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Constantin brancusi. *His life and his works *Urban architectural ensemble. His life and his works.
Constantinbrancusi *His life and his works *Urban architectural ensemble
His life and his works • Brancusi was born in 1876 in Hobita in Gorj country. In his childhood he had learned to sculpt the wood for manufacture some of the tools and home objects .In Romania , home objects , side of the houses were often decorated with wood sculptures .The stile of this ornaments will influence Brancusi creation .In his memories the artist said that” the mode of his life is influnced by the origine country , respective of: simplicity , good taste , love for the nature.” • At the age of 9 he left home and maintene his self . He worked for 6 years like a shop boy in Craiova. In all of this time he continued to sculpt in wood. • He left by foot with his bag in the back and he wanted to arrive to Paris.He arrived in München were he staid until the spring in 1904 , after he taked back the way to Paris , where he arrived in 14 of July. • In 1906 he exposed for the first time at Paris , in the Saloon of National Society of Beautiful Art , and then at the Saloon of Autoum. • His first works , in classic stile emanateing a powerful energy , stands under the sing of Rodin.Brancusi had worked like a probationist in the atelier of Rodin , and then left him for finding his own indentity , saying:”Nothing can grow in the shade of big trees”.In this periode he developed his own style. • At his death , Brancusi left his creation from the work shops or the museums of art from Paris , with the condition that the work shop would be restorated in the frame of the museum.
Pieces of art • *School works (1898-1906):Bust of George Chitu (1987), Vitelius (1898), Apulia's Loncoon C (1900), Ercoseul (1902), Ion Georgescu (1902), Carol Davila (1903), Pride (1905 ), Painter Darascu (1906), Child (1906), Head of child (1906), Torture (1906). • *Works in the period of towers:Kiss (1907), sense the earth (1907), Head of child (1907 - 1908), torture (1907), Sleep (1908), Head child sleeping (1908), Danaida - 1908, Fragment spinner - in 1909, Baronesa RF (1909), Muse asleep in marble (1909), Muse asleep in bronze (1910) The monument's funerary Petre Stanescu of Cebu (1908 - 1910), Prayer (1910), Bust of Petre Stanescu (1910), Bird Maiastra (1910), Kiss (1910). • (Asimple, calm and refreshing... Working very much as I work at all my sculptures, I realised how far can the exterior forms of two humans be of the essential truth. How alien are these statues against the great event of Birth, against the happiness and tragedy of people. They reflect nothing og the greatness of life and death".)bout the second "Sarutul" sculpture, which is taller than the first, C. Brancusi said:"..It's
*Mature pieces of art (1911-1956) • “From Goth style to nowadays , the European sculpture has been sieged by all sort of elements that was hidding it's form. It was Brancusi’s special mission to eliminate what was in vain and give the form a rebirth.” • Significant works from that period: Test flying (1943) , Penguins (1912) , The first step( 1913) , First yelled( 1914) , Prodigal Son( 1915 ), The witch ( 1916) , Column Kiss( 1916) , Adam (1917) , Endless column ( 1918), Chimera (1918) , Golden Bird (1919) , Beginning World(1920) , Adam and Eva (1921 ), The fish( 1922), Bird on high (1923) , Blonde black girl(1924) , The Leader(1925),The fish (1927) , The headstone of Sanda Polizu-Micsunesti (1928) (“Dan Grigorescu .... • Brancusi’s sculpturees give the sensation of movement allthough they stand still in a space crossed in a continuous movement.”) , The portret of A. Fundoianu (1929 ), The new-born (1930) , Bird on high ( 1931 – 1936) , Vatra ( 1934) , Foca (1936) , Endless column ( 1937) , Table of Silence, The turtle(1940), Prometheus(1911).
It is in the Public Garden, situated on the left shore of the river Jiu. It is made of stone, formed from two big pieces in circular from; this was the last of the three choices tired by the sculptor. • Around the table are 12 chairs in round clepsydra form in each side, all made from the same stone. • The work started in 1937 and finished in 1938.
It is the central alee of the Public Garden that connects The Table of Silence and The Hiss Gate. • From each side are about 15 chairs of stone, formed in square by each side, which are disposed in groups of three. • The alee was open in 1937 and the chairs were put there in 1938. the chairs aren’t made that people could sit on them.
The Kiss Gate , the fortress without doors and no stopping of the oldest ceremonies of love , where man and woman are bound for ever - the half of their life bounding for ever. • The figurate eyes like two hemispheres represent the love , the fusion between man and woman. • But the intelligence of the master goes so far doe in this union of the eyes he sees the fusion of everything: the Universe , the Earth , the moon-woman , the Sun , the sky-man.
It is on Via Sacra , at the end of the East side of the street “Calea eroilor”, on the hill that forms the park with the same name, The Infinite Column is situated in the same line with the others works from the Public Garden, almost 1700 miles from them. • It is made from metallically pieces of cast iron in rhomb forms , put one of each other vertically. It was made in 1937, and alimented in 1938. It has 29,33 meters and it’s weights 29 tones.
On 19th February every year it is celebrated the birthday of a great Romanian sculptor named Constantin Brancusi. • 133 years have passed since his birth and on this occasion we had the opportunity to participate at a cultural symposium about “The life and the opera of Brancusi “unfolded in our city ,in Tg- Jiu. In frame of this symposium participated different cultural people of our country together with the students from more schools who had presented a series of composition works and even a play about Brancusi, surprised very well “the essence of the Brancusi opera “.This works were analyzed by the jury, which brought more information’s related in the sculptors works,and details of his life .We were very excited to find out more new things that we didn’t know such as the period evolution of kiss,a very important theme because we find her at several creations of the artist .Although the symposium lasted few hours we couldn’t noticed passage of time because all of us try to imagine the forms of Brancusi opera’s and so we understood better the message sent by him. We learned a lot of things from this experience and we believe that we are able in the future to present this creation of the most important Romanian sculptor to you , italian colleagues and not only!
Bibliography • *C. Brâncuşi - Barbu Brezianu - Editura All 1998 • *Constantin Brâncuşi - Ionel Jianu - Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica 1983 • *Constantin Brâncuşi - Carola Giedion Welcker - Editura Meridiane 1981 • *Brancusi-sfantul de la Hobita-Ion Mitu-Editura Fundatiei C. Brancusi
Performed by students: • *Kolecha Raluca-Irina ( class X B) • *Stoican Andrada- Nicoleta (class X C) • *Dudau Ionut-Vasilica (class X B) • *Cocolea Ionut-Alexandru (class X B)