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49704018 石庭瑜 49704033 黃樂怡 49704036 馬瑞琪

看電影學英文. 49704018 石庭瑜 49704033 黃樂怡 49704036 馬瑞琪. Do you want to learn English in an interesting way? Have you ever memorized the dialogue in the movie when you feel confusing or touching? Let’s get ready and learn English in movie’s world!. Practical English in dialogues.

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49704018 石庭瑜 49704033 黃樂怡 49704036 馬瑞琪

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 看電影學英文 49704018 石庭瑜 49704033 黃樂怡 49704036 馬瑞琪

  2. Do you want to learn English in an interesting way? Have you ever memorized the dialogue in the movie when you feel confusing or touching? Let’s get ready and learn English in movie’s world!

  3. Practical English in dialogues

  4. My best friend’s wedding(1997)新娘不是我 “Did she say the wrong thing again? That is so in character.” ☆ in character 在個性裡→人如其名

  5. Confessions of a Shopaholic(2009)購物狂的異想世界 “My dad is great, very down to earth.” ☆down to earth 下到地球→腳踏實地

  6. Pay it forward(2000)讓愛傳出去 “Well, Traver, I get a good night sleep, I eat a hardy breakfast, I showed up on time, and then I pass the bucket to you.” ☆pass the bucket 傳遞水桶 →交負責任

  7. I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry(2007)當我們假在一起 “I know it is kind of last minute.” ☆last minute 最後一分鐘→臨時

  8. Get smart(2008)特務行不行 “He is nothing but an empty suit.” ☆empty suit 空的套裝→虛有其表

  9. The majestic(2001)忘了我是誰 “I’m leaving you for good.” ☆for good: 永遠 ※為你好而離開你 →永遠離開

  10. Me myself and Irene(2000)一個頭兩個大 “I just don’t have the patience for people who judge books by their covers.” ☆judge books by their covers 看封面評論書→以貌取人

  11. Classical dialogues

  12. She is the Man(2006)足球尤物 “If you want to chase your dreams, sometimes you got to break the rules.” ☆追求夢想不能墨守成規

  13. Gladiator(2000)神鬼戰士 “Your fault as a son is my failure as a father.” ☆你這個兒子的錯就是我這個父親的錯 →養子不教父之過

  14. The Godfather(1972)教父 “If you get wet might as well go swimming.” ☆既然濕了就下去游泳吧 →既來之,則安之

  15. Rebound(2005)絕地籃霸 “Courage is just well-concealed fear.” ☆勇氣只是把恐懼做了很好的掩飾

  16. Titanic(1997)鐵達尼號 “Make each day count.” ☆數到每一天→活在當下

  17. Sunshine(2007)太陽浩劫 “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” ☆當我們來到這座橋就會跨越過它了 →船到橋頭自然直

  18. Resources • http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!RAjg6KKUHxsFplfkzkfDc1E- • http://www.google.com.tw/imghp?hl=zh-tw&tab=wi

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