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S1 Geography Sustainability: An Introduction. Sustainable Development Topic 1- Sustainability: what does it mean?. By the end of topic 1 you should be able to: 1.1 Know what we mean by the term resources 1.2 Know the link between population growth and our use of the world’s resources
S1 Geography Sustainability: An Introduction
Sustainable DevelopmentTopic 1- Sustainability: what does it mean? • By the end of topic 1 you should be able to: • 1.1Know what we mean by the term resources • 1.2Know the link between population growth and our use of the world’s resources • 1.3Know what the term sustainable development means • 1.4Know and give examples of ways in which different places and people in the world are connected and understand the term, “Think Global Act Local”
Word check for topic 1 Here are the main words and ideas that we shall be looking at in Unit 1. • Resource(s) • Non –renewable energy (Fossil fuel) • Renewable energy • Consumption (“using”) • Production (“making”) • Sustainable • Conservation • Interdependence • Recycle
Resources • Any thing that we take from the physical landscape to make other things that we need or want for our lives, eg • Drink • Food • Shelter • Fuel/Power • Manufactured goods • But, using resources can lead to a lot of waste • waste + =
ie we make stuff that we never use. It just gets thrown out as waste!
Resources: soil Gives support and nutrients to crops Eroded and blown away by wind Absorbs water, so helps to slow down or stop the risk of flooding Over use by people and/or animals can cause lasting damage to soils Soaks up some harmful chemicals Washed away by heavy rains
Resources: coal, oil, gas and minerals China & India Are Building 4 New Coal Power Plants – Every Week More than 1,000 new coal plants are planned worldwide, with about three-quarters of these in China and India alone Coal, oil and gas are Fossil Fuels. We dig up coal and drill for oil. We then burn the coal and oil (and gas) to generate electricity
Resources: seas and oceans 70 % of the Earth’s surface is water To think about: What do you think will be the impact of these types of fishing on the resources of the sea?
Resources: minerals Iron ore mine, Australia Granite quarry, Glensanda, Argyll
Consuming resources in New York • waste Click here
Consuming resources in North West India Click here
Sustainable development • Development means making life better, eg, to have a better standard of living and an improved quality of life • Sustainable Development meansmaking sure that the things we do, the goods we buy and the lifestyle we have today will not harm the environment for us, for people in other places and for future generations
Sustainable development means • Looking at levels of consumption and waste • Thinking about our careful use of the Earth's resources • Realising that we are each responsible for our actions, and that what we do can have a huge effect on other people, and places
So, big question: How many people can the Earth sustain, and at what standard of living? 1950 2 Billion 2013 7 Billion Contrasting lifestyles, Manilla
1.5 million tons of clothes a year are thrown out ...9,000 garments thrown into landfill every five minutes Is this sustainable?
Sustainable living-recycling clothes and other textiles Where do recycled clothes go? 60% of old clothes go abroad 35% used for mattress stuffing
Sustainability? what’s the message here? Think Global Act Local ! What do you do with your plastic bags?
If you recycle a tonne of paper, how many trees are you saving? A. 12 trees. B. 17 trees. C. 23 trees. D. 28 trees.
Recycling just one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a television for how long? A. 3 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 12 hours.
How many years does it take a single aluminium can to decompose? A. 20 – 40 years. B. 60 – 80 years. C. 80 – 100 years. D. 100 – 120 years.
Recently, as part of our commitment to sustainable living, Hutchesons' has been working with a local park to create a community orchard.
In the US people throw away 2.5m plastic bottles every hour and less than 3% are recycled. In the UK: of the 15m plastic bottles used every day, much less than 3% gets recycled. Less than 1% of the billions of plastic bags used each year are recycled and the majority are used only once.
A worker sorts through computer keyboards in Guiyu, China. Since the late 1980s, computer waste from developed countries has been imported to China and broken down at Guiyu.