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Data in a nutshell. Michalis Vafopoulos NTUA www.publicspending.net & www.vafopoulos.org. Open data workshop, Lebanon 23/5/2014. Welcome to the data era. The era of Open budgets , spending, registries, contracting…. The Transparency program in Greece (2010-2014).
Data in a nutshell MichalisVafopoulos NTUA www.publicspending.net& www.vafopoulos.org Open data workshop, Lebanon 23/5/2014
The era of Open budgets, spending, registries, contracting…
The Transparency program in Greece (2010-2014) • A revolution in open government • ex-ante reporting of every state decision • paradigm shift for 40K public servants
The Transparency program in Greece • manifests the value of procrastinationprinciple (again) • strong rival to the Clientelisticstate • The new version under beta testing (delivery: in 10 days!)
publicspending.net 2011: I believed that the Transparency program is the open data “gold” (& persuaded 7 more people)
publicspending.net 2012: …with some dust and rocks in a deep goldmine
2013: time to chisel some jewelry 2014: open data everywhere
Data: Open, big, linked • Open: access • …everyone to use and republish as she wishes • Big: scale • high volume, velocity and variety • Linked: use • Publish once, use as many times
Is it working? • Current Employee Names, Salaries, and Position Titles • The Open Database Of The Corporate World • Crime map • NHS efficiency savings: the role of prescribing analytics • where public money goes worldwide
Examples Can you find the famous persons born in Beirut before 1900? In Paris, Athens, … ?
Examples #anoixtigenia, @vafopoulos
Examples #anoixtigenia, @vafopoulos
Why Open Data • more & better information • objective and processable information for economic/political “dialogue” • to promote competition • to decrease cost • to judge the efficiency of policy mixtures • to enable participation
(initial) scope OGD to provide an objective& intermediatelayer of information that will enable citizens, journalists, business people and politicians to re-discover their own “stories” from data.
LOD in Greece: why it is important • quality of information during economic crisis • transparency & efficiency in funding development
Issues • how can we initiate the virtuous cycle of creation? demonstrate LOD’s added value • how to get the most out of data? local & global interconnections
In few words, Apps, Apps, Apps…..
Public Spending in Greece & worldwide publicspending.net • the first LOD App in Greece • daily updates • open spending linked data, endpoint & visualizations
Open but Effective? • Who really gets the public money? • For what? From whom? • Can we compare them? • Is public spending effective? • <your question goes here>
Useful economic open data • The full cycle of public money • Uniform Company names • Compatible Payment categories
Follow Public Money all the WayVocabulary (fpm) • A compact and minimal way to model the flows of public money • From budget to spending including business information and prices
Useful economic open data • The full cycle of public money • Uniform Company names • Compatible Payment categories
2. Not uniform Company names The problem: different names for the same company “Oracle” in the Australian public spending
Reconciling Company names: the CORFU technique Rodríguez, Jose MaríaÁlvarez, Ordoñez de Pablos, Patricia, Vafopoulos, Michalis N. and Labra, José Emilio
3. Compatible Payment categories The problem: Spending decisions are using different (or not any!) classification schemes (e.g. CPV, UNSSC, NAICS)
Compatible Payment categories Transforming classification schemes or literal descriptions to CPV, expanding: The MOLDEAS project Methods On Linked Data for E-procurement Applying Semantics
the 5 stars of open linked data ★make your stuff available on the Web (whatever format) ★★make it available as structured data (e.g. excel instead of image scan of a table) ★★★non-proprietary format (e.g. csv instead of excel) ★★★★use URLs to identify things, so that people can point at your stuff ★★★★★link your data to other people’s data to provide context http://lab.linkeddata.deri.ie/2010/star-scheme-by-example/
Linked Data Principles • Use URIs as names for things • Use URIs so that people can look up (dereference) those names. • When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information. • Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.
Web as a database • Linked Data makes the web exploitable as ONE GIANT HUGE GLOBAL DATABASE! • Is there any query language like sql?SPARQL…
What are we planning? • LOD for the main economic activities (insurance, banking) • Law for open data by default in ALL public organisations • Open data education (open generation)
References • Vafopoulos, Michalis N., Rodríguez, Jose María Álvarez, Meimaris, Marios, Xidias, Ioannis, Klonaras, Michailis and Vafeiadis, Giorgos, Insights in Global Public Spending (May 12, 2013). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2264958 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2264958 • Vafopoulos, Michalis N., The Web Economy: Goods, Users, Models, and Policies (July 26, 2012). Michalis Vafopoulos (2012) "The Web Economy: Goods, Users, Models, and Policies", Foundations and Trends® in Web Science: Vol. 3: No 1-2, pp 1-136. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/1800000015. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2117855 • ALVAREZ, J. and LABRA, J. 2012. Towards a pan-european e-procurement platform to aggregate, publish and search public procurement notices powered by Linked Open Data: the MOLDEAS approach. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 22, 3 (2012), 365–383.
More info • Twitter: @vafopoulos • Vafopoulos@gmail.com • www.Vafopoulos.org • www.publicspending.net • www.Youtube.com/websciencegr