinks Enjoyed: Old-Fashioned oatmeal or mueseli with non-dairy milk Pasta, tortillas Rye or 100% whole wheat breads Whole grains: Oatmeal, brown and white rice, wild rice, corn, quinoa, barley Most fruit Most vegetables Beans, peas and lentils Agave nectar (as a sweetener) Water, coffee tea Avoided certain carbohydrates (starchy or sweet foods) that raise blood sugar
What happened? • Diabetes got better. • Blood sugars improved. • A1c improved. • Blood cholesterol improved. • Kidney function got better. • If overweight, lost weight.
People felt better, and they told us they liked the new way of eating! Many were able to take less medication.* *Work with your health care provider.
Vance Lost 60 pounds A1c fell from 9.5 to 5.3 Doctor asked him to stop diabetes medications.
Michael (Caroline’s patient. Not a study participant) Did not have to start insulin. Was able to stop taking medicine for high blood pressure and depression. Many people needed less medication
This study was done with people with diabetes in Washington D.C. Could the Power Plate way of eating work for people with diabetes in other places?
Marshall Islands 2600 miles west of Hawaii
In the Marshall Islands, diabetes was not a problem in the past. 60 years ago, diabetes was practically unheard of in the Marshall Islands. People were slim, physically active and they lived off the land.
A clinic was opened to teach a new way of eating. Actually, it was the old way of eating: mostly vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fruit.
Fred “I suffered a stroke because of my diabetes and was in a wheelchair. I could not walk. Six months after joining the Diabetes Wellness Program, I got rid of my wheelchair and am walking on my own again.”
Tinar “When I joined this program I was very skeptical, but very quickly I started to feel better. The cramps in my legs disappeared and I no longer had get up during the night to go to the bathroom. My sugars kept dropping and are now normal without any medication. My last lab tests show that I am no longer diabetic.”
Could this work here? What foods did Native American ancestors eat that did not come from animals? What foods are now common? Are these two lists different? How?
A few words of caution for people who take certain medications: • Blood Sugar • Blood Pressure See the materials on diabetes medications and blood sugar monitoring in your booklets. Work with your health care provider to make adjustments.
Blood Glucose Monitoring • Pre-meal: 70 – 130 mg/dl • 2-hours after meals: 100 – 180 mg/dl • Higher targets in certain situations. • Take action if outside these ranges for 2-3 days, or for any sudden changes.
Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) – Know how to Recognize it and Treat it • Weakness • Rapid heart rate • Dizziness • Shakiness • Nervousness • Sweating • Cold and clammy • Headaches • Irritable • Treatments: • Juice or • Hard candies or • Regular pop or • ***Follow with a meal
What shall we call this way of eating? • Vegan • Strict or Dairy-Free Vegetarian • Plant-Based • Plant-Strong • Power Plate Just don’t call us late for dinner! Austin, TX, firefighter Rip Esselstyn coined the term, “Plant-Strong.”
Meatless meals are NOT a new idea – But it may seem that way! What did people eat 50 years ago? 150 years? 1000 years ago?And how long has Type 2 Diabetes been around?
Our Food for Life invitation to you • Taste new recipes. • Try out a new way of eating. • See how you feel. • We are here to support you.
How to get started on the road to good health with Power Plate Eating • This week: try some new recipes and have some meals with no animal products, no added fats, and no sugar. • Plan to attend Meetings 2-6 • After Meeting 2, give it a 100% try for 3 weeks. • See how you feel, and report progress in class.
The power of healthy foods gives hope to people with diabetes….and to future generations.
For Next Week Before the next class, write down everything you ate in one (typical) day, and bring to class. No one will see this but you! You will use it to discover something important about modern diets. Try out a new recipe from class, and/or have a few meals that are made from Power Plate foods.
Avoid: All animal products Fats: all lard, shortening, butter, and limit oils Carbohydrates that raise blood sugar: Sugar, honey Cold cereals made with sugar or white flour White and most wheat breads Sweets and breads made with white flour Enjoy: Unlimited vegetables, especially all varieties of dark leafy greens Unlimited fresh, frozen, dried or unsweetened canned fruits Unlimited beans, peas and lentils Unlimited grains: Old-Fashioned oatmeal, muesli cereal, bran cereals, brown or white rice, wild rice, barley, quinoa, millet, amaranth, etc. Unlimited pasta (egg-free) Non-dairy milks (Soy, Almond, Rice) Use agave nectar instead of sugar or honey Choose rye or 100% whole wheat breads Small amounts nuts and seeds Use a swipe of oil or small amount of oil spray to grease pans, and sauté onions and peppers in water or vegetable broth Power Plate Foods to Reverse Diabetes(www.ThePowerPlate.org)
What’s an Animal Product? If it had a mother, or came from something with a face, don’t eat it.
Thank you for coming! See you next week!! Contact for questions: _________________ _________________ www.ThePowerPlate.org