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Have you noticed that traditional advertising is losing its effectiveness? What if you could STAND OUT from your competitors? Consider the results of a national survey conducted in October and November 2004 When asked what media consumers depend on to help make buying decisions:.
Have you noticed that traditional advertising is losing its effectiveness? What if you could STAND OUTfrom your competitors? Consider the results of a national survey conducted in October and November 2004 When asked what media consumers depend on to help makebuyingdecisions:
TV was #1 at 39%... Then the Internet… at 32% Radio, print , and all other types of advertising combined are LESS INFLUENTIAL than the Internet! Most businesses cannot afford to advertise on TV, can yours?
What is your Internet strategy (besides your website)… How effectively do you use email for marketing? “If given the choice of having onlyone medium, the Internet wins out over television and all other traditional media.” ONLINE PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION 2004
With many businesses all fighting to sell to the same customers (YOUR customers)…
you run the risk of losing them to your competition…IF you don’t have a way to actively keep in touch with them!
Do you believe that your business card will cause clients to keep on referring prospects to you? • How many of your cards end up in the trash? • How many end up in a drawer never to be seen again? • And most importantly, how many are somewhere that your potential customers can find them quickly? But… What if you could tape your business card on all of your client’s computer monitors?
What is it? • It’s a customized turnkey solution • An ultra-effective method of reaching new clients • A revolutionary new way of branding your product or services with your clients • A powerful solution that gets your message heard over and over again The FEG Integrated Marketing Management System is a complete online email marketing solution that is easy on your budget, yet priceless in value
The Integrated Marketing Management System (IMMS) is made up of two state of the art systems. I.M.MS. System # 1 System # 2 Thefront-end WealthPlanner™ The back-endM.M.S Your premium give-away, branding, and viral marketing customer generation system. Your state-of-the-art, campaign tracking, customer relationship marketing system.
Benefits to owning an FEG WealthPlanner? • Your WealthPlanner; the front end email collection tool, places an icon on the customer’s computer desktop with your business’ logo on it! ~ (this is the most valuable real estate in the U.S. and your business card is now on their computer!) • The planner makes a great promotional item that your customers and prospects will use day after day. • The entire cover on the planner is your brand • Opening the planner plays your infomercial, shows the WealthBuilder presentation and it takes your prospect to your web site 24/7.
Benefits to the MMS back end tool suite Advanced email systems • Track and analyze your email campaigns • Sophisticated sequential auto responder for your newsletter distribution • Run comprehensive real-time reports • Database of prospects & customers • FEG Corporate can Deliver updates Seamlessly to the field agents Planners Presentation Tools • Conduct Interactive PowerPoint, Flash & Movie presentations live online • One-to-One live video conferencing • Video meeting room, from 5 to 2,500 participants • Archive special audio recordings.
Benefits to your customer With WealthPlanner: • Your customer can organize their notes and addresses • Keep a diary, photo album, catalogs, etc. • Use the reminder function to remind them of important tasks -- password protection is included to keep data private • Use spell check (including live spelling) and organize all of their data using their own folder structure. • Conduct full text searches and make retrieval of notes with ease.
To Own an Exclusive Branded I.M.M.S.$4,495 initial investment$199 per month • Custom-designed planner with Your exclusive design • Custom web link and pages • Up to 10 advertising spots • Secure E-mail address database • Unlimited ad modifications • Complete campaign tracking system • M.M.S with 2 module Video Suite • No geographic restrictions • 15- page website & hosting • Technical support
To Own a Co-Branded I.M.M.S.$2,495 initial investment$149 per month • Custom co-branded planner with your name and FEG colors name and logo, as seen on the right • Up to 10 advertising spots • E-mail address database • Unlimited ad modifications • Complete campaign tracking system • M.M.S. with 1 module video suite • No geographic restrictions • 15-page website & hosting • Technical support
Let’s Review For a low initial investment and a nominal monthly fee you will receive the following benefits: • You have an unlimited supply of a FREE high value product to offer to consumers. • Secure valuable “Eyeballs” with all who download your WealthPlanner. • Expand your customer base through powerful referral advertising. • Capture secure information from everyone who downloads your WealthPlanner. • Advertising with real-time instant measurable feedback. • Grow your market share quickly and effectively • Provides a superior advantage over your competitors before they realize what’s going on. • Combine High-Tech with High-Touch using online video conferencing.
Are you ready to STAND OUTfrom your competitors? Gain an unfair advantage over your competitors!Make your company a household name.
Order your I.M.M.S. right now! Download a FREE sample FEG WealthPlanner Now, at www.FEGwealthplanner.com www.MousEffects.com T. Kola Oyenuga (714) 443-1020 E-mail: Kola@mouseffects.com