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HAPPY FRIDAY DEBATE!!. Each group has been provided with a unique article to read. Each member needs to follow the directions below to ensure a successful debate today. 1. Read the article provided, completing a close read as you go.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HAPPY FRIDAY DEBATE!! Each group has been provided with a unique article to read. Each member needs to follow the directions below to ensure a successful debate today. 1. Read the article provided, completing a close read as you go. 2. ‘A’ groups will be affirmative teams while ‘B’ groups, negative teams. 3. Make notes to form your argument. You will have approximately 5-7 minutes to produce an argument 30-60 seconds in length. 4. Decide who will speak 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. 5. We do not have time to attempt rebuttals today, however, you should practice by making note of what you wouldsay if you had the chance to counter your opponent’s arguments.

  2. Debate Topics (period 1) 1. There are/are no more heroes. 2. Youth of today have a more /less difficult life than the youth of thirty years ago. 3. University “frosh week” (a.k.a. Orientation week) should/should not be alcohol free. 4. High school students have too much/too little homework. 5. Cell phones should/should not have a place in high school classrooms. 6. Space is/is not worth exploring. 7. Shale gas is/is not an acceptable source of energy and economy.

  3. Debate Topics (period 2) 1. A four-day school week is/is not in the best interest of students. 2. University “frosh week” (a.k.a. Orientation week) should/should not be alcohol free. 3. High school students have too much/too little homework. 4. Capital punishment should/should not be reinstated. 5. Cell phones should/should not have a place in high school classrooms. 6. Shale gas is/is not an acceptable source of energy and economy. 7. Space is/is not worth exploring.

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