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Tracing the path to Totalitarian dictatorships. Take notes by paraphrasing Don’t write down everything - be selective Consider bulleting your info Make a section for names with brief info Select info that traces the countries path to dictatorship
Tracing the path to Totalitarian dictatorships • Take notes by paraphrasing • Don’t write down everything - be selective • Consider bulleting your info • Make a section for names with brief info • Select info that traces the countries path to dictatorship • Summarize in 4 – 7 sentences again tracing the countries path to dictatorship
Totalitarian Dictatorships The Russian Revolution ends Romanov rule The Soviet Union is born!
Nicholas and family Many hated Alexandra, his German wife. During the war she was accused of being a spy.
Rasputin claims the ability to heal the sickly child of hemophilia – a blood clotting disorder Nicholas II goes to the eastern front and leaves the czarina in charge of the government. Believing Rasputin had too much influence over the czarina, he is murdered in 1916. He is poisoned, shot, & drown.
Tatiana Maria Anastasia Olga Tatiana Anastasia Alexis Maria Olga
The royal family lived a life of luxury while poverty plagued most of the Russian people Faberge eggs given as Easter presents
Czar and family under house arrest The royal family must do their own work
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government He makes the fatal mistake of trying to continue the war
Alexander Kerensky visits troopsHe launched the last Russian offensive attack
Women’s Battalion of Death All women unit organized in 1917 by the Provisional Government. When the battle began the men refused to advance. The women decided to advance in order to shame the men.
Lenin returns from exile The Germans give him safe passage to Russia. They view him as a secret weapon, knowing the provisional government is in trouble
The Bolsheviks demand that power be given to them when Lenin returned Lenin’s slogan: Land, Peace, Bread
Violence erupts as the Bolsheviks gain power and withdraw Russia from the war
Bolshevik sculpture Hammer sickle
Civil War rages in Russia as the Whites – those opposed to the Bolsheviks fight the Bolshevik Red Army Leon Trotsky organized the Red Army into a successful fighting force which is able to defeat the Whites The Bolsheviks change their name to Communist
George V, cousin and King of England had promised the royal family they could live in England, then he changed his mind! Anastasia the czar’s youngest daughter The myth continues as to her possible survival
The women had sewn jewels in the bodice of their dresses Their executioners were surprised when the bullets didn’t penetrate
Yakov Yurovsky, executioner of the czar said “there were no tears, no sobs, no questions” Murder room
In 1979 the grave of the family was finally found. DNA testing in 1994 confirmed the nine skeletons are Romanovs It has been agreed that the bodies of Anastasia and Alexis are missing
On July 17, 1998 the Royal family minus Anastasia & Alexis were finally laid to rest Religion was finally allowed again in the Soviet Union during the 1990’s
Lenin creates the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR Also referred to as the Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky struggle for control when Lenin dies in 1924
Stalin wins the power struggle and Trotsky is exiled and later murdered Most believe that his rival Stalin had him murdered
Stalin’s Five Year Economic Plans • A Command economy controlled by the government • Industry increased the output of coal, steel, & electricity • Workers forced to meet production goals • Consumer goods are limited
Brutal agricultural revolution Peasants forced onto collective farmsmillions of peasants die
Joseph Stalin Lenin
Stalin Poster – many different ethnic groups lived in the Soviet Union
Stalin’s leadership • He was a brutal leader who used the secret police to eliminate his enemies • No one is sure how many millions died during his term as dictator • The Soviet Union becomes a member of the League of Nations in 1934 • Fearful of Nazi Germany, Stalin briefly begins a policy of cooperation with Western Democracies
FascismThe state is glorified at the expense of the individual Italy
Fascism and Communismhave the following in common • An authoritarian leader • The belief in the supremacy of the state • One party rule • Fascists do not share the belief of a classless society with the communists
Italy after WW I • Suffered severe economic problems • Feared a communist workers revolution • Benito Mussolini, a WW I veteran and newspaper editor boldly promised to rescue Italy • Through propaganda, Mussolini and his followers, the Blackshirts (a group of thugs who beat up communists and socialists) surrounded Rome
Trained as a pilot – The first time he flew, he crashed the plane
Italian King Victor Emannuel IIInames Mussolini prime minister after the Fascists surrounded Rome
Fascism – name given to describe Mussolini’s party In Latin, fasces meant a bundle of wooden rods tied around an ax handle. Roman officials carried such bundles as symbols of authority. Mussolini clearly tried to invoke the glory of Rome’s past.
Mussolini was everywhere. Italian people experienced censorship.