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Astrophysics. The world inside our world. What It Is. Astrophysics is the part of astronomy that deals with the interaction of matter, and heavenly bodies with interstellar space. The Theory's.

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  1. Astrophysics The world inside our world

  2. What It Is Astrophysics is the part of astronomy that deals with the interaction of matter, and heavenly bodies with interstellar space.

  3. The Theory's • There are many different theories in astrophysics, but my main topics will be String Theory and Quantum Theory.

  4. String Theory According to Einstein there are four dimensions: length, width, depth, and time. In string theory there are the four dimensions stated by Einstein plus seven others, but the most important of the eleven is dimensions is eleventh dimension. The eleventh dimension is what holds the universe together.

  5. Quantum Theory In Quantum Theory, atoms aren't solid. There more like a thought. So you never really touch anything. The atoms repel each other before you touch it or you'd go through every thing. Since matter is like a thought it can be altered. Lets say if you believe with every fiber of your being you will walk on water, you'll walk on water.

  6. String Theory and Alternate Universes String Theory states that our universe began from one single explosion, which created all matter. But there was a problem. Where did all this matter come from? This was the singularity. That is where the eleventh dimension comes in. Theoretically there an infinite number of universes in the eleventh dimension, and there is so little space that when the universes move they most often collide, and when they do they create a massive explosion creating an entirely new universe. This explosion is the Big Bang Theory.

  7. Einstein's Gravity. Einstein said that the universe is space and time woven into a fabric, and this fabric bends and indents like a trampoline. Lets say we put a heavy ball like the sun on this trampoline, it indents. Now lets say we add the earth, the earth will roll into the indentation. Now lets give the earth a spin when we roll it. It will spin around the sun in a circular pattern, or an orbit. That’s all gravity is.

  8. Conclusion • In conclusion the universe isn’t alone, gravity is just an incident, and atoms aren’t solid. Whether or not you want to combine the theories I’ll leave it up to you, and remember, these are just theories.

  9. Bibliography • “The Universe” on the History Channel. • Science Channel, String Theory special. • Glencoe Physical Science, Student Edition (Glencoe Science)Glencoe/Mcgraw-Hill.1st Edition, 2007 pages 347-351

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