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Apologetics “Then and Now”. Presented by: Randy Olsson. Presuppositional Apologetics.
Apologetics“Then and Now” Presented by: Randy Olsson
Presuppositional Apologetics • Is a field that aims to present a rational and defense for the faith against objections, and (3) expose the perceived flaws of other worldviews. Presuppositional apologetics is especially concerned with the third aspect of this discipline. The key feature of this school is that it maintains the Christian apologist must assume the truth of the supernatural revelation contained in the Bible (that is, the Christian worldview), both prior to the apologetic exercise and as the result of it.
Classical Apologetics • Is that style of Christian defense that stresses rational arguments for the existence of God and uses evidence to substantiate biblical claims and miracles. It is quite similar to evidential apologetics and appeals to human reason and evidence. Some of the arguments relied upon for proofs of God's existence are the cosmological argument and the teleological argument.
Two Types • Presuppositional – More of a negative approach. • Classical – More of a positive
Apologetics 4. Demolishing Arguments (refuting falsehoods) If Jesus is really Lord, then we should be obedient to him as it is stated in II Cor. 10:5 “we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Apologetics 3. Defending the gospel (upholding truth propositions) • In Philippians 1:7 Paul speaks of his task as “defending and confirming the gospel.” He adds in, “I am put here for the defense of the gospel.” This implies that the defender of the gospel is out where her or she can encounter others and help preserve the truth.
What is Apologetics? 2. Giving Answers for the hope we have. 1 Peter 3:15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect
Presuppositional Apologetics • Keys in listening… • Dodging Bullets (VS.) Disarming the man • It deals with uncovering the philosophical foundation of one’s world view
4 Questions to Ask • Is it Arbitrary? • Is it Inconsistent? • What are the Consequences? • What are the preconditions of what is presented?