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Prešov. ~ Culture ~ Miroslava Takáčová & Ľubica Štofanková I. C. Basic information. capitol of Prešov region between r ivers Torysa and Sek čov 91 650 people four parts : Prešov Šalgovík Nižná Šebastová Solivar . Church of st. Nicholas.
Prešov ~ Culture~ Miroslava Takáčová & Ľubica Štofanková I. C
Basic information • capitol of Prešov region • between riversTorysa and Sekčov • 91 650 people • fourparts: Prešov Šalgovík Nižná Šebastová Solivar
Church of st. Nicholas in gothic and baroque style it was built in 1230 with one- nave structure in 1502 was expanted into a three-nave structure several timesitwas in fire; probably the largest was in 1788 plastics from the work of Master Pavol from Levoča and more other valuable fragments in gothic style
BlackEagle in 1561 itwasadapted in luxurious city inn in the 19thcentury the inn was used more frequentlyforculturalevents in 1834 there was opened the theatre the office of Československábeseda was situated in this building currently the buildingis a Cultural centre and non-functionaloldtheatre
Neptunefountain the onlyoriginalurban tank statuary was built by Marek Holländerat the beginning of the19thcentury workswerecompleted in 1826 hedid it from gratitudethattownallowedhim to stay in Prešov and work here
Caraffprison a late – gothic bulding it was built at the beginning of 16thcentury atfirst it was wine bar storehouse buildinggotnameduring the Prešov bloodingslaughters –house in 19th centurythere was prison from 20thcenturythereis a city archives
Bosak bank it was built in 1923 forfinancialpurposes it was namedafter Michal Bosak hemoved to America and became a perfectbanker heowned more banks in the USA he set upAmerican – Slovak bank in Bratislava, which had got one of itsninebranch in Prešov thereis bank in thatbuildingnowadays
OrthodoxJewishsynagogue one of the most beautifulsacralbuildings in Slovakia it was erected in 1898 the Jewishmuseuminside it was opened in 1928 decorated with elaborate Orient – style wallpaintings thereiswoodenarkbearing the words: „From east to west, the name of the Lord ispraised.“
Source: • www.presov.sk • www.travel.spectator.sme.sk • www.google.sk