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India beat Lanka by 7 wickets in 2nd T20I BREAKING: Deepika @ JNU JAIPUR l WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 l Pages 14 l 3.00 RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 213 2578 P-9 After ‘This will restore faith in law’ DAYS New Delhi: Four con- victs in the sensational 2012 Nirbhaya Gang rape and murder case will be hanged on Janu- ary 22 at 7 am in Tihar jail, a Delhi court said on Tuesday . The order was pro- nounced by Additional Sessions Judge Satish Kumar Arora who is- sued the death war- rants against the four death row convicts -- Mukesh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Shar- ma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31). During the hearing, the prosecution said there was no applica- tion pending before any court or the President right now by any of the convicts and the review petition of all the con- victs was dismissed by the Supreme Court. PAGE 2 Nirbhaya case victims mother fl ashes the victory sign along with lawyers. thank the judges. Such rapists should be brought to justice in six months.” The 23-year-old woman, a paramedic student, was brutally gang-raped and tor- tured on the night of December 16, 2012, in- side a moving bus in south Delhi by six per- sons before thrown out on the road. ‘Nirbhaya’ (braveheart), as she came to be known around the country, succumbed to her in- juries almost weeks later — on De- cember 29, 2012, at Mount Elizabeth Hos- pital in Singapore. the verdict,” he said. The order was pro- nounced by Addition- al Sessions Judge Sat- ish Kumar Arora who issued death war- rants against them. The four death row convicts are Mukesh, Vinay Sharma, Ak- shay Singh Pawan Gupta. Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chairperson Swati Maliwal welcomed the order. “It’s a vic- tory for every citi- zen of the country , I salute the mother who kept fighting for the past seven years,” she said. “I would also like to New hanging of Nirb- haya convicts will restore the faith of women in law, her mother Asha Devi said on Tuesday. Four convicts in the 2012 Nirbhaya gan- grape and murder case will be hanged on January 22 at 7 am in Tihar jail, the court said. Nirbhaya’s moth- er said that January 22 will be a big day for her when the con- victs are hanged. The victim’s father, Badrinath also expressed relief. “It was a long jour- ney , I am happy with Delhi: The AKSHAY THAKUR PAWAN GUPTA MUKESH SINGH VINAY SHARMA Turn on P4 IN THE COURTROOM NIRBHAYA GETS JUSTICE DEATH WARRANT FOR RAPISTS 4 CONVICTS TO HANG TILL DEATH ON JAN 22 AT 7AM Convict Mukesh Singh’s mother walked up to Nirbhaya’s mother, held her sari in a gesture of begging, and pleaded: “Mere bete ko maaf kar do. Main uski zindagi ki bheekh maangti hoon (Please forgive my son. I am begging you for his life).” She wept. So did Nirbhaya’s mother, who replied: “I had a daughter too. What happened with her, how can I forget? I have been waiting for justice for seven years...” The judge then ordered silence in the courtroom. and being FRAME BY FRAME The execution is expected to take place in Jail 3 of Tihar, where dummy trials have been carried out to test the gallows. The convicts are in Delhi’s Tihar jail, where offi cials had started pre- paring for the hangings weeks ago. FLASHBACK The 2012 Delhi gang rape case involved a rape and fatal assault that occurred on 16 December 2012 in Munirka, a neighbour- hood in South Delhi. The incident took place when a 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern was beaten, gangraped and tortured in a private bus in which she was travelling with her friend, Awindra Pratap Pandey. Eleven days after the assault, she was transferred to a hospital in Singapore for emergency treatment but succumbed to her injuries two days later two Offi cials say ropes have been brought from Buxar, Bihar, the kind used to hang Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru in 2013. * Hang- man From Meerut Singh, JNU RUCKUS SPREADS Even as the Delhi po- lice is yet to arrest those involved in the hours-long rampage at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) campus on Sunday, it has come under fi re for naming students, includ- ing the injured JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, in its FIR. STAMPEDE KILLS 40 AT FUNERAL FOR IRAN GENERAL KILLED BY US Tehran: A stampede on Tuesday at a funer- al procession for a top Iranian general killed in a US airstrike last week killed 40 people and injured 213 oth- ers, two Iranian semi- official news agencies reported. The stampede took place in Kerman, the hometown of Revolu- tionary Guard Gen Qassem Soleimani, as the procession got un- derway, said the Fars and ISNA news agen- cies, citing Pirhossein Koulivand, the head of Iran’s emergency medi- cal services. When CM travelled miles to re-bond with ailing Mentor CM Gehlot also met his Pudducherry counterpart V Narayanasamy AIMIM president Asa- duddin Owaisi Tuesday condemned the registra- tion of the FIR against “the girl who was injured in the violence”, instead of those who “made an attempt to kill” her. low them. Secondly, what did the V-C do. Thirdly, even the police allowed safe passage for goonda elements,” Owasi said in Hyderabad. Turn on P4, More on P7 “…they made an at- tempt to kill that union president. First thing is that inquiry should look into how did the police al- GEHLOT ON TOP Naresh Sharma bond. One such bond- ing was visible on Monday night when Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot visited Dr SN Subbarao, a 92-year- old Gandhian who has had a profound im- pact on the Chief min- ister since the time he was 12 years old. Gehlot had gone to Mumbai to attend the remembrance ceremo- ny of businessman Anil Agarwal’s father, when he learnt that Bangalore: Emotion, attachment, trust, far- sightedness, life-les- son and a perpetual love are just a few words that have been used since millennia to express the bond between a Guru and a student. While, the thought may appear to be a thing of the past to some in this day and age, however, there are those too who live by the back changed his plans and flew to Bengaluru in- stead on hearing the news. to Jaipur, his guru and mentor - Subbarao - was unwell and had been admitted to hospital. CM, who was scheduled to fly (Left) Pudducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy welcomed CM Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday. (Above) CM Gehlot with Dr SN Subbarao who was admitted in hospital in Bangalore late on Monday. Turn on P4
TALKING POINT 02 JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia ‘WE’LL FILE A CURATIVE PETITION IN THE SC WITHIN TWO DAYS. FIVE SENIOR-MOST JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT WILL HEAR IT. THERE HAS BEEN MEDIA, PUBLIC AND POLITICAL PRESSURE, WHICH IS WHY AN UNBIASED PROBE DID NOT TAKE PLACE IN THIS CASE,’ SAID NIRBHAYA’S LAWYER JUSTICE ...FINALLY Vasundhara Raje @VasundharaBJP Justice is served! A death warrant for the 4 convicts in the #Nirbhaya case sends across a powerful message. An empowering mo- ment for the women of India! #Nirbhay- aCase A all four convicts in 2012 Nirbhaya Delhi gang- rape case, the convicts’ lawyer AP Singh on Tuesday said that he will file a curative peti- tion in the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the same. “We will file a cura- tive petition in the Su- preme Court within two days. Five senior- most judges of the Su- preme Court will hear it. There has been me- dia, public and politi- cal pressure since the beginning, which is why an unbiased probe did not take place in this case,” Singh told ANI. He said that the curative petition will be filed on behalf of all four convicts, namely Akshay, Vinay, Pawan and Mukesh. “The court has given us the time to file a cu- rative petition. We will file the application seeking a stay on the death warrant and I am hopeful that the court will hear it,” Sin- gh said. “Death sentence is Evidence Supreme Court relied upon to uphold death penalty committed suicide in Tihar Jail during the trial. Another accused was a minor at the time of the commis- sion of the crime and was sent to a reform facility and released after three years. All the four convicts had earlier knocked at the doors of the Su- preme Court against the Delhi High Court order of March 2014 which had confirmed the capital punish- ment awarded to them by the trial court on September 13, 2013. The court had on December 20 reserved the order on an appli- cation filed by Pawan Kumar Gupta’s father till today. The petition had stated that the girl’s friend commit- ted perjury for giving false testimony in the court. The sole eye-witness was accompanying the 23-year-old girl when she was raped and murdered by six men on a moving bus on December 16, 2012. The main accused, Ram Singh, allegedly for the poor of this country. No rich has ever been hanged,” he added. A Delhi court today said that all four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya case will be hanged at 7 am on Jan- uary 22. The court heard the plea of parents of the 2012 Delhi gang-rape victim seeking to ex- pedite the procedure to hang all four con- victed in the case and also seeking issuance of death against them. fter a Delhi court issued death rant against war- Harshdeep Kaur @HarshdeepKaur Relieved to read this news!! The culprits of Nirbhaya’s case to be hanged on 22nd Jan!! Justice is fi nally being served #Nirbhaya Gautam Gambhir @GautamGambhir Finally! India’s daughter gets JUS- TICE! #Nirbhaya warrant Ritika Jain @riotsjain The four convicts in the #Nirbhayacase will be hanged on January 22 at 7am. However, they can fi le mercy petitions and curative pleas before this date Madhav Sharma @HashTagCricket “The person I’d like to thank above all is my daughter. It is she who had to wait these 7 years.” #Nirbhaya’s Mother Tavleen Singh Aroor @Tavysingh These two. Un- imaginable loss. Unbearable struggle and agony. Irrepara- ble loss. I pray they get some sought of closure today. Asha Devi & Badrinath Singh - more power and peace to you. cused Ram Singh. 5. The court also held that the DNA analysis had cogently linked each of the accused with the victims and the crime scene. 6. The court also said that the odontology re- port which the prosecu- tion had relied upon heavily was credible. 7. The court also said the crime was an act of conspiracy which was established by the se- quence of events. 8. The recovery of the bus and CCTV foot- age was also a major evidence for the prose- cution which the SC said was not tampered with. 9. The court also re- lied on the police theory and said the recovery of articles such as clothes and mobile phones of the victim and her friend from the accused cannot be discarded be- cause there was no ex- planation from the ac- cused explaining how they came to possess those articles. nods and gestures is not only admissible but also possesses evidentiary value. Of her three dy- ing declarations that were recorded, the last one was in gestures. 3. It also took into ac- count the prosecution’s charge that the rape was brutal and inhuman. 4. DNA profile from the blood stains from the rod showed it had the victim’s blood. The rod was recovered at the instance of another ac- 1. In its judgment on May 5, 2017, the top court found the evi- dence of the lone wit- ness who was the vic- tim’s friend, to be unim- peachable. It said the statement cannot be disbelieved simply be- cause there were certain omissions that the de- fence had flagged. 2. The court also re- lied on the victim’s dy- ing declaration and said such a declaration re- corded on the basis of New Delhi: In April 2016, the SC began hear- ing the pleas of the four men sentenced to death for raping a paramedic in a bus in Delhi on De- cember 16, 2012 and a year later upheld the death sentence. Here are the main evi- dence the apex court took into account to de- cide that Thakur, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Muke- sh Singh deserved no leniency . Mother of Nirbhaya case victim is seen outside Patiala House Court in New Delhi, Tuesday. Chitra Kishor Wagh @ChitraKWagh Finally a day of recognition for Indian judiciary. After 7 years long courteous journey,judgement day arrives on Jan 22. Hopefully this time no further delays, no more appeals,no more mercy please. Jus- tice to the parents and to the society #nirbhayaverdict #Nirbhaya @PMOIndia What is curative petition? T concept in the Indian legal system. It is the last judicial available for redressal of grievances in court which is normally de- cided by judges in- chamber. It is only in rare cases that such petitions are given an open-court hearing. The concept of cura- tive petition was first evolved by the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Rupa Ashok Hurra vs. Ashok Hurra and Anr. (2002) where the question whether an aggrieved person is entitled to any relief against the final judgement/order of the Supreme Court, after dismissal of a re- view petition. above bench agree that the matter needs hear- ing, then it would be sent to the same bench (as far as possible); and The court could im- pose “exemplary costs” to the petitioner if his plea lacks merit. It may be noted that on Tuesday, the SC re- ferred eight curative petitions against the Section 377 of the 1862 Indian Penal Code to a five-judge tion bench, as the is- sue involved a ques- tion of far-reaching constitutional impor- tance. “Whoever vol- untarily has carnal inter-course against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal, shall be punished with [im- prisonment for life]. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IN NIRBHAYA CASE 23-year-old, Nirbhaya, died days after she was gangraped on a moving bus, tortured with an iron rod and dumped on the road, naked and bleeding, on December 16, 2012. She and her friend had boarded the bus from south Delhi after a movie To entertain the cu- rative petitions, the Su- preme Court has laid down certain specific conditions: The peti- tioner will have to es- tablish that there was a genuine violation of principles of natural justice and fear of the bias of the judge and judgement versely affected him; The petition shall state specifically that the grounds had been taken in the review petition and that it was dismissed by circulation; The pe- tition is to be sent to the three senior most judges and judges of the bench who passed the judgement affect- ing the petition, if available; If the major- ity of the judges on the he curative peti- tion is fairly a new Akshay resort that ad- Pradeep Bhandari @pradip103 All four convicts in the Nirbhaya Case will be hanged on 22nd January 2020. Finally long due justice for Nirbhaya and her mother is delivered. But one question that still remains unanswered is ‘why justice is delayed so much in our coun- try?’ #Nirbhaya Constitu- mentioned was Image for representational purpose only. Dec 16, 2012: A paramedical student out with her male friend was gang-raped and brutally assaulted by six men in a private bus and thrown out of the moving bus on the streets. Dec 17: Police identify the accused - bus driver Ram Singh, his brother Mukesh, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and a juvenile. Dec 18: Police arrest the accused. Dec 21: Juvenile nabbed from Anand Vihar bus termi- nal in Delhi. Dec 22: Sixth accused Mar 27: SC reserves verdict after nearly a year of hearing the case. May 5: SC rejects the plea by four convicts challenging death penalty. Nov 13: The convicts appeal to the apex court to review the sentence. May 4, 2018: SC upholds the order on the plea of three convicts seeking a review of its 2017 verdict upholding the death penalty. July 9: SC dismisses review petitions of three convicts. Fourth convict Akhsay had not fi led a review petition. Ashish Chauhan @AshishSainram As an Indian, I feel relieved that FINALLY justice will be delivered in #Nirbhaya case Her family can take a sigh of relief after 7 years of judicial process I feel hum- bled to be part of organisation like @ ABVPVoice which stood for the cause of justice Akshay Thakur arrested in Bihar. Dec 29: Victim succumbs to her injuries at a Singapore hospital. Jan 3, 2013: Police fi les charge-sheet against the fi ve accused. Feb 28: Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) frames rape, murder charges against the juvenile accused. Mar 11: Main accused Ram Singh commits suicide in Tihar jail. Aug 31: JJB fi nds the juve- nile accused guilty of rape and murder, sentences him to three years in a special home. Sept 13: Four remaining ac- cused sentenced to death by Additional Sessions Judge. Mar 13, 2014: Delhi HC up- holds the trial court verdict. Apr 3, 2016: Hearings begin in SC. May 5: SC upholds death penalty of Akshay, Vinay, Pawan and Mukesh. Aug 29: Drama in the courtas the allegation of the police tampering with evidence is made. Feb 3, 2017: SC decides to rehear the case on the sentencing aspect after the petitioners contend that there are violations in the procedure.
RAJASTHAN 03 JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia Miffed Sharma takes hosp maintenance from PWD First India News The female cub is named as ST19, while two male cubs are named ST20 and ST21. Sariska Sanctuary has gone through both good and bad times. After the tiger cleanup in 2005, the count had in- creased to just 21, but the Tigers have also been hunted in the re- cent past and the num- ber has declined. At present, Tigress ST10 is expected to give birth to cubs, which will make the big cat count better in Sariska. Health Minister Dr Raghu Sharma, ACS Medical & Health Rohit K Singh and Principal SMS Medical College Dr Sudhir Bhandari during a meeting on Tuesday. in Nindar farmers hold zameen samadhi protest BRIEF Tigress ST12 cubs named as ST 19, 20 & 21 Alwar: The three cubs of Tigress ST12 have been given names in Sariska on Tuesday. Abhishek Shrivastava —PHOTO BY SANTOSH SHARMA Jaipur: The affected farmers have again started a protest in the form of ‘Zameen Samadhi Satyagraha’ against the acquisition of land under the Nindar Scheme of the Jaipur Development Authority . Meanwhile, the JDA has argued that the work of materialising the scheme is being done at a rapid pace on the demand of the ac- count holders. The Nindar Housing Scheme is proposed in 327 hectare land, out of which, 286.27 hectare land has been acquired for the scheme and the remaining 41.45 hectare belongs to the JDA. As of now, the account holders (khatedaar) have provided 122 hec- tare land to the JDA and cash compensation of 41.27 hectare land has been deposited in the Civil Court. The affected people are alleging that the JDA has started acquir- ing land forcibly, with- out following the agree- once Jaipur: In what seems to be a fall out of his public spat with deputy CM Sachin Pilot over owning responsibility for deaths of children in Kota’s J K Lon Hospi- tal, health minister Dr. Raghu Sharma has tak- en away maintenance work from the PWD. In a state level re- view meeting of hos- pitals, Dr Sharma decided that the health depart- ment will develop its own civil cadre for maintenance of hos- pitals, offices and other routine work on the lines NHM. The decision was taken in wake of regular com- plaints of maintenance in government hospi- tals. Other government departments like ener- gy already have such arrangement. However, the deci- sion has come after Pi- lot who holds PWD charge talked about owning responsibility and fixing things in- ‘Our responsibility is to listen to the youth and work on it’ Housing Farmers undertake ‘Zameen Samadhi Satyagraha’ against land acquisition under JDA’s Nindar Housing Scheme. Scheme. At the same time, the people who have not surrendered the land yet will be giv- en the reservation pa- pers once they have given the land with their consent. The JDA claims that the scheme is being worked on with trans- parency in the interest of the farmers. Moreover, a constant discussion is being held with farmers and the appropriate questions raised by them are con- stantly being answered. Farmers have also been advised not to get caught in the confusion being spread by some people. ment. The tenant farm- ers started the protest on the spot on Tuesday with their demands. Similar protest was also carried out during the previous BJP gov- ernment, which ended after an agreement be- tween the JDA and gov- ernment. The farmers are de- manding that should be compensated under the new Land Ac- quisition Act enacted in 2014. On the other hand, the facts have been for- mally laid out by the JDA. The JDA is saying that reservation papers will be issued soon to the farmers affected by the Nindar Housing Raghu —PHOTO BY SANTOSH SHARMA Panchayat officer in ACB net Jaisalmer: Jaisalmer ACB laid a trap and caught village develop- ment officer of Gram Panchayat Bersiyala red-handed, on Tues- day, while accepting bribe of Rs10,000. The complainant Khet Sin- gh had reported to ACB that the officer Rajiv Kumar Singh had de- manded a bribe of Rs 15,000 from him in lieu of paying the install- ment of house sanc- tioned under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. questioned purchase of Chinese equipment say- ing that government will launch an inquiry into this. It came to light from data submit- ted by many hospitals. He said that ACS medi- cal education has been asked to probe. Reacting to Gujarat CM’s criticism, Dr. Sharma said that eve- ryone knows about situation in UP and Bi- har. However, he said that here should be no politics over children’s death. health minister said that there is no short- age of funds. If you see RMRS record there is unutilised fund of Rs 500 crore while asking to use Rs5 lakh for SNCU maintenance and if needed should be sent for addi- tional funds. He asked them to en- sure that all equipment are in working condi- tion and there should be an intensive campaign to improve the system and strengthen advance medical care. He also stead of blaming previ- ous BJP government. Sharma hit back by saying that responsibil- ity of maintenance lies with PWD. He had claimed that PWD did not act despite several reminders. Though, he refused to comment on clarification by the PWD. “It would become a political issue if I comment,” he said. During the meeting of medical college prin- cipals, superintendents and HoDs that lasted about four hours, the they proposal 3 held with `57L unaccounted cash Jaipur: Three men in a car were detained on the outskirts of Jaipur after Rs 57 lakh unac- counted cash was found in their vehicle, police said on Tuesday. The three suspects were go- ing to Kota from Jaipur on Monday night when a police team flagged down their car, they said. On checking, po- lice found several pack- ets of cash in the car but the men could not explain why they were carrying such a large amount of money, said Shivdaspura station in- charge Indraj Mordiya. Two of the suspects -- Mahendra Sharma and Giriraj Sharma -- told police they are jewel- lers and were going to Kota after selling a few ornaments here, the of- ficer said. RAJASTHAN’S TABLEAU FOR R-DAY First India News Jaipur: Inauguration ceremony of Central Students Union Office of Rajasthan University was organised on Tues- day and the office was inaugurated by PCC Chief and Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot. After the inaugura- tion, university’s gen- eral secretary Mahavir Gurjar and student un- ion vice president Pri- yanka Meena expressed their gratitude towards the guests and raised various demands in the interest of university before the Deputy CM. During an interaction with media, Pilot said that it is our responsibil- ity to listen to the youth and work on it. If there will be no dia- logue or exchange of ideas, then it is natural that anger will increase in people and negative emotion will arise. Talking about JNU, he said that if the police or unknown people are seen on the campus, then it is not a good sign. We should pay at- tention to allegations and counter-allegations This time the visitors will get to see the tableau of Rajasthan at the Republic Day celebrations to be held on January 26 at Rajpath in New Delhi after a period of four years. The tableau will depict the world famous heritage of the Pink City. Renowned artist Harshiv Sharma of Jaipur has designed the tableau. The acting secretary of Rajasthan Lalit Kala Akademi, Vinay Sharma, after attending a meeting organised in New Delhi for the selection of tableau, gave this informtion. Deputy CM Sachin Pilot inaugurated Central Students’ Union Office of RU, where Ministers Bhanwar Singh Bhati, Pratap Singh Khachariyawas, Ramesh Meena and RUSU General Secretary Mahaveer Prasad Gurjar were present among others. Thieves flee with ATM having `14 L Jaipur: Masked thieves decamped with an automated teller machine, containing Rs 14 lakh, of a national- ised bank in Ra- jasthan’s Alwar dis- trict, police said on Tuesday. The incident took place on Monday night at the ATM kiosk of Oriental Bank of Commerce in Thada village, said Phool Ka Bagh police station SHO Ravindra Pratap Singh. Police said no security guard was posted at the kiosk. Three masked men are seen in the CCTV foot- age but exact number of the accused will be clear only after thor- ough probe. —PHOTO BY SUMAN SARKAR RU Vice Chancellor RK Kothari, Ministers Bhanwar Singh Bhati, Pratap Singh Khachari- yawas, Ramesh Meena, NSUI National Presi- dent Neeraj Kundan, MLA Dausa Murari Lal Meena, Gajraj Khatana, Mukesh Bhakar, Parvat- sar MLA Ram Niwas Gavadia, Abhimanyu Poonia and many other dignitaries were pre- sent on the occasion. Meanwhile morning, Pilot also met Congress workers from various parts of the states and heard their problems at his residence. and end this kind of vio- lence as it sends a wrong message for any society and country . The police force is be- ing sent on university campuses and curfews are being imposed. Pilot added that I am very sad that such ter- rible incidents are hap- pening all over the country . Also, I strongly oppose the people pro- moting these violent acts. No one should break the law and those who are in responsible positions must take ac- tion against the ac- cused. HC hears PIL on infants death in Jodh hospital in western Ra- jasthan. We even get infants and other pa- tients who are referred from AIIMS, Jodhpur. 4,689 admissions of in- fants were done in the month of December alone, out of which 146 died. Therefore, the mortality rate is just 3 per cent which comes under norms,” Dr SS Rathore, Principal of the SN Medical College had told ANI. past month. The hospital admin- istration, however, had said that the number of child deaths was quite low as compared to the number of chil- dren admitted in the hospital in December and added that the hos- pital gets very serious cases referred from other hospitals in the region which has led to the high number of deaths. “We are the biggest High Court Chief Jus- tice Inderjit Mahanti include computerising district hospitals, a sur- prise inspection of any two hospitals of the state, report of all va- cant posts and sanc- tioned posts in govern- ment hospitals. The matter is scheduled for the next hearing on Feb- ruary 10. In Dr Sampurnanand Medical College Jodhpur district, 146 in- fants have died in the Jodhpur: Taking cog- nisance of Public Inter- est Litigation (PIL) filed on the disturbing re- ports of 146 infants death in December in a Jodhpur hospital, Ra- jasthan High Court on Tuesday sought a re- port from the govern- ment and gave major instructions to all dis- tricts including Kota to improve the conditions of the hospitals. Some of the key di- rections delivered by in the acceptable in —ANI GUP SHUP WILL RATHORE GET A BERTH IN MODI CABINET? F Well this business pertains to political developments and where Jaipur rural MP stands in “scheme of things”. Of late Rathore has been missing in action from several important functions. Whether it was Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s rally in support of CAA at Jodhpur, or finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Jaipur visit, appointment of state BJP Chief Satish Poonia, etc, Rathore has not been seen in any of these programs, which has not gone unnoticed. It is being speculated that the ex-army-man may be given a berth in next Cabinet shuffle of Modi government. SAHAB’S DEMANDS CONFUSING THANA COPS T “pressure tactics” on cops of Shyam Nagar police station of Jaipur. Interestingly, “Sahab’s” close aide had been involved in a land related case and a case against the man was registered with Shyam Nagar police and the sahab is now pressuriing the cops to “set” the case in the favor of the aide. However, the cops are also “dazzled” in the entire scenario since sometimes the file is called to the PHQ and at times to the Commissionerate and the Shyam Nagar cops are clueless how to handle the “sahab”. The entire commissionerate staff is discussing the issue with great detail. BADE SAHAB UNHAPPY WITH TIGER’S ACTIONS A officials posted in the PHQ. He has of late shown ‘interest’ in cases related to crime against women and this ‘interest’ was reported to a ‘bade sahab’ from PHQ with feedback that some cases have been mishandled. The victims in these cases informed the bade sahab of ‘misdeeds’ of investigating officer. After the complaints, bade sahab seated on the fifth floor of PHQ called a few files. However, tiger has ordered a ‘brake’ on these files and refused to send them to PHQ. It is being said that tiger is receiving a hefty profit for his actions and thus the senior cops are saddened by the tiger’s actions. THIS SENIOR OFFICIAL KEEPS AN EYE ON PHQ! A knows what is going on behind his back at the HQ. After a long wait, the sahab has been given posting, out of the PHQ, however, even though he is out, he has more information about the internal issues of PHQ than the officials who sit in the headquarters! The sahab knows of the movements of officials from ADGs to DG and he prefers to know about the visitors. Interestingly, a bravo sahab from the PHQ also keeps “updating” the sahab from time to time. Now everyone is wondering as to why does the sahab love PHQ and does he still have a “supreme” hope? ormer union minister Rajyavardhan Rathore is back in “business”. he head of nation’s biggest Panchayat, is reportedly applying “Tiger sir” from Jodhpur range is a “pain in the neck” of a few senior senior officer from the PHQ, is away from the head quarters, but BUGGED? Or is it the grapevine... . First India begins a column that brings to you gossips or tete-e-tete from the corridors of power
RAJASTHAN 04 JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia Raj farmers get fourth instalment of PM-KISAN Now relish cold drink made from kaachra! Rajiv Gaur Usually, Jodhpur: kaachra is used for providing a sour fla- vour to vegetables and in the salad as well, but now a cold drink has been prepared from this vegetable. The product will not only become a means of employment for the farmers working in the fields, but it will also prove to be ex- tremely from health point of view. Central Arid Zone Research (CAZRI), in an exper- iment made drink from kaachra. In order to benefit the women farmers and increase their in- come, the experiment of making cold drink First India News government of India. The Central govern- ment is not releasing the money for the farm- ers whose Aadhar iden- tification has not been verified. According to Pawan, farmers from the state have applied for Kisan Samman Nidhi through Aadhar only . The government of India has also issued a guideline that the farm- ers must ensure that their names in applica- tions are matching with the name mentioned in their Aadhar card. In case there is mis- match in their applica- tion and Aadhar details, the farmers can go to any E-Mitra centre to correct their name in PM Kisan Portal. MONEY WISE Jaipur: Farmers in Ra- jasthan have received more than Rs 3000 crore under the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna. So far, the state govern- ment has disbursed Rs 3073.14 crore in four in- stallments. Registrar Coopera- tives, Neeraj K Pawan informed that fourth installment has been released and around 5.95 lakh farmers have been paid a total of Rs118.93 crore in their respective accounts. According to Pawan, in the first installment 47.09 lakh farmers were paid Rs941.88 while 46.06 lakh farm- ers received Rs921.37 crore in the second in- had just submitted the project to DST, which had a pro- gramme to double the income of women, and got the approval on two of our crops, kaachra and bajra. Different types of recipes will be made from kaachra and ba- jra, in which women would run self-help centres. The women will make products and market them- selves, which will earn them profits. of kaachra, which was started by Head Scientist of CAZRI Dr Pratibha Tiwari a long time ago, has been successful. Dr Tiwari informed that this project would begin soon so that the income of women farmers could be dou- bled. The consumption of kaachra cold drink would prove to be im- portant in field of medicine as well. Dr Tiwari said, “We important man Nidhi. The second install- ment followed in the next four months and then the third install- ment was issued. According to the reg- istrar, after the second installment, verification of farmers is being done by the ‘NGT orders must be complied to the hilt’ farmers for the first in- stallment, 46.16 lakh farmers for the second installments and 36.41 lakh farmers for the third installment. He said that the first installment was issued four months verification of applica- tions for Kisan Sam- stallment. He said that 36.34 lakh farmers got Rs726.85 crore as part of the third install- ment. He said the Central government has re- leased Fund Transfer Order (FTO) for first three installments. FTO was issued for 48.20 lakh Institute cold crore Aadhar after IN THE COURTYARD Bharatpur cops hailed for nabbing Phool Mohd killer Rituraj Sharma said that there should be a mechanism for pending court cases of departments. He issued instruc- tions to departments. If a nodal officer has not been appointed then im- mediately an officer has to be designated who will apprise about fac- tual position in the court and the stand tak- en by the department. The nodal officer will also be responsible for timely reply in court cases. This mechanism will be applicable in all the departments, the CS added. development including, land, drinking water and electricity in IM and IITs. He asked offic- ers for regular monthly review. He told them to utilise the budget prop- erly and complete work in a phased manner for the next level. In the meeting of ur- ban authority in which principal UDH Bhaskar Sawant was present, the chief secretary gave in- struction for handing over land to the mining department, which will now decide its utility . The chief secretary Kota youth shot dead in broad daylight time. He has particu- larly instructed offi- cials that NGT orders must be complied in a way that there should not be any ground for contempt proceedings. On Wednesday, CS was busy in meetings and video conferences in the Secretariat. In the VC regarding NGT directives, he took feed- back on steps taken so far. Principal Secretary Environment, Shreya Guha apprised him of steps taken by various departments. The government has to file compliance re- Jaipur: Chief Secre- tary DB Gupta is com- pletely focused streamlining the sys- tem for better compli- ance of High Court and National Green Tribu- nal orders. In this context, he has been monitoring agenda of NGT and other insti- tutes. He has also fixed ac- countability of officials and asked them to clear pending issues related to NGT, IIT, IIM and courts in a stipulated Singhvi attacks CM over infants’ deaths in Kota on JMC supporting squatters: HC Jaipur: High Court has made a strong com- ment on the Jaipur Municipal tion in the matter re- lated to encroachments in Moti Dungri temple. Court has said that JMC is supporting the encroachers. JMC pro- vides space for reset- tlement of those who do encroachment re- peatedly, said HC. The hearing was held in division bench of Jus- tice Sabina and Justice NS Dhadda. Anandpal kin presented before court Nagaur: criminals and relatives of Anandpal Singh— Rupendrapal and Da- modar—presented be- fore Ladnun amid high security on Tuesday. Hearing was held regarding a case involving Sarpanch in Jaswantgarh. After the hearing, brother and uncle of Anandpal, were acquitted. First India News Sawai Madhopur: In the famous Phool Mo- hammad murder case, the district police have received an award of Rs 25,000 from the CBI. Ac- tually , CBI had declared a prize of Rs 25,000 on the accused Chaturb- huj. District SP had constituted a team un- der the leadership of ASI Sharif Ali, to ar- rest Chaturbhuj and task was successfully completed by the team. Hardcore Corpora- regularly secretary port in Supreme Court on this matter. Some work on plastic waste disposal is still pending. CS also reviewed pro- gress of CETP construc- tion in industrial areas. Gupta also sought re- port on infrastructure A. court Kanpur man gets lifer for rape Jaipur: In the matter of abduction and rape of a minor, Kanpur resident Amit Pandey has been sentenced to life imprisonment. In addition, Judge Dilip Singh has imposed a penalty of Rs2 lakh. HRC seeks report from collector on opening of schools Jaipur: The Human Rights Commission has expressed pleasure over the open- ing of schools, despite the state government’s order, amidst the freez- ing weather in the city . In this regard, the com- mission, led by the Chairman of State Hu- man Rights Associa- tion Justice Mahesh Chandra Sharma has sought a factual report from the District Col- lector by January 13. Previously, the Collec- tor had announced holidays till January 8, but some schools were open in the state. Raj HC to get nine new judges soon Jaipur: might get good news soon regarding ap- pointment of judges of HC. There is news of sending 9 names of DJ quota after reconsid- eration by the Law Ministry. The names of DJs Satish Sharma, Manoj Vyas, Ramesh- war Vyas, Devendra Kachhwaha, CK Son- gara, Anoop Saxena, Devendra Joshi, He- mant Kumar Jain and Prabha Sharma are said to be in discus- sion. The could be taken in the upcoming collegium meeting. First India News Though and his partners left the place at that time, they came back after some time and opened fire at Bhuria, who was sitting in his shop. The injured was imme- diately rushed to MBS Hospital, where he died. After the inci- dent, his relatives ex- pressed displeasure on which the cops as- sured them to catch the culprits soon. Both the police and the fam- ily are saying that there was no old rival- ry between the de- ceased and the ac- cused. Bachcha Rajasthan First India News He said the deputy chief minister’s state- ment should opened the eyes of the state government but remarks of Health Min- ister Raghu Sharma, questioning the func- tioning of deputy chief minister’s Public Works Department, has proved that the government is wasting its complete en- ergy in tussle within its own leaders. Singhvi said it is meaningless to expect improvement from a govt which is not ready to accept its shortcom- ings. Pratap Singh Singhvi, the BJP MLA from Chhabra assembly seg- ment. The came on a day after Ge- holt visited Bengaluru to enquire about the well being of senior Gandhian leader SN Subbarao at a hospital. Singhvi, also a for- mer minister, said in a statement that despite such a large number of deaths, the government is not ready to take re- sponsibility Deputy Chief Minister Sachin Pilot having spoken publicly for fix- ing the liability . dis- Kota: A youth, Shakir Bhuria, was shot dead in broad daylight in the Shripura area of Kota on Tuesday . While Bhuria was sitting in his shop, a criminal identified as Aman Bachcha and his part- ners opened fire at him. Some people of the area and Bachcha had a dispute regarding car finance. Bhuria and his brother Ashfaq arrived to in- tervene, the culprits involved in a fight with both the brothers. have Jaipur: A day after Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot visited Bengalu- ru to enquire about the health of an ailing Gan- dhian leader, a BJP MLA on Monday tar- geted him over a spate of infants’ death in a government hospital in Kota. The chief minister has “neither got the time nor inclination” to visit the Kota hospital or console the parents of the infants who died one after one in quick succession there, said remarks PIL against state government Jaipur: Public Against Corruption organisa- tion has filed a PIL against state govern- ment in the HC, in the case of delay in prose- cution against corrupt offic- ers. PIL mentions that prosecution approval is not being given by govt departments de- spite complete probe. approval When despite decision private FROM PG 1 After 2,578... While urging the court to issue the death war- rants, the prosecution said, “In between issu- ance and execution of death warrants of the convicts want to file cu- rative petitions they can do so.” The counsel for two of the convicts - Mukesh and Vinay - said they were in the process of filing curative petition in the Supreme Court. The trial court had earlier directed Tihar jail authorities to seek within a week response from the four death row convicts as to whether they were filing mercy When CM... After landing late in the night on Monday, Ge- hlot, travelled over 40 km by road and reached the hospital to meet his mentor. It was nearly half a century back, when the chief minister was in his teens, that he came across the Gandhian philosopher. The bond that was established then, during a youth camp organized by Sub- barao, has stood the test of time and in these 56 years, Gehlot has be- come a stalwart leader and three-time Chief Minister, still soldierly continuing bile phone. During the meeting, the CM took out his mobile and played one of Bhaiji’s songs, to which Sub- barao expressed elation. “For the past six- ty-nine years, he has been associated with the youth and organiz- ing camps for the past six decades which is a huge achievement. I pray for his quick re- covery,” Gehot said in his post. Meanwhile, CM Ashok Gehlot met Pudducherry NarayanaSamy Tuesday. Samy wel- comed Gehlot and intro- duced him to his cabi- net as well. holding the death penal- ty . The 23-year-old para- medic student, referred to as Nirbhaya, was gang raped and brutally assaulted on the inter- vening night of Decem- ber 16-17, 2012 inside a moving bus in south Delhi by six persons be- fore being thrown out on the road. One of the six ac- cused in the case, Ram Singh, allegedly com- mitted suicide in the Tihar Jail here. A juvenile, who was among the accused, was convicted by a juvenile justice board and was released from a refor- mation home after serv- some time with bhaiji and have requested him to quickly recover and come to Rajasthan and to organize his camps there for the youth. He is 92 and I want to re- ceive his guidance. We have found a sense of belonging and peace in his camps and the youth have always been moti- vated there. I informed him that we will also help in organizing the camps,” Gehlot said af- ter an hour long emo- tional tete-a-tete with his ailing mentor. Interestingly, several motivational songs of bhaiji are still stored in the chief minister’s mo- pleas against their exe- cutions with the Presi- dent of India. It was hearing the ap- plications moved by Nirbhaya’s parents and the prosecution (Delhi government) seeking issuance of death war- rant against the con- vict. The Supreme Court on December 18 had dis- missed the plea of Ak- shay seeking review of its decision, saying re- view petition is not “re-hearing of appeal over and over again” and it had already con- sidered the mitigating and aggravating cir- cumstances while up- teachings and Gand- hian thinking imparted by his mentor. It was an emotional moment for both Gehlot and Subbarao, whom Gehlot affectionately addresses as Bhaiji, when the chief minis- ter entered his room and held Subbarao’s hands and said that he had come to take him to Jaipur. Subbarao ex- pressed elation that the chief minister had trav- elled so far and took out time to meet him. “On learning about Sub- baraoji’s reached here and learnt about his well-being from his doctors. I spent ing a three-year term. SC in its 2017 verdict had upheld the capital punishment awarded to them by the Delhi HC and the trial court. JNU RUCKUS... CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury, who joined a protest march outside JNU on Tuesday, said he has reached the university to show solidarity with its teachers and students. “All those who are witnesses to JNU violence or have any info about it, are hereby requested to come forward,” Joy Tirkey, DCP-Crime, Delhi Police, said. CM on health, I on the
INDIA JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 05 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia Academicians, celebs write to Modi They have praised the Prime Minister for the ‘humane and historic step’ taken with regard to the CAA and said it was a ‘watershed moment’ in the history of Bengal IN DENIAL MODE Mumbai: Film producer Bhushan Kumar denied attending govern- ment’s dinner at a hotel in Mumbai to discuss the CAA. The event invite was from Union Minister Piyush Goyal and BJP’s National Vice President Baijayant ‘Jay’ Pan- da. Bhushan Kumar said, “I was in Grand Hyatt. That doesn’t mean I was in a meeting or something,” This was after a reporter asked the cast and crew about the meeting. Bhushan Kumar not only arrived at the same time as the other celebri- ties who attended the meeting but was also thanked by BJP’s Tarun Rathi on Twitter CAA ROW Kolkata: A group of academicians, filmmak- ers, actors, artists, and other professionals from West Bengal have written to PM Modi, ex- tending their support to the CAA, which grants citizenship to persecut- ed minorities from Af- ghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. “We the people of West Bengal express our sincerest gratitude and unreserved admira- tion from the deepest core of our heart to you for enacting the CAA and through for finally settling this excruciat- ing episode, which has been tormenting and af- flicting the Bengali psy- che and soul for the last seventy years, since time of reads the letter. Nine signatories, Basu, Prof Debashish Chowdhury, Arindam Chakraborty, Advocate Joydip Sen, Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, indya Pulak Banerjee, Milan Bhowmik, San- jay Som, and Rantidev Sengupta have con- firmed that they have signed the letter along with others addressed to the PM, extending support to CAA. “History bears wit- JOINING HANDS WITH STUDENT ‘I AM YOUR ‘PEHREDAR’ Patharpratima: Contending that she was the custodian of people’s rights, West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said she would do every- thing in her power to protect the people of the state, as long as she was alive.“We do not live at the mercy of anyone. I will not allow anyone to take away our rights,” the CM said at a public meeting here, on the western fringes of Sunderbans. “I am your ‘pehradar’, if anyone comes to take away your rights, he will have to do it over my dead body. There is no need to be afraid of anybody,” the TMC leader, Banerjee said. ness to the fact that parti- tion has caused more pain and penury to the Bengali people than any other. A few far-sighted Bengali leaders and thought-lead- ers in the past had fore- seen the calamitous conse- quences of partition. Their wholehearted ef- forts resulted in the crea- tion of Bengal. These per- sonalities includes Sir Jadunath Sarkar, histori- an RC Majumdar, Prof Suniti Kumar Chattopad- hyay, Dr Meghnad Saha, Dr Syama Prasad Mukho- padhyay,” the letter adds. SILENT PROTEST BY UMAC Hyderabad: The United Muslim Action Committee (UMAC) an- nounced that it will organise a silent protest in the city against CAA & NRC on January 30. President Asaduddin Owaisi said, “On January 30, the day on which Mahatma Gandhi was as- sassinated, there will be a silent protest between Mohammadi line fl our mill and Bapu Ghat. There will be a human chain in which every participant will hold each others’ hands.” ‘PIRATED PROPAGANDA’ New Delhi: BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said that the protests against Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the universities across the country are infl uenced by a pirated propaganda. “These protests are infl uenced by pirated propaganda. We want to appeal to the protesters that they should follow the path of truth as truth always wins and they shouldn’t be a part of the pirated propaganda.” DMK STAGES WALKOUT Chennai: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam president MK Stalin staged a walkout for the second continuous day from the state Assembly opposing the CAA. “We want to give a strong mes- sage that we do not support the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The AIADMK in the state is not taking any step but just working for the BJP in the centre and hence we have walked out of the assembly today,” Stalin told reporters outside the Assembly. partition,” Anjana An- B-TOWN CELEBS INVITED Mumbai: Many Bollywood ce- lebrities including dissidents like Farhan Akhtar were invited to discuss CAA with Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal. Director Vipul Shah has confi rmed that he had personally invited Anurag Kashyap and Swara Bhaskar, who have participated in various anti-CAA protests. Several other celebrities from the industry were invited and were keen to attend the interaction, they couldn’t come on account of be- ing out of Mumbai on that day. JAFAR, DARAPURI OUT Lucknow: Congress worker Sadaf Jafar and former IPS of- fi cer SR Darapuri were released from Lucknow jail.Speaking to media after her release, Jafar said that she will continue to protest until the Centre rolls back the CAA. “The fear of being jailed and beaten up has now gone, thanks to Yogi Ji. I will continue to protest strongly till the time this inhuman law is withdrawn,” she said. Jafar and Darapuri were held last month during CAA protests. WOMEN ACTIVISTS’ TAKE Hyderabad: Women activists in Hyderabad alleged that attacks on students in JNU were an attempt to silence the youth over their opposition to CAA & NRC. “It is heartbreaking to see that while JNU students were being brutally attacked by communal goons, cops stood silently as spectators. How can a country which talks about the demo- graphic advantage of having youth & students just condemn it on paper & fail to arrest & pun- ish the perpetrators of the attack? —ANI UPDATING NPR WITH PILOT SURVEY Bhubaneshwar: Amid a countrywide brouhaha over the implementation of the amended citizenship law, the Odisha government has initiated the process to update the National Population Register (NPR), with the launch of a pilot survey, an offi cial said. A door-to- door survey would be conducted soon as part of the process, he said. “As per instructions of the Registrar General of India, the NPR exercise has begun. A pilot survey has been carried out in parts of the state, while door-to-door survey and house-listing will be taken up mid-April,” he added. BJP workers in Chennai hold placards during CAA support rally. IN THE COURTYARD Court to hear Chandrashekhar’s medical treatment plea today Lawyers remind Constitutional values to masses INCOME TAX CASE STING CASE Court dismisses Karti, wife’s plea ‘No charge-sheet without permission’ Nainital: The Uttara- khand High Court di- rected the CBI to not file charge-sheet without its permission in the 2016 sting video case against former chief minister Harish Rawat. Justice Shudhanshu Dhuliya slated the mat- ter for hearing on March 2. Before the hearing, Rawat took to Twitter seeking the blessing of the people. “Some black sheep were stolen from my house and they are still at my friends houses. My friends have accused quires checkup cerned doctor of AIIMS, Delhi especially Dr Ri- shi Dhawan, Asst Pro- fessor, Haematology Department, Delhi, where the treat- ment of accused is go- ing on for a long time under the supervision of the said concerned doctor and requires day to day checkup of blood, so that as and when, within a week or maxi- mum ten days when the blood becomes thick, if it is not done it may be- come a cause of cardiac attack for the accused,” the plea stated. —ANI to continue from New Delhi: Delhi’s Tis Hazari court will hear on Wednesday Bhim Sena chief drashekhar Azad’s plea regarding his medical treatment. Metropoli- tan Magistrate Arul Verma directed the con- cerned investigative of- ficer to submit the med- ical report of Chan- drashekhar on January 8. Mehmood Pracha, the counsel of Azad moved the court seeking medi- cal assistance for him. Azad stated he has a dis- ease, which pertains to blood thickness and re- quires regular medical treatment from the Hae- con- New Delhi: A group of lawyers read out the preamble of Constitu- tion at SC lawns to make people remember the constitutional val- ues. Kamini Jaiswal & Sanjay Parikh, & other lawyers were present. The move comes in the backdrop of protests against CAA. Protests have been held in differ- ent parts of the country against the Act which grants Indian citizen- ship to Hindu, Chris- tian, Sikh, Buddhist and Parsi refugees from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. —ANI Chennai: The Special Court for Income Tax cases dismissed pleas moved by Congress leader Karti Chidam- baram and his wife, seeking to discharge them from prosecution initiated by I-T depart- ment for alleged non- disclosure of income of over Rs 7 crore for the financial year 2015-16. The case pertains to a land dealing where I-T department has alleged that property sold by the duo in 2015 was un- dervalued amount shown on the Chan- AIIMS, matology department. The Bhim Sena chief is currently in judicial custody till January 18 after he was arrested by police from Jama Mas- jid during the protest against CAA. “Azad is suffering with “Polycythemia”, that is a disease of blood thickness and re- paper was different. The IT dept filed a case citing the I-T evasion and deliberate attempts by Karti and his wife Srinidi Rangarajan of selling a property in Chennai. Later, Special IT Court was constitut- ed for probe. —ANI me of this. CBI has filed an FIR against me. The case will be heard in the Nainital HC today . I hope your support and blessing are with me,” Rawat tweeted in Hindi. The court had on No- vember 1 postponed the hearing till Tuesday . and the MUTHOOT MD INJURED AFTER STONES THROWN AT CAR Kochi: The Managing Di- rector of Muthoot Finance company was injured after miscreants allegedly threw stones at his car today morning. George Alexander Muthoot suffered a head injury and was taken to a private hospital, the police said.A group of employees have been protesting against the Muthoot management GAGANYAN ASTRONAUTS TO HAVE INDIAN FOOD IN SPACE MISSION New Delhi: The Defence Food Research Labora- tory in Mysore said that it has prepared special desi food items for Indian astronauts scheduled to go into Space in Mission ‘Gaganyan’.The food items include egg rolls, veg rolls, Idli, moong dal halwa and veg pulav. Moreover, food heaters would also be provided to SPECIAL DRIVE TO REMOVE SPEED BREAKERS FROM NHs New Delhi: In a bid to ensure smooth and hassle-free traffi c movement, especially at toll plazas, a special drive has been initiated for removal of all sorts of speed breakers on National Highways. The speed breakers and rumble strips constructed at toll plazas are being removed with immediate effect for smooth vehicular movement. The speed breakers result in consid- erable delay, damage to vehicles and signifi cant discomfort to vehicle occupants and more fuel consumption due to acceleration & deceleration. VP NAIDU PAYS HOMAGE TO VISHVESHATEERTHA SWAMI JI Bengaluru: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu appealed to people to follow the path shown by Pejavara Sri Vishveshateertha Swami Ji & work towards building a casteless society in India. He said that seers like Sri Vishveshatirtha Swami Ji have always provided solace to suffering people and they constantly rushed to the help of the needy. “Our ancient sages always kept welfare of society above everything else. The great Puranic sage Dadhichi sacrifi ced his life to ensure that society remained on the path of righteousness.” over dismissal of 160 people from company’s 43 branches across the state in December. While the Muthoot manage- ment alleged that “Centre of Indian Trade Unions goons” were behind the attack that happened at around 9 am, the union leaders have maintained that they have no role in the incident. them. Special containers have also been developed to help the astronauts drink liquids including water and juices in Space where there is no gravity. ISRO announced that India’s fi rst-ever manned mission ‘Gaganyan’ is slated to take place by mid-2022, and four pilots of the IAF have been selected for training.
PERSPECTIVE 06 JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia PROTESTS SYNCHRONISED AFTER LOSING ’19 POLLS 2019 victory led to a flurry of laws and decisions which are hated by the leftist IN-DEPTH BLOWING HIS TRUMP-ET IN WEST ASIA S President Donald Trump is known to blow, well, his own trumpet louder than most. Never the one to back off from a fight, restrain his tongue or hold back his Tweets, he has been a high-decibel pres- ence since his advent on the political firma- ment. The problem with loudmouth is they some- times overdo the jaw-jaw, get carried away by the sound of their own voice. When this hap- pens, they either become a joke or evoke pity for their asinine thoughts. But, sometimes they sound like bullies and dangerous rabble- rousers. Consider Trump’s latest threats to Iran in this context. Since he authorised a drone strike on Iranian General Qasim Soleimani, Trump has been consistently adding to the already tense atmosphere in the Middle East with his intemperate comments. Soon after the Iranian government vowed to avenge Soleimani’s death, Trump raised the tem- perature further by saying the US govern- ment has identified 52 sites for retaliatory attacks. These 52 sites, he claimed, include some of the cultural centres and historical sites of the country . Trump’s threats have caused worldwide consternation and fierce criticism from Teh- ran. Its leaders have called Trump foolish and pointed out that his bullying amounts to a contravention of international law and is tantamount to war crimes. Though Trump has refused to back off, saying bombing the cultural heritage of Iran would be a legiti- mate response to “terrorism,” the Pentagon has ruled out such drastic measures. His de- fense secretary has accepted the criminality of the threat and refused to implement it. The problem with Trump is he lives dan- gerously on the margins of legality and mo- rality . His conduct before and after the Presi- dency has been far from satisfactory and has drawn flak on many occasions. He is also fac- ing impeachment by the US Congress for mis- using his post to coerce Ukraine into starting a probe against one of his political rivals. Trump’s threat to blow up centres of Ira- nian culture and history isn’t different from the Taliban-esque principle of blowing up the Bamiyan Buddhas to rile the adversary or subjugate a rival philosophy . It just doesn’t behoove his stature.Trump is expected to be measured in his words, and circumspect with his actions, especially when global peace is at stake. But, he seems to be equating threats with diplomacy and bluster with for- eign policy . Yet another example of his char- acteristic hubris is the threat to impose sanc- tions on Iraq after its parliament passed a resolution seeking withdrawal of US forces from the country. Trump needs to be tread with caution in the global arena. He should understand that West Asia is not the US, where his foes have learned to ignore some of his words as rants. ISHKARAN SINGH BHANDARI U The author is an Advocate at Supreme Court India T he reasons behind all the vio- lent protests on the citizenship act are because the leftists and Naxals are extremely frustrat- ed and angry because of the massive victory of the BJP in the 2019 election. India has long been governed by the Congress & leftist eco- system where political power, media, academia were con- trolled by them. The was a set- back to them but was consid- ered by Leftist ecosystem as a temporary thing arising out of anti-incumbency vote against 10 years of UPA rule (2004-14) but when the 2014 results were repeated & improved by PM Modi they realized India is changing, becoming aware of its rights, facts are free in social media & leftist can no longer control the news, narrative & politics of this country . This 2019 victory led to a flurry of laws and decisions which are hated by leftist & Ji- hadi forces such as ban on tri- ple talaq, abolition of article 35A, 370 & construction of Ram Mandir. These decisions by the government have shattered the leftist policies implemented since Independence & set India to a new path of uniformity and national integration. The 2019 elections broke left’s back and not being able to cope with this set-back the Left came up with a new technique to not let the current govern- ment function. They did this by spreading false interpretations, misguiding the people, fear- mongering and inciting people to come on the streets and cre- ate mayhem. They have thrown stones, destroyed property, burnt buses and attacked po- licemen during the protests against CAA and the same has followed since then to the cur- rent JNU incident on which conflicting versions exist. The Leftist mafia has always criticised our armed forces & police. After the recent incident at Jamia, they targeted the po- lice for entering the Jamia INDIAN MUSLIM, yet is being used to spread misinforma- tion, do fear-mongering among people, them to do violence on streets. The recent events where Paki- stani Jihadi mob is threaten- ing devotees and committing vandalism at Nankana Saheb Gurudwara, followed by a Sikh being targeted and killed in Pakistan, is the best exam- ple to indicate how Indic faiths are facing Genocide. The violent protests against CAA in the country are only indicative of fact that the pro- testors want people of Indic faiths to remain in Pakistani land and face death. That since recently the im- mediate threat in Pakistan came to the forefront on social media, the leftist knew their entire campaign would col- lapse & is likely that to divert attention the attack in JNU was stage-managed. The leftist ecosystem was decisively rejected by people in 2014 & 2019 by exercising their democratic right of vot- ing. Thus the strategy of Jin- nah has been adopted by left- ist but it will not work in mod- ern India under the govt of PM Modi. All violent illegal protests will be crushed by Home Minister Amit Shah and it will be ensured that Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, etc. fac- ing persecution in neighbour- ing nations will be given pro- tection in Bharat. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR ARE PERSONAL Campus and ran a campaign against them which probably made the Delhi Police reluctant to go to universities. But now after the JNU inci- dent, the same leftist started saying “why didn’t police in- vade JNU in full force” the ba- sic premise of these contradic- tory stands is to attack security forces & to not let them func- tion properly . The entire violent protests is a synchronised strategy made after losing the 2019 elections. They have decided to adopt Jin- nah’s strategy of direct action day violence. They have decid- ed to light a million fires from Jamia to JNU, from AMU to Jadavpur University and from UP to West Bengal, sometimes in the name of CAA and NRC. The JNU incident can be seen nothing more than a staged act as the CAA protests have been dying and Urban Naxals had to create a new fire to obstruct governments working but they failed to realize that the 2019 India is a new India. No government supports violence and the government of India has also condemned the violence and has instruct- ed Delhi police to be actively involved in finding out the facts and catch the criminals. The government had always been favorable to students and considers them as the build- ing blocks of society. This gov- ernment from its day one has claimed and titled itself as the government of youth and has taken many initiatives for the provoking The 2019 elections broke left’s back and not being able to cope with this set-back the Left came up with a new technique to not let the current government function betterment of Youth. It’s just the Leftist Naxals have made it a point to target govern- ment and police for every act and have started protesting on streets against the Indian government, which is making laws to save people who are facing Genocide in our neigh- boring countries. The battle lines are made clear, one side is with perse- cuted Hindus, Sikhs, etc. who have no option other than In- dia and the other side, is one who wants millions of Roh- ingya to come to India even though they have various other options to seek refuge but does not want some 30,000 odd Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jains, etc to come to India and has declared war to stop it. The CAA 2019 does not ad- versely affect even a single JNU incident can be seen nothing more than a staged act as the CAA protests have been dying and Urban Naxals had to create a new fire to obstruct governments working Racial stereotypes: Asians are good at math? T the U.S. If all Asian people were innately gifted in math, we shouldn’t see this kind of variation. A better explanation has to do with education policy and federal immi- gration laws. Countries that invest in teacher edu- cation and high-quality curriculum do better on international tests. In the U.S., the 1965 Immigra- tion and Nationality Act gave preference to STEM professionals from Asia. That policy affected my own parents, who were able to immigrate to the U.S. under that law, not because South Asian peo- ple are naturally good doctors. part of students’ classroom experiences in these sub- jects. If we don’t understand how racism works – even in supposedly “neutral” are- as like STEM – we might unintentionally racist ideas. he that “Asians are good at math” is pervasive in the United States. narrative seen as the “model mi- nority” – hardworking, academically and professionally suc- cessful – but it wasn’t al- ways that way. In the 18th century, Asian people were classi- fied as “mongoloids,” a racist term based on the pseudoscience of crani- ometry. Whereas “cauca- soids” (white people) were deemed full human beings with superior intellect, all people of color were con- sidered underevolved. From the late 19th cen- tury, a new image of Asian people was born: national threat. Chinese immigrants were seen as an economic threat to white American workers, and Japan became a mili- tary threat during World War II. FOR FULL REPORT LOG ON TO WWW.THECONVERSATION.COM talented Young children are aware of it. College students’ aca- demic performance can be affected by it. And Asian American candidate Andrew Yang has made his mathemati- cal aptitude a feature of his campaign. On the surface, the “Asians are good at math” narrative sounds like a compliment. what’s wrong with saying that someone is good at something? But as I ex- plain in a recent article, there are two problems. First, the narrative is false. And second, it is racist. I’m an teacher and researcher of STEM education. Research tells us that racism is a recycle presidential DEBUNKING THE MYTH As with many racial ste- reotypes, people are genu- inely curious whether the “Asians are good at math” narrative could be true. There are videos on You- Tube with several million views asking that ques- tion. Don’t test scores prove the narrative? In fact, they don’t. On interna- tional exams, it’s true that Asian countries among the top performers in math. But it’s also true that other Asian nations rank 38th, 46th, 59th and 63rd. Interestingly, those top performers also lead in reading – but there isn’t a narrative that “Asians are good at litera- ture.” Domestically, it’s the same story. shows considerable varia- tion in mathematical per- formance among different Asian ethnic groups in After all, As with many racial stereotypes, people are genuinely curious whether the “Asians are good at math” narrative could be true TOP TWEET Dharmendra Pradhan @dpradhanbjp The purpose of the nation-wide Jan Jagran Abhiyaan is to lift the veil off those who don’t want peace in the country. Our Muslim brethren have also joined in to support #CAA and reject the false propaganda of the opposition. #IndiaSupportsCAA MONGOLOID’ TO ‘MODEL MINORITY’ So if it’s not true, why do we say it? Today, Asians are often Research experienced are G Vol 1 G Issue No. 213 GRNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor: Jagdeesh Chandra, Managing Editor: Robin Roy, responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
INDIA JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 07 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia ‘Violence not a solution’ THE ADMINISTRATION WILL ENSURE THAT NORMALCY RETURNS TO INSTITUTE, SAID V-C New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Vice-Chancellor M Jagadesh Kumar on Tuesday termed Janu- ary 5 violence as “un- fortunate” and stated that violence is not a solution. He said that the administration will find every opportunity to make sure that nor- malcy returns to the University. “The incident that took place on Sunday, January 5 is unfortu- nate. Our campus is known for debates and discussions to re- solve any issues. Vio- lence is not a solution. We will find every op- portunity to make sure that normalcy returns to the University,” Ku- mar said. On Sunday evening, more than 30 students of the university including JNUSU pres- ident Aishe Ghosh were injured and were taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre after a masked mob entered the varsity and at- tacked them and pro- fessors with sticks and rods. —ANI action against her re- garding the two FIRs since she has not been involved in any vio- lence. “I have not done any violence. The police first need to have proof against me to take ac- tion,” she said. The FIRs against Ghosh was filed on Sun- day evening , around the time masked goons were on an attack spree at the university and she was taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre, injured and bleeding. The cases, were based on complaints of uni- versity authorities. Poster row: Need to see intent, says Aaditya Thackeray RAJ MEETS BJP JNU VIOLENCE POWERGallery FORMER AIR CHIEF MARSHAL B S DHANOA CHOICE FOR DIPLOMATIC POST ? Whispers are doing the rounds that Air Chief Marshal (Retd) B S Dhanoa is still Govt’s choice for a diplomatic position in France. FIRST CHIEF OF AIR DEFENCE COMMAND COULD BE FROM IAF OR INFANTRY It is being speculated now that the fi rst Chief of Air Defence Command may again be from the Infantry. However, this would again need ap- proval from the Air Force top brass, who may have a different opinion. DID FM NOT CLEAR PROPOSAL OF A K PANDEY ? In the power corridors, it is heard that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman did not approve the proposal of the appointment of A K Pandey as Chairman of the CBIC. In this case, she reportedly overruled the proposal. TEJENDER SINGH TO JOIN NIA ? Tejender Singh is likely to join the NIA in a cou- ple of months. He is a 2008 batch IPS offi cer of UT cadre. DR MILIND DHARNRAO RAMEKE TO JOIN GOI AS DEPUTY DIRECTOR LBSNA Dr Milind Dharnrao Rameke is joining the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Admin- istration, Mussorie as Deputy Director. He is a 2009 batch IAS offi cer of Tripura cadre. ALLAHABAD HC STILL SHORT OF 44 ADDITIONAL JUDGES The Allahabad High Court had vacancies for 44 Additional Judges as on January 1, 2020. CP, DELHI LEAVE CANCELLED Sanctioned leave of Delhi Police Commissioner has been cancelled. His leave was sanctioned for two days - Monday and Tuesday. But it was cancelled because of JNU episode. SHAHI GIVEN ADDITIONAL CHARGE OF POLICE – 2 IN MHA S K Shahi has been given additional charge of JS Police – 2 in the MHA. He is a CSS offi cer and JS Central - State relations. DR M M KUTTY IS ALSO SECRETARY, STEEL Dr M M Kutty has been assigned an additional charge of Secretary, Ministry of Steel for the time being. He is a 1985 batch IAS offi cer of UT cadre. PRABAL BASU LIKELY TO GET EXTENSION Prabal Basu, Chairman & Managing Director of Balmer Lawrie & Co Limited (BLC), is expected to get extension for second term. I C P KESHRI IS PRESIDENT OF MP IAS ASSOCIATION I C P Keshri has been elected as new President of the Madhya Pradesh IAS Association.He is a 1988 batch IAS offi cer. ITS OFFICER S B S REDDY JOINS AP GOVT ON DEPUTATION A 1989 batch ITS offi cer, S Bala Subramayam Reddy has joined the Andhra Pradesh govern- ment on deputation with getting posting as Special Secretary, Investment in Steel Sector in Industries & Commerce Department. JUSTICE MS SANJU PANDA APPOINTED ACTING CJ OF ORISSA HC Central Government has appointed Justice Sanju Panda as acting Chief Justice of the Orissa High Court w.e.f. January 5, 2020. A K SAHU IS ALSO HIGH COMMISSIONER TO DOMINICA Arun Kumar Sahu , presently High Commis- sioner of India to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, has been concurrently accredited as the next High Commissioner of India to the Commonwealth of Dominica, with residence in Port of Spain. He is an Indian Foreign Service offi cer of 1996 batch. FIR against woman with Kashmir poster Mumbai: The Mumbai Police Tuesday regis- tered an FIR against the woman who was seen holding a ‘Free Kash- mir’ poster at Gateway of India during a pro- test against violence at the Jawaharlal Nehru University . The woman protest- er, identified as Mehak Prabhu, had said her intentions were to only highlight the restric- tions imposed in Jam- mu and Kashmir.Stat- ing how the issue was “completely blown out of proportion”, in a video posted on Face- book, Prabhu said, “I saw a bunch of people who were painting plac- ards on every issue like NRC, CAA and for JNU students. There was a placard lying on the side which said ‘Free Kashmir’. The first thing which came to my mind when I saw that placard was about the basic constitutional rights of Kashmiris.” —PHOTO BY ANI Graffi ti wrote on JNU administration offi ce in New Delhi on Tuesday. No proof, story made up: Aishe Ghosh Delhi: Aishe New Ghosh, chief of JNU Students’ Union, said she is confident that there can be no police TWO FIRS FILED V-C SPEAK JNU Students’ Union chief Aishe Ghosh interacts with media after being discharged from the hospital. ‘THOSE BEHIND JNU VIOLENCE WILL BE EXPOSED SOON’ that the people with the mask will be exposed. People spreading rumors in JNU and across the country are try- ing to instigate violence.” “There is a deliberate attempt at creating un- rest in universities. This is the con- spiracy of some people, These people will also be exposed,” he added. Forensic teams look for clues at JNU New Delhi: Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said Home Minister Amit Shah has ordered an inquiry into the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) violence and all the accused would soon be exposed. “The Home Minister has ordered an inquiry into the matter. I believe ‘Acts of violence in institutes worrisome’ thority (who severely condemned JNU vio- lence) over what hap- pened at Jadavpur Uni- versity a fortnight ago is painfully worrisome,” Dhankhar tweeted. Mumbai: Mumbai Po- lice has taken “serious cognisance” of a ‘Free Kashmir’ poster spot- ted at the Gateway of India during protests against Sunday’s mob violence at Jawaharlal Nehru Uni- versity . The poster, held by a young woman who later identified herself as Mehak Mirza Prab- hu, was among several held aloft by protesters who had gathered at the iconic monument by the sea after a masked mob, armed with iron rods and sledgeham- mers, attacked JNU stu- dents and teachers and Kolkata: West Bengal Governor Dhankhar said that the acts of violence and an- archy in educational institutions is “worri- some and should not be tolerated.” Taking to Twitter, Dhankhar also stated that silence of those in authority , who had con- demned violence in JNU, over what hap- pened in Jadavpur Uni- versity is “painfully worrisome”. “Acts of violence, anarchy in educational institutions is worrisome should not be tolerated. Silence of those in au- New Delhi: Delhi Po- lice issued a public ap- peal seeking pictures, footage or any informa- tion related to Sunday’’s violence in JNU cam- pus that left 34 people injured even as forensic teams looked for evi- dence. Teams from Physics, Chemistry and Biology divisions of the Foren- sic Science Laboratory were in the university , the sources said. A team of photo ex- perts from the Forensic Science Laboratory was also present at the campus. —PTI Jagdeep Delhi’s Sanjay Manjrekar backs protests As soon as former India cricketer-turned-com- mentator Sanjay Man- jrekar expressed his support for ongoing protests in Mumbai which were organised for showing solidarity with JNU students, Olympic bronze medal- list Yogeshwar Dutt also joined the debate. left 34 people injured. “We have taken seri- ous cognizance of the ‘Free Kashmir’ poster seen in the protest last night at Gateway of In- dia. Yes, we are definite- ly investigating it,” Sangramsingh Nishan- dar, Dy Commissioner of Police said. —ANI and SC’s 9-JUDGE BENCH TO HEAR SABARIMALA CASE FROM JAN 13 New Delhi: The SC formed a nine-judge Con- stitution bench headed by Chief Justice S A Bobde to hear from January 13 the issue of allowing women and girls of all ages to enter Kerala’s Sabarimala temple, along with the other contentious issues of alleged discrimination against Muslim and Parsi women. The other judges CONG DEMANDS NSA AGAINST VIJAYVARGIYA FOR REMARKS Indore: Madhya Pradesh Congress unit wrote a let- ter to city district collector demanding the National Security Act against BJP national general secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya for threatening to set “entire Indore on fi re”. “We have written a letter to collector demanding action against Vijayvargiya. He has disrupted peace in the city, SGPC DELEGATION MEETS RAJOANA IN PATIALA JAIL Patiala: An Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee delegation, led by Gobind Singh Longowal met Sikh political prisoner Balwant Singh Rajoana inside Patiala jail. Rakjoana’s sister Kamaljeet Kaur also met him inside the jail. Rajoana’s sister Kamaljeet Kaur told that his brother has postponed his hunger strike of Janu- ary 11 and added, “SGPC Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee, Pradhan Pawan Singh has assured that the Home Minister will talk to President so that the matter can be resolved soon.” JAMMU: SNOWFALL AFFECTS VEHICULAR MOVEMENT Udhampur: In the wake of fresh snowfall in Jammu and Kashmir, the traffi c movement was on Tuesday suspended from Udhampur to Srinagar on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway. Many vehicles including heavy and light motor vehicles were stranded at various points along the highway in Udhampur. According to the India Meteorologi- cal Department, Srinagar is likely to receive snow next week. Rain and thunderstorm were ob- served in parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Punjab, said the IMD. on the bench are Justices R Banumathi, Ashok Bhu- shan, L Nageswara Rao, M M Shantanagoudar, S A Nazeer, R Subhash Reddy, B R Gavai and Surya Kant. The 9-judge bench has been set up after a 5 judge bench headed by then CJI Ranjan Gogoi, by a 3:2 majority verdict, referred the matter to a seven-judge bench. investigated people for vi- olence, delivered instigat- ing speech and threatened public offi cers. He was even heard in a video stat- ing that he will set entire Indore on fi re. We demand that NSA should be fi led against him,” Congress leader Devendra Yadav said. He was caught on camera threatening a govt offi cial in Indore.
NEWS JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 08 www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia Birla attends CSPOC standing committee meeting in Ottawa The Lok Sabha speaker along with other delegates from Indian Parl will participate in special plenary session and other workshops of conference ‘GDP growth slipping to 11-yr low of 5 pc’ New Delhi: India’s GDP growth is seen dipping to an 11-year low of 5 per cent in the current fiscal, mainly due to poor showing by manufac- turing and construc- tion sectors, govern- ment data showed on Tuesday . As per the first ad- vance estimates of the national income released by the Na- tional Statistical Of- fice (NSO), the manu- facturing sector out- put growth will decel- erate to 2 per cent in 2019-20, down from 6.9 per cent in the previ- ous financial year. Likwise, the con- struction growth is estimated at 3.2 per cent as against 8.7 per cent in 2018-19. According to back series GDP data re- leased by the govern- ment in November 2018, the previous low in economic growth was recorded at 3.1 per cent in 2008-09. The dismal perfor- mance for the fiscal was anticipated as the Ottawa: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Tuesday attended the Standing Meeting of the Confer- ence of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) upon his ar- rival in the Canadian capital Birla is leading an In- dian Parliamentary del- egation -- comprising of Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh and Lok Sabha Secre- tary-General Snehlata Shrivastava -- to the 25th CSPOC being held in Ottawa from January 5 to January 11. A total of four workshop ses- sions and a special ple- nary will be held during the conference. The theme of the first workshop is -- ‘Parlia- mentary Engagement: Openness, Transparen- cy, and Accountability, while the second work- shop is based on ‘Chal- lenges and Opportuni- ties Arising from the Displacement of a Par- Committee The NSO data fur- ther revealed that de- celeration in growth will also be witnessed in other key seg- ments, like agricul- ture; electricity; gas and water supply; trade; hotel transport sector; fi- nancial; real estate; and professional ser- vices. Whereas, some sec- tors, including min- ing, public adminis- tration, and defence, showed minor im- provement. As per the advance estimates for 2019-20, the growth in real GDP during 2019-20 is estimated at 5 per cent as compared to 6.8 per cent in 2018-19. Gross Domestic Prod- uct (GDP) growth in the first quarter was 5 per cent and 4.5 per cent in the subse- quent three-months period. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had also lowered its fore- cast for the economic growth to 5 per cent while announcing its bi-monthly monetary policy last month. The macro-econom- ic data is important as Finance Minister Nir- mala Sitharaman would be using it for preparing Budget esti- mates for the next fi- nancial year. She is expected to present the Budget 2020-21 in Par- liament on February 1. Birla during the CSPOC standing committee meeting in Ottawa. Ottawa. Procedures and Prac- tices Embracing the Changing Face and Needs of Parliament’, the government release read. The delegates from the Indian Parlia- ment will participate in the special plenary ses- sion and other work- shops of the conference. “During his stay in Ottawa, Birla will have bilateral meetings with his counterparts in the Canadian Senate and House of Commons and other dignitaries,” the release read. The Indian Parlia- mentary delegation will also have meetings with Indian diaspora in Ot- tawa and liamentary Assembly’. The theme of the third and fourth workshops are -- ‘Parliamentarians as Effective Legislators and Constituency Rep- resentatives: Evolving Support Required’ and ‘Security of Individuals in the Parliamentary Context and Beyond’, respectively . Birla will be the workshop presenter in the fourth workshop and will also attend the meeting of standing committee to be held on January 6. The special plenary will be held on January 9 on the theme ‘Inclu- sive Parliaments: The Role of the Speaker in Supporting Emerging and sector CSPOC Toronto. —ANI Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla met Sooroojdev Phokeer, Speaker, National Assembly of Mauritius on the sidelines of CSPOC meet. Jaipur foot works its magic in Syria ‘Railways civil services need representation’ Jaipur: Seniors offi- cials of the South West- ern Railway have writ- ten to Railway Minister Piyush Goyal against the creation of a unified Indian Railways Man- agement Service (IRMS) in the current form, seeking more represen- tation to officers from the civil services cadre. The proposed reform by the merger of all en- gineering and civil ser- vices cadres in the cur- rent form would be un- able to achieve the de- sired results, they wrote in a letter. They said the merger of the services be car- ried out on the basis of the roles and skill sets. Raising concern over the “slow progress and visible clash of inter- ests”, the officials have defined the roles and re- quired skill set for the merger. They submitted that the entire matter be examined from the be- ginning by the Ministry of Railways, along with the cabinet secretary, and recommendations of all committees be taken into account.—PTI Pak Bar Council opposes Bajwa’s tenure extension MEET & GREET Islamabad: Hours af- ter Pakistan National Assembly committee on Defence approved an amend- ment bill seeking to validate the three-year extension Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the Paki- stan Bar Council (PBC) expressed concern over the manner in which extension in the tenure of services chiefs is be- ing given through par- liament without ad- dressing the basic is- sues regarding the ne- cessity and desirability of the extension. A statement issued by PBC vice-chairman Amjad Ali Shah noted that giving extensions to incumbents in any institution “creates the perception of indispen- sability and weakens institutions.” “Person- ality-specific legislative and policy measures go against the spirit of representative democ- racy. Transitions are important for institu- tion building and creat- ing viable institutions,” the statement read. —ANI standing to Army ters were received by Indian ambassador to Syria, Hifzur Rahman, the founder and the chief patron of the BM- VSS, DR Mehta, team leader of the Jaipur Foot team, Salahuddin Ahmad, who is also ex- ecutive president of the BMVSS and a former CS of Rajasthan Gov- ernment. The Syrian government’s secretary in the social affairs ministry , Maisa Medani was a special guest. Mehta said that the camp in the troubled and war-torn Syria has been organised by the ministry of external af- fairs in association with the BMVSS. Jaipur. The Syrian minister for social af- fairs, Rima Al Qadri and deputy minister for social affairs, Wael Badeen, inspected the Jaipur Foot artificial limb fitment camp cur- rently underway at the Syrian Capital, Damas- cus. In this camp over 500 Syrian amputees will be provided with the artificial Jaipur foot and artifi- cial hands. The camp at the war-torn Syria has been organised by the ministry of external af- fairs in association with the Bhagwan Ma- haveer Viklang Sahaya- ta Samiti(BMVSS). The Syrian minis- Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot visited Sri Aurobindo ashram in Pudducherry. Also seen in the photo are ashram officials. $64mn aircraft helped kill Soleimani Tehran: The sequence of events that led to the killing of the Quds Force commander -- and sent Mideast tensions soaring -- began hours earlier in Beirut. His departure from the plane in Iraq was monitored by drones circling above, includ- ing one built by closely- held General Atomics armed with laser-guid- The Reaper, a $64 mil- fore firing on two cars carrying the Iranian commander and his aides who have been in conflict with US forces. The cameras on the Reaper likely would have identified Soleim- ani, determine his loca- tion in a vehicle and even what kind of cloth- ing he wore, according to a former Army spe- cial operations soldier. limb, lion aircraft with a 20-meter (66-foot) wingspan, had Soleimani in its sights for about 10 minutes be- long-endurance ed Hellfire air-to-sur- face missiles regularly used in attacks on high- value terrorists. z Folk artists, artisans, and special people working in the fields of literature, social art and education will be awarded during the state-level celebration of the Republic Day. Also, various organisations and sports players will be provided certificates for their contribution in their respective fields. Regarding the program, a committee of officers is constituted in the leadership of ACS Small Business. The file has been sent to the Chief Minister after getting it approved by CS. z Kota Collector Omprakash Kasera announced a mega event for about 2 lakh coaching students of all the institutions in the first week of February. There will be no classes for 2 days in any institution. For the event, Rs. 100 is being collected from every student. The selection for ‘Masti ki Pathshala’ will be held at UIT Auditorium on January 19 and 20. The step is being taken to counter stress and hypertension among the coaching students. z On Tuesday, 2 peo- ple, including a boy and a girl, were found dead on the railway line near the container depot on Banki road in Hindaun City of Karauli. The death is being told due to coming in front of a train, but the reason of death has not been confirmed yet. z Bhilwara Police have arrested 11 girls in an action taken in the case of sex racket in the district. Some of the girls are being told to be from Nepal and Bangla- desh. The investigation is being done in the leadership of the ASP. passing day. Dr Sharma also took district wise feedback in the meeting and scolded many Joint Directors for unsatis- factory arrangements work. Bank employees will also join the strike regarding the 10-point demands of the em- ployees. DUST AND ASHES z I&B Minister Prakash Javadekar conferred the first ‘Antarrashtriya Yoga Diwas’ awards to 30 media organiSations at an event organised at National Media Centre. BRIEF z After Jaipur Collector took back the decision of holidays in schools due to cold weather on Tuesday, all the schools in the city will remain open from today. in z During the state-level review meeting held in the Library Auditorium of SMS Medical College on Tuesday, Health Minister Dr. Raghu Sharma has made an appeal to all the medical institutions to show improvement with each z In the leadership of DCP East Rahul Jain, Bajaj Nagar police ar- rested 2 accused in the matter of breaking the car windows of luxury cars and stealing stuff on Tuesday. z Income Tax officials will also be a part of the nationwide strike announced by various organisations for today. z The Met depart- ment has forecast light rainfall over the eastern part of the state in next 24 hours. Black ash and fire debris is washed up on Boydtown Beach and the banks of the Nullica River in Eden, Australia on Tuesday as results of the recent bushfires. —PHOTO BY ANI
SPORTS JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 09 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia in MEN IN BLUEGO 1-0 UP IN SERIES India clinched a 7-wicket win over Sri Lanka in Indore India gunned down a 143-run target with 15 balls to spare Shardul and Navdeep Saini shone with the ball for India BRIEF Rossi bids adieu to football Buenos Aires: Italian midfielder Daniele De Rossi has confirmed his retirement from foot- ball, expressing his de- sire to spend more time with his family . De Ros- si spent 18 years with Italian club AS Roma. De Rossi also earned 117 caps for Italy at sen- ior level, winning the FIFA World Cup in 2006. SCOREBOARD India vs Sri Lanka Toss: India, fi eld fi rst Sri Lanka MD Gunathilaka b Saini WIA Fernando c Saini b Washington 22 16 5 0 MDKJ Perera c Dhawan b Kuldeep BOP Fernando st Pant b Kuldeep PBB Rajapaksa c Pant b Saini MD Shanaka b Bumrah DM de Silva c Dube b Thakur PWH de Silva not out I Udana c Saini b Thakur SL Malinga c Kuldeep b Thakur CBRLS Kumara not out Extras: 6 (b 1, lb 1, w 4) Total: 142/9 (20 Overs, RR: 7.1) Fall of wickets: 1-38 (Avishka Fernando, 4.5 ov), 2-54 (Danushka Gunathilaka, 7.4 ov), 3-82 (Oshada Fernando, 11.3 ov), 4-97 (Kusal Perera, 13.2 ov), 5-104 (Bhanuka Rajapaksa, 14.5 ov), 6-117 (Dasun Shanaka, 16.6 ov), 7-128 (Dhananjaya de Silva, 18.2 ov), 8-130 (Isuru Udana, 18.5 ov), 9-130 (Lasith Malinga, 18.6 ov) Bowling: JJ Bumrah 4-0-32-1, SN Thakur 4-0-23-3, NA Saini 4-0-18-2, Washington Sundar 4-0-29-1, Kuldeep Yadav 4-0-38-2. India KL Rahul b PWH de Silva S Dhawan lbw b PWH de Silva SS Iyer c Shanaka b Kumara V Kohli not out RR Pant not out Extras: 2 (b 1, lb 1) Total: 144/3 (17.3 Overs, RR: 8.22) Fall of wickets: 1-71 (KL Rahul, 9.1 ov), 2-86 (Shikhar Dhawan, 11.2 ov), 3-137 (Shreyas Iyer, 17.1 ov) Bowling: SL Malinga 4-0-41-0, CBRLS Kumara 3.3-0-30-1, DM de Silva 2-0-15-0, MD Shanaka 4-0-26-0, PWH de Silva 4-0-30-2. India win by 7 wickets R B 4 6 20 21 3 0 SR 95.23 137.50 121.42 111.11 75.00 87.50 130.76 160.00 50.00 0.00 - 34 28 0 3 10 9 1 0 9 12 1 0 7 8 0 0 17 13 2 0 16 10 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Verstappen extends F1 deal London: Max Verstap- pen has signed a new three-year deal with Red Bull that will keep him at the team until at least the end of the 2023 season, in what will be his eighth season as a Red Bull driver. The Dutchman was expect- ed to be one of the key cogs in this year’s driv- er market, with previ- ous contract keeping him until 2020. Indore: India could not have asked for a better start to the T20 World Cup year thrashed Sri Lanka in the 2nd match of the ongoing 3-match series in Indore on Tuesday. After the 1st T20I in Guwahati was washed out with a ball bowled, India were on the mark as they got down to business in the New Year. KL Rahul contin- ued from where he left in 2019 as he took apart the Sri Lankan bowling attack in the power- play. The in-form opener missed out on a fifty R B 4 6 45 32 6 0 32 29 2 0 34 26 3 1 30 17 1 2 1 1 0 0 SR 140.62 110.34 130.76 176.47 100.00 as they ECB appoints Neil Snowball as MD New Delhi: The Eng- land and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) on Tues- day appointed Neil Snowball as the Manag- ing Director of county cricket. Snowball served as CEO of the Warwickshire County Cricket Club since 2016. After a clinical performance from the bowlers, Indian batsmen made sure of 7-wicket win against Sri Lanka in the second T20I. EXCELLENT OVERS BY NAVDEEP AND KULDEEP ond delivery of the over. His next two wick- ets of Isuru Udana (1) and Lasith Malinga (0) came off consecutive deliveries at the end of the over but since it was his last over he missed a hat-trick. but he did the job with a 32-ball 45 at the Hol- kar Stadium. Shardul picked up all his three wickets in his final over of the match. In the 19th over, he first dismissed Dhananjaya de Silva (17) off the sec- N 18 runs. Kuldeep Yadav came back strongly twice in the match to pick two crucial wickets of Oshada Fer- nando and Kusal Perera in his fi rst two overs. Kuldeep started both the overs going for a six but managed avdeep Saini gave the side two crucial breakthroughs for only to have the last laugh. Meanwhile, Jasprit Bumrah, who is returning after an injury lay-off, had a quiet outing in Indore. He accounted for one wicket after giving away 32 runs. Earlier, India won the toss and elected to fi eld against Sri Lanka for the second time in the series. Barca squad for Spanish Super New Delhi: Barcelona on Tuesday named a 24- man squad for their up- coming Spanish Super Cup semi-final clash against Atletico Ma- drid. Ter Stegen, Ar- thur and O. Dembele missed out from the team owing to their re- spective injuries. Shapovalov picks up 2nd win against top-10 at ATP Cup Ronaldo scores 2nd half hat-trick, thump Cagliari Perth Scorchers beat Melbourne Sydney: Perth Scorch- ers defeated Melbourne Renegades by six wick- ets in the ongoing Big Bash League. Chasing 176, Scorchers got off to a solid start as Josh Ing- lis and Liam Living- stone put on 102 runs stand for the opening wicket. served seven dou- ble faults against Shapovalov to take his total for the tourna- ment to 31. “There’s a lot of things that I still need to improve, but it’s the start of the season,” Zverev said. “I need to find my Shapovalov with teammate Felix Auger-Aliassime to win the deciding doubles rubber against Kevin Krawietz and Andreas Mies earning Canada a 2-1 win in the tie to keep them in the hunt for quarter-finals. Sydney: Canadian Den- is Shapovalov picked up his second win against a top-10 player at the ATP Cup team event thump- ing of Alexander Zverev as the German contin- ued to struggle with his serve ahead of this month’s Open. Shapovalov, 20, needed just 70 minutes to brush aside world num- ber seven Zverev, who lost his third straight singles before the year’s first Grand Slam start- ing in Melbourne on 20 January . Zverev, the 2018 ATP Finals champion, Italy: Cristiano Ronaldo scored a second-half hat- trick to lead Serie A cham- pions Juventus to a 4-0 win at home to Cagliari, taking his tally to eight goals in his last five league games. The Portuguese pounced on a mistake in the Cagliari de- fence to break the deadlock four minutes after halftime before adding the second from a penalty as he scored for the fifth league game in the row. Ronaldo completed the rout by finishing off a counter-attack one minute. rhythm.” returned Australian Chandana leads team to victory Jaipur: Sports Minis- ter Ashok Chandna took a massive 12–3.5 win over Kanota in the Diya Kumari Polo Cup started on Tuesday in the Cavalry Ground. The trio Chandana scored 4 goals, Gerardo Mazzini scored 5 & Ba- shir Ali scored 3 goals. Kanota were helpless infront of the trio. KYRGIOS BEATS TSITSIPAS TO CLINCH 3-0 START FOR AUSSIES Bolstered by a raucous Aussie crowd, Nick Kyrgios made the host country a perfect 3-0 at the ATP Cup on Tuesday night, beating World No. 6 Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece for the second time. Kyrgios saw a break point come and go midway through the third, but regrouped in WILLIAMS BEATS WIND, CAMILA GIORGI IN AUCKLAND 1ST ROUND Serena Williams kick- started her Auckland Classic with an easy vic- tory over Camila Giorgi. Playing her fi rst singles match since losing last year’s US Open fi nal to Bianca Andreescu, the 38-year-old fi red eight aces and was hardly troubled by Giorgi. Wil- liams broke the Italian’s Bad day for Indian shuttlers at Malaysia Masters event Rajasthan, Bengal match draw Jaipur: The Under-19 Cooch Behar Trophy cricket match between Rajasthan & Bengal was a draw played at Kota’s JK Pavilion ground. Batsman Nikhil Sach- dev’s brilliant 85 runs helped Rajasthan score 199 runs in their second innings. Karan Lamba scored 41 runs. Fadia Silva Ramadhan- ti and Ribka Sugiarto 15-21, 10-21. On Wednes- day, Parupalli Kashyap will open his campaign against top seed Kento Momota, while Kidam- bi Srikanth will take on second seed Chou Tien Chen of Chinese Taipei. ters badminton tourna- ment. It was a bad day in office for the Indians as the women’s doubles pair of Pooja Dandu and Sanjana Santosh also failed to make the main draw. Dandu and Santosh lost to the Indo- nesian pair of Siti Kuala Lumpur: Lak- shya Sen failed to qual- ify for the main draw while the Satwiksairaj Rankired- dy and Chirag Shetty crashed out in the first round as Indian shut- tlers got off to a poor start at Malaysia Mas- pair of the tie-break, delivering a barrage of forehands and mixing in delicate drop shots to keep Tsitsipas off balance. serve 3 times, while remaining unbroken herself in a fi rst-round encounter that lasted only 68 minutes. England secure victory over South Africa WOMEN’S T20 WORLD CUP Perry wants Australia to ‘capture people’s imaginations’ London: forced a dramatic 189- run victory over South Africa of the second Test in Cape Town to level the series at 1-1. With the tourists still needing three wickets in the final hour, man of the match Ben Stokes claimed them all to cap a stunning all-round performance. England’s attack was also limited with all-time highest Test wicket-taker James Anderson missing most of the last two sessions because of injury . England thing you want in a World Cup. “I think we want to capture peo- ple’s imaginations and make it really enter- taining and make it something they want to tune in and watch.” Australia is current- ly ranked at the num- ber one spot in the women’s team rankings in both ODIs and T20Is. In the women’s T20 World Cup, Australia will play their first match against India on February 21. ment at home. “We’ve been success- ful and played some re- ally great cricket, espe- cially in the last 24 months or so, so this is the next challenge for us,” she said. “It’s a re- ally great opportunity to hopefully do some- thing special. “Given the quality of opposi- tion, it’s going to be a great spectacle (and) it’s also going to make it re- ally difficult for us to be successful, but I think that’s absolutely every- the aim to break the world record for the highest attendance at a women’s sporting fix- ture. Australia have be- come a dominant force across formats in the women’s game and are currently No.1 in the MRF Tyres ICC Wom- en’s Team Rankings in both ODIs and T20Is. Perry reflected on her team’s success in recent years and hoped that her side does “some- thing special” when they play the tourna- Sydney: Australia all- rounder Ellyse Perry is excited about the fast- approaching ICC Wom- en’s T20 World Cup, call- ing it the most hyped-up event in women’s crick- et in the past decade. Australia are hosting both the women’s and men’s T20 World Cups this year, with the wom- en’s event starting on 21 February . The final will be played at the Mel- bourne Cricket Ground on International Wom- en’s Day (8 March), with As teams get ready to participate in the Women’s T20 World Cup, Ellyse Perry has termed the competition as an ‘exciting challenge’
2ND FRONT Giving back is the way ahead. If you have power, use it to empower everyone else. —Jagdeesh Chandra, CEO & Editor, First India 10 POSTAL REG NO. JPC/010/2019-21 JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia Face consequences if you go on strike: Govt to employees Central Trade Union staff will stage a protest against some of central government policies New Delhi:The Centre has warned its staff of “consequences” if they go on strike called on January 8 by one of their associations to protest against union government’s policies including labour re- forms, foreign direct investment (FDI) and privatisation, accord- ing to a Personnel ministry order. The Central Trade Union, except Bharti- ya Mazdoor Sangh, and their affiliates in different sectors are mobilising workers and employees for their proposed nation- wide general strike on January 8, to protest on strike in any form go on strike,” it said. Fire at under construction bldg kills 3 at Bajaj Nagar AIR INDIA DISINVESTMENT GoM approve EoI, share purchase agreement New Delhi:A Group of Ministers (GoM) headed by Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday ap- proved the Expres- sion of Interest (EoI) as well as the share purchase agreement for Air India’s priva- tisation, a senior gov- ernment official said. The EoI and the share purchase would be issued in Jan- uary itself for the bid- ders, he said. The last GoM meeting took place in September 2019. Last year, the Air India Specific Alter- native Mechanism (AISAM) the re-initiation of the process for the government’s 100 per cent stake sale in Air Union Banking, transport services may be hit New Delhi: Banking, transport and other ser- vices across the coun- try are likely to be hit as trade unions called a nationwide strike on Wednesday . Nearly 25 crore peo- ple are said to be tak- ing part in this all-In- dia strike to protest against the govern- ment’s “anti-people” policies. Ten central trade unions like IN- TUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, Woman murdered, child missing in Pratap Nagar First India News be the handiwork of a person known to the deceased. They said, this (acquaintance) helped the killer gained access into the house. CCTV footage from near- by areas are now being pieced together. A blood- stained teddy-bear is all that remains of the kid. According to the police, the deceased woman has been iden- tified as Shweta Ti- wari (30). “The woman used to live with her husband Rohit in flat number 103 of block-E son,” officials said. Pratap lashes out at Centre over President’s Rule rider Aishwary Pradhan emy from Pakistan has taken India by surprise on its western borders. With the help of ultra hi-tech drones, India is battling a sea of grasshoppers which have landed on stand- ing crops spread over millions of acres in Rajasthan. “They (grasshop- pers) are very danger- ous... And have entered from Pakistan. We have sought help from Amer- ican experts to deal with the locusts army destroying our crops at a large scale,” said Kailash Choudhary , Un- ion Minister of State merable farmers.” UTUC along with vari- ous sectoral independ- ent federations and associations adopted a declaration in September last to go on a nationwide strike on January 8, 2020. Several banks have already informed stock exchanges about the Wednesday strike and its impact on banking services. Various bank employee associations have expressed their willingness to partici- pate in the strike. had refusing to divulge any details about the same. On Saturday , Air In- dia chief Ashwani Lo- hani had said “ru- mours” of the disin- vestment-bound air- line’s shutdown are “all baseless”, weeks after he told the Civil Aviation Ministry that the carrier’s financial situation was “grossly untenable” for sus- taining operations. India along with Air India Express and the carrier’s joint venture AISATS. While Air India’s net loss in 2018-19 was around Rs 8,556 crore, its current total debt is around Rs 80,000 crore. A Voluntary Retire- ment Scheme (VRS) as well as a debt restructur- ing plan for the airline was also approved by the AISAM, the official said, have agreement stake in would face the conse- quences which, besides deduction of wages, may also include appro- priate disciplinary ac- tion,” the order said. “There is no statutory provision empower- ing the employees to against some of the central government policies and press for 12-point common de- mands of the working class relating to mini- mum wage and social security among others. “Any employee going approved beeline to Rohit’s flat while his relatives reached the spot. “FSL team was called to pick up evidence. We have re- covered a rope and a kitchen knife from near the body . We suspect that someone who knew them could be behind the mur- der. Suspicion is on house-help, servant and some family member(s) as well. Till any further lead is developed, suspi- cion is on everyone close to the deceased. Search for child has also been initiated,” officials said. The matter came to light when Rohit re- turned home found main gate open. “Sensing it unusual, Rohit called Shweta. On not getting her re- ply , he went inside the room and found blood stained body of Shwe- ta lying on the bed. Ro- hit raised an alarm and only then he realised that even the child was missing,” officials said. Alarmed over the in- formation of murder, cops rushed to the spot as locals also made a and Jaipur:A woman from Pratap Nagar area of Jaipur was merciless- ly murdered by uni- dentified assailant(s) on Tuesday evening, and her two-year-old son was kidnapped. The incident, created panic in the area, while senior cops rushed to the spot. The woman was reportedly alone at her home with her tod- dler son when the inci- dent occurred. The police suspect this to of Unique Tower locat- ed in sector 26. They had a son named Shi- vam and on Tuesday evening Rohit had gone out for some work leav- ing behind the wife and —PHOTO BY SUNIL SHARMA Officials examine the fire site on Tuesday. First India News fire tenders rushed to the spot. “The fire fight- ers broke open the front door and then windows to let the smoke out. while, five individuals were found uncon- scious while one of them was rescued as he had not passed out. The four individuals were also rescued and rushed to Jaipuria hospital where three of them, identified as Ajju, Sadiq and Nizam, were declared brought dead. They had sus- tained 80 per cent burn injuries. Meanwhile, one other labour identified as Samar Bahadur was rushed to SMS hospital where he has been ad- mitted in critical condi- tion. One other labour has also been admitted. Further action in the matter is being taken,” officials said. ers fell unconscious, due to which they were charred alive. The incident occurred in house located near the Bajaj Nagar post office at around 6.30 pm. “Six la- bourers were working on the first floor of the house when the short circuit occurred. It ap- pears that at the onset of the fire, they did not come to know of it, how- ever, as the fire spread and the inflammable ma- terial was caught, the outbreak spread rapidly . Soon the smoke made it difficult to see or breathe properly as the doors and windows of the floor were shut. It was only much later that the lo- cals saw some smoke bellowing out of the house and alerted the local police station and fire department,” officials said. On receiving the news, Jaipur:Three labour- ers were charred alive and one other sus- tained severe burn in- juries after a major fire broke out in an under construction house in Bajaj Nagar area of the city on Tuesday evening. The fire broke out due to a short circuit while the labourer grossed in their work on the first floor of the house. It is believed that probably due to the presence of paint and other inflamma- ble material, the out- break spread quickly and did not give time to the six workers to flee. The windows had been shut, which also made it almost impos- sible for the smoke to bellow out of the house and the labour- Min deploys drones to combat locust menace New Delhi: A new en- Mean- for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. “What disappoints me is the fact that even in this moment of cri- sis, the Rajasthan gov- ernment is not cooper- ating. Thousands of farmers, about the severe dam- age to their crops, seem to be in distress, but Rajasthan govern- ment is not bothered,” Choudhary said, adding, “In Gujarat, we faced the same tiddis (grasshop- pers) but due to proac- tive support of the state government, the Centre crushed them and saved the livelihood of innu- not afraid of it,” he said. Recently , Modi govern- ment had warned of President’s Rule in states which refused to imple- ment the Motor Vehicle (amendment) Act, 2019 as enacted by it. It said that the states cannot re- duce penalty prescribed in the central law. Meanwhile, state president Satish Poonia while target- ing Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, said since the formation of Modi government in the country, a fash- ion of protests to op- pose the Centre has started. like Gujarat. According to him, it is illogical to impose Rs 20,000 fine on a mo- Jaipur: Brushing aside Centre’s threat to im- pose President’s Rule in a state that did not com- ply with amended Mo- tor Vehicle Act (2019), Rajasthan’s transport minister has made it clear that the state will not increase penalty amount. Attacking the cen- tral government on this matter, Trans- port Minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas said first it (Centre) should ensure imple- mentation of this Act in BJP-ruled states torcycle worth Rs 40,000. He said the state govern- ment is not deny- were en- worried BJP ing to implement the law but it has right to make some amend- ments accordingly some changes are be- ing made. “The central govern- ment wanted to threaten us with ED, Income-Tax and CBI however, we are KOTA INFANT DEATHS CRIB DEATHS RETURN TO HAUNT CONG BONHOMIE? Kartikey Dev Singh sensitive issue. I want to end this entire is- sue because the more you stretch this issue, the issue will also be stretched,” he said, adding further, “I am the minister of the health department, therefore the entire re- sponsibility is mine. If any issue erupts in Rajasthan related to medical and health, then I take responsi- bility for the same. Who other than me will be responsible?” minister Raghu Shar- ma appeared to be in damage control mode on Tuesday as he first held a marathon re- view of all the hospi- tals run by the gov- ernment. Raghu was also faced with the same question, that was posed to Pilot earlier in the day, however the health minister chose not to answer. “I will not say anything on anyone, otherwise will be played on this dia, related to account- ability on the death of children, and report from the PWD officials, Pilot, who holds the PWD portfolio said a matter as sensitive as this “should be tackled with sensitivity”. “Such news is also coming from other cities as well. I am deeply sad- dened by these deaths and we need to im- prove the system. I have repeatedly said that we will have to decide the responsi- bility so that such in- cidents do not happen in the future. If we do not establish account- ability , then such inci- dents will take place again,” he said. Pilot’s verbal “barbs” against own govern- ment, may be a facet that the government does understand, how- ever, the remarks are enough to corner the government. While on one hand, the “fire rages”, one the other hand, health health through a summary detail of delay in budget allocation, Deputy Chief Minis- ter Sachin Pilot again created ripples in the “Congress when on Tuesday he lashed out at the gov- ernment deaths of the infants, only this time he was surrounded crowd of his support- ers. Responding to ques- tions raised by the me- minister, Jaipur: Will the death of infants at Kota result in a perpetual “death” of Congress leaders’ ca- maraderie? The party, that was once bouncing back with a strong and united face, appears to have lost its track in the midst of the death toll. No kidding... but this is serious matter. The reason for the same is simple: A day after making a silent, yet scathing attack on pond” over the by a politics Deputy CM Sachin Pilot Health Minister Raghu Sharma
www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia JAIPUR, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8, 2020 PROUD INDIAN Taapsee Pannu PHOTOGENIC ROUND WITH A MOTIVATIONAL SESSION TOOK PLACE FOR THE CONTESTANTS OF ‘MRS. RAJASTHAN 2020’ ON TUESDAY TAAPSEE PANNU GIVES A FITTING REPLY TO A TROLL QUESTIONING HER NATIONALITY A tionality by a troller, when she shared the news piece of vandalism at the Guru Nankana Sahib’s shrine in Pakistan. Taapsee is not new to the trolls on so- cial media, and the actress loves to give it back to them right away with interest. Trolls not just harass the celebrities men- tally , but also provoke in bringing out the worst side of themselves, and Taapsee has had a hands-on experience. She is ex- tremely vocal about her opinions and has an unabashed point of view about every- thing. Recently, a troll asked Taapsee if she was an Indian. Given the current hor- rifying political situation in the country, NRC and CAA, Taapsee took a dig at him and asked, “Ab tumhaare ko bhi pa- per dikhaane hai kya?” She also shared a video with the caption saying, “Chalo ab hu- maari baari.” It had a hint of reference to the JNU attack that was held on the university cam- pus recently. SAY CHEESE! s Taapsee Pannu is known for be- fitting replies to the trolls, the ac- tress is at it again. Recently, Taap- see was questioned about her na- —PHOTOS BY MUKESH KIRADOO —Agency Jagdeesh Chandra with Yogesh Mishra, Nimisha Mishra and the participants; (From top left) Shiwani, Yamini, Nisha, Rinki, Shikha, Heena, Swati, Pooja, Lovleen and Pratibha; (From bottom left) Esha, Monila, Pratibha, Ekta, Dariyav, Sudhi, Reshmi and Antima NEHAL NAYAR nehal.nayar@firstindia.co.in E veryone has their own dreams- some achieve them, and some don’t. For the ones who don’t, it’s never too late to walk towards their fi- nal goal, irrespective of their age, status and everything else that might come in the middle. Look- ing at this and giving an opportunity to the mar- ried women who still have the ability to fulfil their dreams in the fashion industry, Ni- misha and Yogesh Mishra have provid- ed the platform of ‘Mrs. Rajasthan 2020’. The grooming session of the participants ‘Mrs. Rajasthan 2020’ contestants with First India Newspaper organised for the con- testants every day , and will go on till the fi- nale that is on Janu- ary 10.” He added, “We have design- ers like Vanya Kaushik from Delhi, Sanjay Sharma from Kolkata, and An- jali Goyal from Jaipur who will be showcasing their designs dur- ing the Grand Fi- nale.” ties happening every single day . On Tuesday, they had a motiva- tional session with Jagdeesh Chandra, where he spoke about the media line and motivated the participants to fulfil their dreams, come what may. Fol- lowed by that, was a photogenic round which was judged by Fashion Photographer Vishnu Sharma. Talking about the event, Yo- gesh Mishra said, “We are treating this pageant not like a regular one, but like a national fashion camp. There are vari- ous grooming sessions being of this pag- eant started from Janu- ary 3 at Hotel Grand with interesting activi- Esha Sharma Safari, Dariyav Shekhawat Swati Ratan
LISTING JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 12 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia Beyonce slammed by netizens S FACE OF THE DAY inger-actress Beyonce Knowles is being slammed in the virtual world for failing to give actor Joaquin Phoenix standing ovation after his Golden Globe win. Phoenix won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama for his portrayal of the mentally unstable loner Arthur Fleck in comic book drama ‘Joker’. The actor got a standing ovation when his name was announced. The 38-year-old singer’s decision to remain seated at that moment at the event, held at the Beverly Hilton hotel on Sunday, has caused quite a stir. The singer, who arrived an hour late to the ceremony, made a silent state- ment about her views about the win. A Twitter user shared a picture of the moment, writing: “Beyoncé sitting during the standing ovation for Joaquin Phoenix’s win is the type of energy I want to see from everyone in 2020.” Beyonce was also up for Best Original Song - Motion Picture, for her ‘The Lion King’ track ‘Spirit’. She lost out to ‘Rocketman’, for the song, “(I’m gonna) love me again, Rocketman”. The singer also failed to walk the red carpet during the ceremony and turned up one hour late. One user wrote on Twitter: “@Beyonce You’re a joke for not standing up for Joaquin Phoenix. Understandable to make a state- ment. But that’s just poor sportsmanship for someone that actually deserved recog- nition. You’re entitled and arrogant. And as an actress you’re a joke. Smh. You ought to apologise to him.” “Beyoncé sitting during the standing ovation for Joaquin Phoenix’s win is the type of energy I want to see from eve- ryone in 2020,” wrote one, and another said: “Beyoncé isn’t anyone important. I’m happy Joaquin won!”. “Yes, that is Joaquin Phoenix, who won a Gold- en Globe tonight for his role as the Joker in ‘Jok- er’, something Beyoncé did not do,” said another. VINI SINGH, Fashion Blogger YOUR DAY Horoscope by Saurabbh Sachdeva IF IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY You will be very happy and satisfi ed whole year long. You must devote some time to spirituality and there is no looking back. You are apple of your parent’s eyes. Beautiful day awaits you! ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 TAURUS APR 21 - MA Y 20 Anything is possible if you decide on it. Don’t hesitate from You may travel with your dear ones to a far distance place. helping your friends in studies, be a gentle person. Good work in project will be really admired by your boss who may recommend your name for something big in future. Money comes from inheritance for you. Romance is in the air for you. On professional front, you may spoon feed a junior in offi ce today. Your fi nances are at place and you are doing what you must in your capacity to build a life that you want. GEMINI MA Y 21 - JUNE 21 CANCER JUNE 22 - JUL Y 23 Don’t worry too much about your sibling’s future, everything will be Your prior commitments will keep you busy today. Your just fi ne. Your friends are really precious for you and you will do anything for them. You will come up with many new ideas today. Your payment that has been stuck for a long time will get released today. efforts in academics will be appreciated by your parents and teachers. You will excel in anything that you will devote time to. Make sure to use soft, humble words with your lover. Remember to go to the gym. —IANS LEO JUL Y 24 - AUGUST 23 Possession of property is on the cards. On academic front, avoid being overconfi dent and make sure to go through the whole thing again. You will derive immense satisfaction in helping someone in need. Maintain healthy relationship with your colleagues for peace of mind. VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 23 Avoid any legal complications with your sibling for property. You Beyonce will get promotion in your current job but you may be in dilemma, if you want to continue or not. A new source of income will help those who are in state of taking caring of the parents. CITY THEATRE POLICE 100 FIRE 101 AMBULANCE 102/108 CHILD HELPLINE 1098 HELP IN SUFFERING 2760012 DIAL Do you want to add your establishment here? Email your details to www.fi rstindia.co.in LIBRA SEPT 24 - OCTOBER 22 Your relationship will become stronger with your siblings. Your love for your spouse is unconditional. A heart to heart conversation can resolve any problem. Don’t worry about your parents health, they will live a long, healthy life. SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOVEMBER 22 You always cater to people’s need. Blessings and these blessings from parents are nothing less than jewels. Those who have been recently promoted will enjoy the fi nancial perks. Your determination to change current situation will make you a winner one day. MEDICINES 24X7 Apollo Pharmacy ................... 6001111 Vrindavan Medical Store .........5106568 (Station Road) Rungta Hospital ......................2522001 (Malviya Nagar) Guardian ............................4025763-65 (Durlabhji Hospital) Bhandari Hospital ....................2703851 Fortis Hospital .........................2547000 (Emergency) ...........................2547009 Jaipuria Hospital .....2552034, 2551460 JK Lone ...................................2619827 Sanjeevani Hospital .................2290060 Santokba Durlabhji (SDMH) ....2566252 SMS Hospital ..........................2560291 Soni Hospital ...........................2562028 Tongia Heart & .......................2370271 General Hospital Tagore Hospital ................6450553/554 S K Soni ..................................2232409 ASSISTANCE, ON THE ROAD City Car Helpline ......................5106046 Audi ........18001036800, 18002096800 BMW ...............................18001032211 Mercedes .........................92143-62626 Ford ................................18001022020 Honda .............................18001033121 Hyundai ...........................18001024645 Maruti Suzuki ........................18004200 Tata Motors .....................18002097979 Volkswagen India ............18001020909 ORDER A CAKE... & MORE Bake Hut (MI Road) ..........9649930033 Brown Sugar ...........................4016611 The Chocolatiere ..............93520-56222 Chocolika .........................99284-41888 Bake Home (Vaishali) ..............2353475 Miss Bakers (C-scheme) ..98290-55688 Nibs Cafe (Lal Kothi) ........90012-89191 SAB KUSHAL MANGAL Elements Mall : 06:35, 07:35, 09:35, 10:35 GT Central Mall: 06:00, 06:45, 07:30, 09:00, 09:45, 10:30 Pink Square Mall: 06:45, 07:45, 09:45, 10:35 Sunny Trade Center: 06:45, 07:35, 09:45, 10:35 Vaibhav: 06:10, 06:50, 09:45 Kohinoor Cinema: 06:15, 09:15 Raj Mandir Cinema: 06:30, 09:30 Lakshmi Mandir Cinema: 06:15, 09:15 DABANGG 3 BLOOD BANKS Mahila Chikitsalaya .................2610616 SDM ..............................2566251/52/53 SMS ........................................2560291 Swasthya Kalyan .....................2721771 Zanana Hospital ...... 2378721 extn 219 S K Soni Blood Bank ...............2232410 Cast: Akshaye Khanna, Priyaank Sharma, Riva Kishan Director : Karan Vishwanath Kashyap Funstar Times Square Mall : 10:45 Triton Mega Mall : 09:15, 11:15 World Trade Park Mall: 05:25, 10:50 Golcha Cinema: 12:30 Cinestar Multiplex: 06:40 Crystal Palm: 09:25, 05:00 City Plaza Mall: 09:15, 06:40 Elements Mall : 12:25, 07:45 GT Central Mall: 09:15, 02:10, 07:45 Pink Square Mall: 04:30, 07:45 Sunny Trade Center: 11:45, 07:35 Vaibhav: 12:15 GOOD NEWWZ HAVE FOREX, WILL TRAVEL Haldia Forex (MI Road). ..........2372051 Thomas Cook India Ltd (Raja Park) ..............................2360801 Pinky Forex ......................98285-19111 SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 22 Do what makes you happy. Don’t ruin your love relationship because of society pressure. You will be successful when the right time comes, so be very patient. You fulfi l the promises that you make to yourself. You will be happy in your friends happiness and will celebrate along. CAPRICORN DEC 23 - JAN 20 Those waiting for something to work out in terms of about foreign plans will soon hear a good news. Some of you will go to a distant place for studies. You always give good suggestions to your friends and that’s why people respect you. PAMPER THYSELF Ziva Spa (C-Scheme) ..............4026173 Kiaora Spa (Trimurti Circle) .....2577588 Spandan Spa (Bapu Nagar) .....4002774 Kerala Ayurveda Kendra ..........5106743 Chakrapani Ayurveda ..............2620746 New Shine Spa ..................7665190503 Maharshi Charak Ayurveda .....4017138 Style N Scissors ................9828391448 INTERNET SERVICES Data Infosys Limited .........9828015000 DIAL-UP-A-DISH Dominos .................................6888688 Pizza Hut (MI Road) ...........4008628-30 Pizza Hut (Malviya Nagar) ..4034779-81 Pizza Republic (Raja Park) ......4040909 Subway ............................99281-36495 (Narain Singh Circle) Subway (Crystal Palm) ...........5106767 Talk of the Town (MI Road) .....2363153 Nut Bolt (Malviya Nagar) ..98288-89999 Candles & Cuisines ..........91664-04000 Surya Mahal ......................9950568666 Niros Restaurant (MI Road) ....2374493 JAIPUR BY SIGHT Amber Fort ..............................2530293 City Palace ..............................4088888 Nahargarh Fort ........................5148044 Jaigarh Fort..............................2671848 Sisodia Garden ........................2680494 Rani Garden ............................2680494 Tourists, this is for you RTDC- Pink City by Night ........2375466 RTDC- Travel Section ..............2200778 Tourist Information Centre ......5110598 Tourist Info Bureau .................2725708 (Airport) Tourist Info Bureau .................2206720 (Sindhi Camp) Cast: Salman Khan, Sudeep, Sonakshi Sinha, Saiee Manjrekar Director : Prabhu Deva Funstar Times Square Mall: 09:45 Galaxy Riico Mansarovar : 06:30 Cinestar Multiplex: 06:15, 09:15 Entertainment Paradise: 06:30 Golcha Cinema: 09:30 City Plaza Mall: 09:30 GT Central Mall : 06:45, 10:00 Pink Square Mall: 07:20 Vaibhav: 09:15 Cast: Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh Director : Raj Mehta Funstar Times Square Mall : 07:00, 07:40, 10:30 Galaxy Riico Mansarovar : 07:40, 09:30, 10:15 Triton Mega Mall : 06:45, 08:20, 09:40, 11:20 World Trade Park Mall: 06:40, 08:25, 09:35, 11:20 Cinestar Multiplex: 07:40, 10:15 Entertainment Paradise: 07:45, 09:30, 10:30 First Cinema: 07:30, 09:45, 10:15 Golcha Cinema: 06:30, 09:30 City Plaza Mall: 06:45, 09:00, 09:45 Crystal Palm: 06:30, 07:30, 09:30, 10:30 RING-A-ROSE Ferns n Petals (Tilak Nagar) ....2622077 Bagiya (Raja Park) ..........98290-88413, Blossom (MI Road) .................2362214 Diamond Florist (MI Road)9314507198 Flora (Malviya Nagar) ..............2520707 AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 19 PISCES FEB20 - MARCH 20 Someone special will enter your life and will change everything for you. Emphasise on your capabilities rather thinking about your limitations. Make sure to spend as much as your pocket allows. Be soft with your parents. You may excel in something but don’t let the overconfi dence EYE BANK Eye Bank Society 2604117, 98290-59005 UTILITIES Call JVVNL at ..........................2208999 JMC ........................................5110111 drown you. Help those in need without even asking. You are fi nancially very strong and your bank balance is growing. On home front, be careful about how you communicate things. EMAIL, MOBILE APP & SOFTWARE IBharat Sync Technologies 7340013507 MyXgen Technologies .......9828164490 LPG Indane .....................................2771867 HP Gas ....................................2740087 Bharat Petroleum ....................2740688 WHEELCHAIRS/OXYGEN/WALKERS... Times Surgical ........................2373125 Shubra Trading........................2365688 Surgicare .........................98280-23232 HOSPITALS Apex Hospital .....................2751871-73 Bhagwan Mahaveer .................2700107
ETC ETC ETC JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 13 www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia Karan’s FOR Bipasha Bipasha Bipasha Bipasha B ing day! You are God’s gift to all of us especially me! Thank you so much for being born my love,” he wrote on Instagram. Along with the post, Karan also posted a couple of pictures in which the two can be seen sharing smiles and cuddling each other. The birthday girl also shared a couple of pictures on her Ins- tagram profile and she cap- tioned it: “Happy on my Happy Birthday.” On the work front, the two, who got married in 2016, will be seen sharing screen space in the upcoming film ‘Aadat’. Earlier, they worked together in ‘Alone’. ipasha Basu turned 41 on Tuesday, and her spouse Karan Singh Grover is leaving no op- portunity to shower love upon her. Taking to social me- dia, Karan, who is currently holidaying with Bipasha in the Maldives, posted an emotional note for her. “Wish you a very very very happy birthday my darling sweet little baby bumbi pie mon- key princess! @bipashabasu. May the universe shower you with infinite abundance, joy, love and success!!! Be the bright shining light that you are and shine brighter with every pass- —IANS Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover ANGREZI SMILE ! KISSING AGE IS PAST? O lywood comeback with an upcoming film ‘An- grezi Medium’. The film has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced and is sequel to the 2017 hit film ‘Hindi Medium’. It also stars Dimple Kapadia, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Radhika Madan and Deepak Dobriyal. Ir- rfan celebrates his birthday on Tuesday and to mark the occasion, makers of the film shared the still from ‘Angrezi Medium’. The actor can be seen smiling from ear to ear in the latest post of the official Instagram handle of Maddock Films. The caption is, “#happy- birthday to one of our finest @ irrfan. As his birthday treat to all of you we will be giving you #AngreziMedium in March 2020.” —Agency B does not get to do intimate scenes – particularly kissing sequences – in films! Kapoor opened up on the subject at the trail- er launch of his new film ‘Malang’. There are quite a few kissing scenes between Aditya Roy Kapur and Disha Patani in the film. When he sees younger actors puckering up, does he miss doing it onscreen? “Do you want me to get beaten up at home? There is Sonam and Rhea, and (wife) Sunita!” he said. Then, after a pause, he added with a laugh: “Obvi- ously I feel bad about it somewhere down the line!” ‘Malang’ releases February 7. n Irrfan Khan’s birthday, a new still of his upcoming film ‘Angrezi Medium’ has been unveiled. Irrfan Khan is gearing up for his Bol- ollywood actor Anil Kapoor, who has de- fied age and looks barely 30 despite his 63 years of age, has joked how he feels bad somewhere down the line that he —IANS Irrfan Khan Anil Kapoor A still from the film ‘Shikara’ SHIKARA T upcoming film Shi- kara has been re- leased. The film is slated to hit the box office on February 7 and introduces two new faces: Sadia and Aadil Khan. The film tells the story of around 4,00,000 Kash- miri Pandits who had to flee the Valley in a mass exodus in 1990. Shikara is Chopra’s first re- lease since Eklavya in 2007 (he pushed out the English-lan- guage Broken Hors- es in 2015). The 67-year-old filmmak- er, has previously BABLI KI DUNIYA D ed reboot ‘Bunty Aur Babli 2’, playing the role of a bubbly con-girl ‘Babli’ with Siddhant Chaturvedi, has said that she always wanted to be an actor, and was really excited to be a part of the Yash Raj Films (YRF) project. EK AWAAZ Talking about getting the golden chance of acting and working with YRF, said, “I have always wanted to be an actor and was a total filmy kid growing up. I love the idea that cinema can transport us into a world of its own and make us happy, get us inspired and also make us ponder.” ebutante Shar- vari, who has been roped in for the much-await- directed Kashmir which around the Kashmiri insurgency . The Indian film makers have been highlighting the is- sues faced by Kash- miris through their films like Roja (1992), Fanaa (2006), Tahaan (2008), Valley Saints (2012), Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019) and Films that are based on the mass exodus of on Kashmiri Pan- dits such as Bub in 2001, Sheen in 2004, I Am in 2010 and Haid- er in 2014 made that special effects on In- dian audience. Mission (2000), revolved Sharvari he awaited trailer of Vidhu Vi- nod Chopra’s much- —Agency Sharvari of NAZAR KE SAAMNE more. D company of a few acid attack sur- vivors. The Bollywood diva cap- tioned the video post as, “Be the change you want to see... A Social Experiment by Team Chhapaak!” While some people were friendly others reacted with what was clearly horror. The entire episode was captured through the team’s hidden cameras and a compiled video was posted on various social media platforms by the actor on Tuesday . At the end of the video, Deepika shares, “ Aaj pura din bita k yeh jaanaa ke kuch nazar ke samne hota hai aur kuch nahi. Nazariya badalna zaruri hai.” Deepika on Tuesday also shared another heartwarming poster of ‘Chhapaak’ on social media. —ANI eepika Padukone and the team of her forthcoming film ‘Chhapaak’ walked the streets of Mumbai to conduct a social experiment and examine how people from various paths of life —Agency ...her Instagram post react to being around acid attack survivors. Deepika donned the character’s makeup and visited an accessory store, supermarket and mall in the A still from the film ‘Shikara’ Deepika Padukone
CITY BUZZ JAIPUR | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 14 www.firstindia.co.in I www.firstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefirstindia I facebook.com/thefirstindia I instagram.com/thefirstindia ENCHANTING TALENT @ JKK IN THE PINK CITY! CITY FIRST T he third day of the ‘Children’s Festival’ wit- nessed an ener- getic ‘Children Instrumental Performance’ directed by Tabla Maes- tro, Ankit Pareek. The performance with a Tabla recital of Ganesh Stuti, followed by Kaida which is a type tabla composition. The recital flowed into ‘Tuk- de’ which were small individual pieces pre- sented by the partici- pants. The performance received thunderous ap- plause when the chil- dren presented ‘Sawaal- Jawaab’, Train and Horse sounds as well as Teen Tal. The perform- ers interacted beauti- fully with the audience with a mesmerising rendition of Taal Ke- herwa. They concluded with the Bhajan ‘Raghupati Ra- ghav Raja Ram’. This was followed by a mellifluous rendition of Rajasthani songs by the children. Songs like ‘Kesariya Balam’, ‘Pratham Na- man’, ‘Cham Cham Chamke Chunari Bin- WEDDING FASHION CALENDAR began —PHOTOS BY MUKESH KIRADOO command dance form through a presentation of Kathak of the Jaipur Gharana. In ‘Raag Yaman Kay- lan’ they presented ‘Morey Shyam’. In this, they showcased two Leelas – Govardhan Leela and Narsingh Avatar. Storytelling workshop by Dr. Anita Bhatnagar Jain (retired IAS) witnessed its final day. The Painting Camp Manoj Joshi also con- cluded on Tuesday . cityfirst@firstindia.co.in over the On the concluding day of the five-day 21st National Art Fair, organised by Lalit Kala Academy, a valediction and award ceremony was organised on Tuesday in Shilpgram at Jawahar Kala Kendra. During the event, the best schools and students were awarded by PCC Vice President Rajiv Arora, Rajasthan Lalit Kala Akademi Administrator KC Verma and Director General of JKK Kiran Soni Gupta to display the best art piece at their stall. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO popular folk Children Pareek, an energetic Kathak performance was presented. The children showcased ex- treme footwork and children formed ‘Sargam’. Following this, under the direction of Kathak Guru, Taruna Jangid also per- jara Re’, ‘Banna Re Bagama Jhula’ and ‘Mhara Diggi Puri ka Raja’ were presented. Other than this, the by Play ‘Ek Fool, Do Malik’ by Carlo Goldoni was staged at Ravindra Manch in the Pink City on Tuesday evening. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO CITY FIRST F for Fashion 2020 in various parts of the city. This would be his second year of the calendar shoot. The calendar would showcase wed- ding outfits and jew- ellery from various designers and outlets of the Pink City. Ri- shi Miglani was seen shooting for the com- pany , Togs by Suraj & Grishma. City First shares exclusive pic- tures of the calendar launch, which will take place later in the month, at G Club, where fashion influ- encer awards cere- mony will also take place, with the who’s who of the fashion industry . cityfirst@firstindia.co.in ashion Photog- rapher, Man- ish Ladha has been shooting the Wedding Calendar Rishi Miglani The calender of Gitanjali Group was launched on Tuesday by Executive Director, Ankit Agarwal; Chief Executive Officer, Pratim Tamboli and Registrar, Bhupendra Mandaliya of Gitanjali Medical College and Hospital. The calenders will be distributed to the patients free of cost. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO The team during the shoot Glimpse from the calendar shoot by Manish Ladha BUZZ —PHOTOS BY SUNIL SHARMA Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor was spotted with a fan in the Pink City, as she arrived on Monday evening. Punjabi Singer Singga was spotted performing at Rajasthan University on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO A cultural event ‘Udaipur World Music Festival’ is going to be held in Udaipur city on February 13th-14th, where artists from around the globe will join to give a variety of performances. Actors Tiger Shroff (left), Shraddha Kapoor and Ankita Lokhande (right) were snapped outside the premises of Sisodiya Rani Bagh during the shooting of the film ‘Baaghi 3’ on Tuesday. Jaipur audition of the television dance show ‘India’s Best Dancer’ was held at Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering & Technology on Tuesday. —PHOTO BY MUKESH KIRADOO