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MATHEMATICS OUR LIFESTYLE PROJECT. Preamble The project was about leading people to an appreciation of the value of Mathematics in their day to day life and hence hopefully change their attitudes towards Mathematics. PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS. Sponsoring School: Kikuyu Day Secondary School (Kenya)
MATHEMATICS OUR LIFESTYLE PROJECT Preamble The project was about leading people to an appreciation of the value of Mathematics in their day to day life and hence hopefully change their attitudes towards Mathematics
PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS • Sponsoring School: Kikuyu Day Secondary School (Kenya) • Baharain • Bangladesh
Introduction • The attitude towards Mathematics the world over has generally been negative. We as Kikuyu Day secondary school felt that if we came up with a project that leads people to appreciate the way even simple daily activities they engage in require Mathematics, they would change that attitude from negative to positive
Project Design • The project was designed in such a way that the participating students would after answering the project questions be able to calculate the percentage of their day to day activities that have a mathematical orientation, and hence self discover the value of Mathematics in their lives.
Answers From Kikuyu Day Secondary School Kenya • Question 1:Outline your daily routine for a normal day. • Answer The daily routine involves Waking up, bathing eating breakfast,walking or being driven to school, Preps (which are private studies, Lessons, Break time, Lunch time, Afternoon lessons, Evening break, Evening preps
Walking or being driven home, Evening house chore, taking dinner, Private studies and finally sleeping
Question2: • Q:Outline any other activity that is not so often in your daily routine but you perform once in a while. • Answer: Visiting friends and relatives, playing, Going to church, shopping,Sight seeing and camping
Answer to question 3 • Q: For each of these activities give a mathematical experience (if any) that is important in the performance of the activity. • Answer: As far as I am concerned, mathematical substance is contained behind everything we do daily or once in a while . Each of those activities in our daily routine takes some time that must be measured, In eating we need to know the amount of food, walking we need to know how far we are walking and even sleeping we need to know for how long we sleep. Buying involves us knowing how much an item costs, sometimes we need to know the conversion rates of different currencies e.t.c. Paying the of bills involves calculation of the amount needed from us and also the change we expect back after paying a certain amount.
Question 4 • Count the number of activities that you perform require any mathematical Experience. • Answer:26
Question 5 • Count those activities that do not require any mathematical experience. • Answer : 0 (because each an every activity takes time and measurement of time is a mathematical experience)
Question 6 • Calculate the value of mathematics in your life as your answer in 4divided by total number of experience outlined in (1)X(2) multiplied by 100. • Answer (26/26) X100 =100%
Answers From Bangladesh • : Q1: Outline your daily routine for a normal day • Ans: No matter how differently each of us live our life, we all have a daily routine that is somewhat mandatory for maintaining each work we do. My day starts with getting updaily from bed at 7 in the morning. Then I freshen myself up, have my breakfast quickly and rush to my classes. I get back at 1 noon, take my shower, have my lunch at 2pm sharp and then take a nap. After waking up at 4.30pm, I wash myself uup and have some light snacks in the evening. I start studying, get my homeworks and lessons done from 6 to 8pm. Then I watch television, sit in front of my PC or read a book for some relaxation. I go for having my dinner at 10pm sharp. After having it done, I lie down on my bed, take a book on my lap and soon I fall asleep. This is the description of my tupical day.
Answer To Question 2 • Q2:Outline any other activity that is not so often in your daily routine but • you perform once in a while. • Ans:There are some activities that I don’t do on a regular basis or so often. Like – hanging out with friends , eating out with friends or family , going for a movie , going for shopping , visiting a relative’s place or going for a trip out of the city.
Answer to question 3 • Q: For each of these activities give a mathematical experience (if any) that • is important in the performance of the activity. • Ans: As far as I am concerned, mathematical substance is contained behind everything we do daily or once in a while . Suppose, the time management of our frequent activities,is just like a equation .and then, when we step out of home we get a taxi for going and the main fact here is paying the bill which is considered as a calculation. If we think over we’ll devise that mathematical elements covera large proportion of our daily activities.
Question 4 • Q: Court the number of activities that you perform requie any mathematical • Experience. • Ans: All the activieties of my daily routine are based on mathematical terms. • Like:- • Rising from the bed at 7. • Performing bath within an hour. • Having my breakfast within 8:30. • learning my lessons, doing my homework within 2 & ½ hours. • Attending college By timed schedule. • Attending all our classes and listen all lectures. • Getting Back after college . • Watching TV and other activities in spare time. • All these works are perforemd on the basis of calculation. Even when I put on my dress, it requires a measurement. Moreover when I prepare my lessons, I require mathematical experiences.Those who have profound knowledge, do shine in life by doing hard jobs .
Question 5 • Q: Court those activities that do not require any mathematical experience. • Ans: Of course there are so many activities of human life are related to mathmatical calculations. Still there are some, which are not generally taken as based on mathmatical term. Such as:- • 1.Eating of our food • 2.Drinking some sort of bevarege . • 3.Idle gossiping with friends and family. • 4.Enjoining the beauty of nature. • 5.Thinking of achievements and so on. • Are not at all related to mathematics at all. Even our illiterate doesn’t bother about mathematics. They simply belive that:- This is to be done and this is not to be done.
Question 6 • Q:Calculate the value of mathematics in your life as your answer in 4 • divided by total number of experience outlined in (1)X(2) multiplied by • 100. • Ans: Value of mathematics in the life of a learnercan not be overstated. • Total Number= 20∕8 ×100=250.00=250%
Answers From Bahrain (1) • 1) Outline your daily routine for a normal day e.g outline the activities that you engage in a day. E.g waking up, bathing, eating break fast, e.t.c • Answer • I wake up at 5: 45 and then I take a bath and I finish at 6. So I spend 15 minutes. At 6: 03 prayer .After that I have my breakfast at 6:05 and it’s the longest activity I do in morning. However, there's specific time for getting out of the house and being in the road. • Any way, my dad doesn't like to be late so he always drops me on specific time and it's at 6: 45. So it takes 25 minutes (I calculate the time needed to get to school by working out the factors involved in the process, i.e. distance, traffic jam and speed of the car) from my house to school. When I reach school I don't go to my class. I stay downstairs. At 7:30 start first class. It takes 2:45 hours to have our first break and after 1:30 hour there's anther break and we use our second break for prayer. The school finishes at 1:30 and it takes 15 to 20 minutes to reach home and sometimes we may arrive late and the reason is traffic jam or accident . Anyway, the first thing I do in the house is that I take off school clothes then I have my lunch .
Question 2 • Question: Outline any other activity that is not so often in your daily routine but you perform once in a while • Answer: As well as, there is another activity that is not so often in my daily routine. Like going to the supermarket next to school. We sometimes drive my mum to her work as well and this takes from us more time and I am often late for school if I do some of these things . • If I go to supermarket I take a lot of time to do some shopping and that may take 10 minutes
Questions 3 & 4 • Question:3) For each of these activities give a mathematical experience ( if any) that is important in the performance of the activity • Question 4) Count the number of activities that you perform that require a mathematical experience. • There are five activities I perform that require mathematical experiences, most of which are adding.
Questions 5 & 6 • Question 5) Count those activities that do not require any mathematical experience. • Question 6) Calculate the value of Mathematics in your life as your answer in 4 divided by the total number of experiences outlined in (1)and (2) MULTIPLIED BY 100 • On the anther hand, there are more than ten I don’t require any mathematical experiences. Therefore, 5 divided by 10 equal 5. 5 multiplied by 100 equal 50. Therefore, 50% of my daily routine involves applying a mathematical formula .
Questions 5 & 6 • Question 5) Count those activities that do not require any mathematical experience. • Question 6) Calculate the value of Mathematics in your life as your answer in 4 divided by the total number of experiences outlined in (1)and (2) MULTIPLIED BY 100 • On the anther hand, there are more than ten I don’t require any mathematical experiences. Therefore, 5 divided by 10 equal 5. 5 multiplied by 100 equal 50. Therefore, 50% of my daily routine involves applying a mathematical formula .
Answers From Bahrain (2) • 1) Outline your daily routine for a normal day e.g outline the activities that you engage in a day. E.g waking up, bathing, eating break fast, e.t.c • Answer • I Wake up at 6:00am, close the alarm and then wash my face, brush my teethe and get cleaned up for prayer then pray for a couple of minutes and the whole process takes me about 20 minutes then I tell my mother its time to go and after 15 minutes we take off and it takes about 10-15 minutes to reach my school. the bell rings at 7:10am and the first class starts at 7:25am and then we take three classes (each day is different) and the brake starts at 9:45am 10:15am and then we take two more classes and the second brake starts its 15 minutes long and we go bake to the class and take another two subjects and we are released out from school 1:30pm and stay for some time in my grandfathers house. Then my father picks me up and takes me to home and wash up from school to pray for five minutes and go down stairs to eat lunch and rest for about 15minutes and wash up again for prayer and turn on my laptop and do my homework while I'm checking my youtube account and Facebook. And after checking everything I wash up again for prayer and pray for about five minutes as well. I study if I have got an exam or something that I didn’t understand at school and then I take a 15minute bath. After that, I watch TV and after watching TV I wash up again for prayer and pray for 3minutes and then I sit on my laptop and search for any thing on my mind from cars to movies and check out some numbers from price converting to movie grosses and then I wash up for prayer and pray for about five minutes. Finally I eat dinner and watch TV for some time, sit on my laptop and go to sleep after washing my face and brushing my teethe.
Question 2 • Question: Outline any other activity that is not so often in your daily routine but you perform once in a while • Answer: On Thursdays go to my cousins house and play for some time and on Fridays I go to ether my grandfathers house or my antis house I eat lunch there in both of the places
Questions 3 • Question:3) For each of these activities give a mathematical experience ( if any) that is important in the performance of the activity • Guessing how much time I have to reach school go bake home from school or any place to go to and come from. And when I do my math homework or any other homework (counting how much time its going to take me to finish it) and while I'm searching the web.
Questions 4 • Question:Count the number of activities that you perform that require a mathematical experience. • Answer: 25
Questions 5 • Question 5) Count those activities that do not require any mathematical experience. • Answer: 35
Questions 6 • Question 6) Calculate the value of Mathematics in your life as your answer in 4 divided by the total number of experiences outlined in (1)and (2) MULTIPLIED BY 100 • =71.4%