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Vocabulary. G21 B5 Unit 1 Part B pg. 10 – 15. English: percentage . Example: 10% means, 10 out of hundred. Deutsch: Prozentsatz. English: bar chart, pie chart . Example: You use them when you want to say e.g. how many people use the car to go to work. .
Vocabulary G21 B5 Unit 1 Part B pg. 10 – 15 G21 B5 Unit 1
English: percentage Example: 10% means, 10 out of hundred. Deutsch: Prozentsatz G21 B5 Unit 1
English: bar chart, pie chart Example: You use them when you want to say e.g. how many people use the car to go to work. Deutsch: Balkendiagramm, Tortendiagramm G21 B5 Unit 1
English: e.g. Example: That means, for example Deutsch: zum Beispiel (z.B.) G21 B5 Unit 1
Demonstration English: (to) divide sth. into Example: That means, you make e.g. two groups out of one group. Deutsch: etwas aufteilen G21 B5 Unit 1
English: slice Example: Not the whole bread but one part (slice) In the morning I always eat one slice of bread. Deutsch: Scheibe, Stück G21 B5 Unit 1
Beispielsatz English: nearly Example: = almost I nearly finished my puzzle = It’s not finished. Deutsch: fast, beinahe G21 B5 Unit 1
English: leaf, leaves Example: In autumn the leaves fall down from the trees. Deutsch: Blatt, Blätter G21 B5 Unit 1
English: back Example: Michelle Huntzinger has a tattoo on her back. Deutsch: Rücken, Rückseite G21 B5 Unit 1
English: ballet Example: It’s a sport where you have to stand on your toehold. Deutsch: Ballet G21 B5 Unit 1
English: (to) get married (to) sb. Example: That means you promise to stay together for the rest of your life. Deutsch: (jn.) heiraten G21 B5 Unit 1
English: skydiving Example: You have to jump out of a plane to do this sport. But make sure to use a parachute. Deutsch: Fallschirmspringen G21 B5 Unit 1
Beispielsatz English: (to) continue Example: = to go on You start e.g. reading and you don’t stop. Deutsch: fortsetzen, weitermachen G21 B5 Unit 1
English: conversation Example: When people talk to each other. Deutsch: Gespräch G21 B5 Unit 1
English: (to) introduce sb. to sb. Example: You tell someone your friend’s name. Deutsch: jn. jm. vorstellen G21 B5 Unit 1
Beispielsatz English: (to) repeat sth. Example: to say sth. again. Deutsch: etwas wiederholen G21 B5 Unit 1
Beispielsatz English: I didn’t get that. Example: = I didn’t understand. Deutsch: Ich habe das nicht verstanden G21 B5 Unit 1
Beispielsatz English: tricky Example: = difficult Deutsch: verzwickt, heikel G21 B5 Unit 1
English: wetsuit Example: Something you use to protect your body from coldness. Deutsch: Surfanzug, Taucheranzug G21 B5 Unit 1