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2009 DATA DAYS. Donna Scherr 325 675-8680 dscherr@esc14.net Reading Consultant/Dyslexia Contact. 2009 TAKS Results, 3-5. 2009 TAKS Tests Results, 3-5. 3 rd Grade . First passage : Non-fiction 11 Questions 81% proficiency rate or higher on all 11 questions!

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  1. 2009 DATA DAYS Donna Scherr 325 675-8680 dscherr@esc14.net Reading Consultant/Dyslexia Contact

  2. 2009 TAKS Results, 3-5

  3. 2009 TAKS Tests Results, 3-5

  4. 3rd Grade • First passage: • Non-fiction • 11 Questions • 81% proficiency rate or higher on all 11 questions! So, is stamina a factor?

  5. 3rd Grade Most Missed • Most Missed Questions Region 14: #27: 56% 3.8D; syn., ant., multi-meaning; *hesitant #15: 66% 3.9H; summary; (only 1 summary on test) #14: 67% 3.9C; retell important events (6 total on test) *Paragraph 16 is mainly about- #23: 74% 3.11J; story problem/plot (2 total: 88% on other 3.11J)

  6. 3rd Grade Most Missed • Most Missed Questions Region 14: #30: 77% 3.9C retell important events *Paragraphs 6 through 8 are mostly about- #34: 77% 3.9F inference; (7 total on test) #35 77% 3.11H characterization (5 total on test) _________________________________________ #21 78% 3.11H characterization (5 total on test) #36 78% 3.10C text evidence (Only 1 on test)

  7. 4th Grade Most Missed #6 57% 4.10G; summary #26 58% 4.10I; similarities/differences across texts organization, treatment and scope * The difference between the article and the story is that the story- #38 63% 4.12A; judge logic of text * The reader can tell that Kevin is a curious person… #11 66% 4.12C author’s purpose *The author most likely wrote “The Rug Weaver” to-

  8. 4th Grade Most Missed #12 68% 4.12H characterization *How does Susan feel after watching her grandmother weave? #36 69% 4.12B recognize author’s text organization #39 71% 4.11D compare across texts ________________________________________ Remember: Students have to get: 64% correct (23/36) to pass 3rd grade TAKS (March) 70% correct (28/40) to pass 4th grade TAKS 67% correct (28/42) to pass 5th grade TAKS (March)

  9. 5th Grade Most Missed #18 56% 5.10H inference #26 64% 5.10F main idea (5 total:72%, 76%,88%,90% #37 66% 5.10G summary (2 total:70%) #41 66% 5.12B author’s text organization *This selection is organized by- #20 69% 5.12B author’s text organization (3 total; 66%, 69%, 82%) *Both authors organize their writing by-

  10. 5th Grade Most Missed Interesting, 5.12 B was passed by 82% of the students when worded this way: #6 The author organizes paragraphs 7 through 11 by-

  11. 2009 TAKS Results, 6-8

  12. 2009 TAKS Tests Results

  13. 6th Grade Most Missed #37: 60% 6.12I; author organization (2 total: 64%) *How does the author organize the selection- #8: 63% 6.10H; inference (4 total) #17: 64% 6.12I; author organization (2 total: 60%)*The author organizes this selection by-

  14. 6th Grade Most Missed #3: 65% 6.12A; author’s purpose * The author probably wrote this story to- (#16 was also 6.12A 90% Notice the different stem: *This selection is best described as- informative, humorous, persuasive or expressive)

  15. 6th Grade Most Missed #41: 67% 36.12G recognize and analyze story plot, setting, problem resolution*What is Sybil’s biggest conflict in the story? (3 total: 68%, 78%) #23 68% 36.12G recognize and analyze story plot, setting, problem resolution *Paragraphs 4 through 8 are important to the story because they- (3 total: 67%, 78%)

  16. 7th Grade Most Missed #44 60% 7.12H; pt. of view affects text (1 total) *Seeing what happens from Marissa’s point of view helps the reader understand that- #20 65% 7.12I; author’s organization * How is “All You Need Is SPAM” organized- (The other 7.12I, was #4 96%- *The author organizes this selection by-) #25 71% 7.12A; author’s purpose (1 total)

  17. 7th Grade Most Missed #32 72% 7.10F main idea (6 total:74%,80%,80%, 88%,92%) #35 72% 7.10I similarities/differences in treatment across texts (1 total) #39 72% 7.10H inference (5 total: 74%,81%,89%,96%)

  18. Performance Standards ________________________________________ Remember: Students have to get: 64% correct (27/42) to pass 6th grade TAKS 71% correct (34/48) to pass 7th grade TAKS 69% correct (33/48) to pass 8th grade TAKS (March) 71% correct (34/38) to pass 8th grade TAKS (April)

  19. 8th Grade Most Missed #20 69% 8.10E use text structure to recall info (4 total: 82%,95%,98%) *Los Lobos recorded their first album after they- #44 72% 8.12F characterization (4 total:92%, 93%, 95%) * How does Beth feel when she learns that Jen has been counting campaign buttons?-annoyed, discouraged, betrayed, suspicious

  20. 8th Grade Most Missed #23 78% 8.11D compare/contrast across texts (4 total: 93%,94%,96%) *How are the selection and the article different? (They were able to answer (94%): Both the selection and the article suggest that music-) #30 78% 8.11C support responses with relevant text (3 total: 87%, 95%) *Which idea demonstrates that having work shown in Edith Halpert’s gallery was an important accomplishment?

  21. 8th Grade Most Missed #30 78% 8.11C support responses with relevant text (3 total: 87%, 95%) *Which idea demonstrates that having work shown in Edith Halpert’s gallery was an important accomplishment?

  22. Internet Links On My Website • www.esc14.net • Click on Reading, under Center for Curriculum and Integration and Support • Click on Reading, Dyslexia and the Brain on the left sidebar for the upcoming Conference! • Click on Reading and TAKS Resources on the left sidebar for Internet Links!

  23. Region XIV • www.esc14.net

  24. Main Idea Get the Gist • Find the who or the what • Tell the most important things about the who or what • Has what • Is what • Does what • Say it in ____ words or less.

  25. Summary • Must have the most important information from the Beginning of the Story, the Middle of the Story and the End of the Story. • Summary Gloves • http://readingquest.org/links.html • http://readingquest.org/strat/summarize.html • http://searchlight.utexas.org/ • www.fcrr.org Click on Student Center Activities on the right sidebar.

  26. Text Structure • http://www.literacymatters.org/lessons/textstructure.htm (Handout) • http://englishonline.tki.org.nz/English-Online/What-do-you-need-to-know-and-do/English-content-language-and-literature/Reading-and-writing/Language-features/Features-of-text-forms/Narrative • http://www.somers.k12.ny.us/intranet/reading/questions.html • http://www.info.kochi-tech.ac.jp/lawrie/semanticmapindex.htm • http://knowledgeloom.org/external.jsp?url=http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/resources/learntolearn/demands.html

  27. Text Structure • Lesson Plans on Text Structure: • http://www.geocities.com/fifth_grade_tpes/compare_contrast.html • Lesson Plans-ELAR • http://www.readwritethink.org/

  28. Teaching Tip for Text Structure Anchor Charts of the Features of Text Structure and Organizational Ideas. http://www.jmeacham.com/centers/centers.anchorcharts.htm (Handout) http://www.cornerstoneliteracy.org/NEWSLETTER/volume_8_4/anchorcharts.html She uses ideas from the Daily Five. This appropriate for K-5 teachers.

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