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USSR VS USA. Communism Government is run by 1 party Socialism-wealth is shared Government controls economics Speech and Press is controlled by Gov Encourage Equality Encourage work for the community. Democracy
USSR VS USA • Communism • Government is run by 1 party • Socialism-wealth is shared • Government controls economics • Speech and Press is controlled by Gov • Encourage Equality • Encourage work for the community • Democracy • Political parties compete for control of Gov • Capitalism-wealth is kept by those who gain it • People make their own economic decisions • Freedoms of speech, press • Competition • Praise Work of individual
Discuss • Examples of how we see 4 of the principles mentioned in our everyday lives or in our government
CH 12 Section 1THE PROGRSSION OF THE US vs USSR • After WWII Eastern & Western Allies grew apart. • Soviet Union feared capitalist West & Western Powers feared the communists of East. • Europe lied in Ruin after WWII
The Alliances split • “an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern Europe… in the Soviet sphere and are all subject… to soviet influence… and increasing measure of control from Moscow.” (Winston Churchill) • Stalin responded to Churchill’s speech: “Mr. Churchill now stands in the position of a firebrand of war.”
White board • What does Churchill mean by an “Iron Curtain”
Soviets control East • Soviets forced E. Europe to form communist govts. to form • Nations USSR liberated Communist • buffer zone along Soviet western border. • U.S. promoted democratic & anti-communist nations globally. • Nations US liberated Democratic • The U.S. and USSRtwosuperpowers. • distrusted each other = beginnings of the Cold War.
Containment-stop the spread of Communism • Truman Doctrine -$ nations to fight communism • Civil war broke out in Greece, between communists and anticommunist forces(US Funded). • Marshall Plan (U.S. sec of state George C. Marshall) • program designed to rebuild prosperity & stability of war-torn Europe with US Money • to prevent communist takeover & for humanitarian reasons. • USSR & E. European satellite states refused to participate. • S.U. proposed COMECON, which failed.
White Board • Boys. How are the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan similar • Girls. How are the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan different
Germany Divided • Germany & cap. city Berlin were both divided into four allied controlled zones (U.S, Britain, France & S.U.)
West. powers wanted to unify their 3 zones. • Soviets oppose & react • blockading West Berlin in attempt to force entire city under Soviet rule. • West. powers responded w. successful Berlin Airlift. • 1949, West Germany created (capital = Bonn) and East Germany created (capital = E. Berlin.)
Berlin Wall created 1961 • Soviet Leader Nikita Krushchev ordered E. German govt. to build Berlin Wall, • to stop E. Berliners escaping into W. Berlin. • This symbolized the Cold War.
China turns Communist • In 1949, Mao Zedong’s communist forces won the civil war in China. • Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalist forces fled to island of Taiwan.
White Board • Why would the US fear China being Communist
THE NUCLEAR AGE & Space Race • In 1949, Soviets detonate an atomic bomb • Soviets had spies in US • Nuclear arms race of M.A.D. had begun! By mid-1950’s both U.S. & S.U. developed H-bombs & I.C.B.M.s • In 1957, Soviets beat U.S. into space w. satellite Sputnik (the Space Race had begun.)
New alliances • In 1949, military alliance N.A.T.O. was created by west. powers. • In 1955, Soviets created Warsaw Pact.(communist block nations) • To stem Soviet aggression, U.S. became allied militarily w. 42 nations around world
White boards • What 2 events in 1949 caused the US to form military alliances?
Korean War 1950-53. – attempt to spread communism • 1950 N. Korea (Communist) pass 38 parallel invade S.Korea • UN and US help defend South • Gen Mac Arthur leader- (later fired) • Soviets support N Korea • China- lends 300,000 troops to help N. K. • July 1953 3-year war. Border set 38 parallel
White Board • What was the goal of the US in the Korean War?
Cuban Revolution • Left-wing revolutionary Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictator Batista and set up a Soviet-supported totalitarian regime. • U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy approved secret plan for Cuban exiles to start a revolt vs. Castro at failed mission at the Bay of Pigs in 1961.
Cuban Missile Crisis- close to Nuclear War • In 1962, a U-2 American spy plane photographed the building of nuclear missile sites inside Cuba, • Kennedy set up a naval blockade of Cuba. • Krushchevdecided 8 days later to turn back Soviet fleet carrying missiles • in return for promise from Kennedy to not invade Cuba. & take missiles out of Turkey • D.C. & Moscow set up hotline communications system.
Discuss • What advantage would the USSR have in having Missiles in Cuba? • Why would the US take missiles out of Turkey as part of the Agreement
Vietnam Conflict • France tried to keep colonial hold on Vietnam, but was defeated by forces of Ho Chi Minh. • Created N.Vietam(communist) & S. Vietnam(Anti-Communist • In 1964, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson sent large #s of American troops to stop North from Invading South • U.S. fears based on domino theory.
White Boards • What other nations had similar communist non communist splits?
American Negative opinion of war • TV images of war & mounting U.S. casualties produced antiwar movement, • espec. among college students of draft age. • Richard Nixon won presidential race w. pledge to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Nixon expanded U.S. targets • Us bombs neighboring countries Laos Cambodia • 1973 a peace agreement w. N. Vietnam had been reached and U.S. withdrew. • 1975, Vietnam forcibly reunited under Communism. • Cambodia & Laos also fell to communists, but domino theory stopped there.
Discuss • Why would the US bomb Laos and Cambodia
US befriends China • A split between Communist China & S.U. provided opportunity for Nixon to resume relations w. China.
12.2 The Rise of the USSR &Soviet Control • Five years after WWII, Russian industrial production surpassed prewar level by 40 percent (fast recovery!) • production was targeted for military use (few consumer goods and crowded housing.)
End of Stalin • Stalin remained undisputed master USSR • became increasingly repressive. • A new series of political terrorand purges seemed likely, but Stalin’s death in 1953 prevented.
White Boards • What are some good things that come with Stalin's death for the Russian People
Nikita Khrushchev emerged as new Soviet leader • (de-Stalinization.) began to undo some of Stalin’s abusive policies • Khrushchev publicly condemning Stalin for his “violence, mass repression ,terror, brutality and hisabuse of power.”
Discuss • What was Khrushchev's role in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushchev loosened literary controls • Allowing publication of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, • grim portrayal of Siberian forced labor camp written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Khrushchev Removed • Slow industrial production, unsuccessful agricultural policies, Failed focus on consumer production • Khrushchev’s reckless plan to place missiles in Cuba • Efforts to reduce privileges of Soviet officials, led to removal from office in 1964.
White Board • Other names for those Communist Nations in front of Russia.
Soviet Satellite states-Soviet controlled communist states • 1945-48, E. Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland & Hungary, Chechoslovakia • Satellite states instituted “five-year plans” of industrialization • Collectivizedagriculture, eliminated all non-Communist parties & built repressive secret police and military forces.
Discuss • What was the reasoning and origins of the soviets taking of the East.
Communist Separate from USSR • Albania set up a Stalinist-type dictatorial regime that was NOT a Soviet satellite (allied w. Communist China!) • In Yugoslavia, Josip Broz (Tito,) former leader of Communist resistance to Nazis during war, • created a Communist govt. that was NOT a Soviet satellite. He ruled until death in 1980.
1956 Hungarian reform crushed • E. Europeans resent Soviet dominance • Protests and bad economy difficulties led to calls for revolt. • Imre Nagy declared Hungary an independent nation in 1956 and promised free elections. • Soviet army attacked capital of Budapest, reestablished control and executed Nagy.
Discuss • Why would the USSR take such violent actions against Hungary?
1968 Czechoslovakia reform Crushed • Their Dictator Antonin Novotny resigned- disliked by entire nation • Alexander Dubcek was elected leader & introduced democratic reforms (“socialism witha human face.”) • “Prague Spring” of 1968. People happy about a new gov. • Soviet army invaded Czechoslovakia, crushed reform movement and replaced Dubcek
White Board • What are some nations we consider to be in the West?