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Deft . (Adj.) Skillful, nimble My grandma is ____ in the world of knitting. . Ironic. (adj.) Suggesting the inappropriateness between what might be expected and what actually happens The _______ message on the sign made us think! . Premeditated .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Deft (Adj.) Skillful, nimble My grandma is ____in the world of knitting.

  2. Ironic (adj.) Suggesting the inappropriateness between what might be expected and what actually happens The _______ message on the sign made us think!

  3. Premeditated (adj.) considered before hand, deliberately planned. Columbine was a __________mass murder because it was planned ahead.

  4. Comprised Included or contained; made up of. The dictionary was _________ of a variety of words.

  5. Inopportune Coming at a bad time; not appropriate. The principal arrived at an ____________ time, just as the students were misbehaving.

  6. Pinnacle A high peak or point Reaching the _________of Mt. Everest is quite an achievement

  7. Accede To yield to; To assume an office or dignity President Bush ______ his position to Barack Obama.

  8. Explicit Definite; clearly stated The C.D. had explicit lyrics.

  9. Officious Meddling excessively, forward in offering services or assuming authority. Barney Fife is a very _____ person.

  10. Solace Comfort, relief; to comfort or console I always find _____ staying at the Comfort Inn.

  11. Stately Dignified, majestic We stopped by Ellis Island to view the _____ Statue of Liberty on our trip to New York.

  12. Supple Bending easily The ____ rubber band stretched across the room.

  13. Destitute Deprived of the necessities of life; lacking The woman was ______; she lacked belongings and food.

  14. Musty Stale, moldy, out of date The eggs became _____ after they sat out for a long time.

  15. Rampant Growing without check, running wild The wild horses were running _____through the meadows.

  16. Brandish (V.)To wave or flourish in a menacing fashion. As Jack Sparrow __________ his sword, Will Turner fought back.

  17. Extirpate The gardener _________ all the carrots. Verb To tear up by the root, to destroy completely

  18. Ominous (Adjective) Unfavorable, threatening An _______feeling came over the child as the man grabbed him by the arm.

  19. Suppress (verb) To stop by force, put down Officer Coots _______the two boys fighting in the cafeteria before other students got involved.

  20. Venal (adj.) Able to be bribed; open to corruption She paid the ______ Senator $5,000 to vote a certain way on the bill.

  21. (Adj.) Skillful, nimble

  22. (adj.) Suggesting the inappropriateness between what might be expected and what actually happens

  23. (adj.) considered before hand, deliberately planned. .

  24. Included or contained; made up of.

  25. Coming at a bad time; not appropriate.

  26. A high peak or point

  27. To yield to; To assume an office or dignity

  28. Definite; clearly stated

  29. Meddling excessively, forward in offering services or assuming authority.

  30. Comfort, relief; to comfort or console

  31. Dignified, majestic

  32. Bending easily

  33. Deprived of the necessities of life; lacking

  34. Stale, moldy, out of date

  35. Growing without check, running wild

  36. To wave or flourish in a menacing fashion. Verb.

  37. Verb To tear up by the root, to destroy completely

  38. (Adjective) Unfavorable, threatening

  39. (verb) To stop by force, put down

  40. (adj.) Able to be bribed; open to corruption

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