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Virtual Vacations

Virtual Vacations. By Rhonda Napper , Allison Pearson, Tanya Reeder, & Melissa Zimmer March 9, 2012. Goals. Students at the Bowling Green Housing Authority will: Learn more about a vacation destination of their choice

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Virtual Vacations

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  1. Virtual Vacations By Rhonda Napper, Allison Pearson, Tanya Reeder, & Melissa Zimmer March 9, 2012

  2. Goals • Students at the Bowling Green Housing Authority will: • Learn more about a vacation destination of their choice • Learn to use a technology tool for this task and future school assignments • http://www.habg.org/

  3. Learning Targets • Carry-out addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems to the hundredths place (dollars and cents) • Apply knowledge of elapsed time to create a vacation schedule • Analyze costs and benefits to determine a budget • Identify a vacation destination’s location, geographic features, climate, and culture • Produce clear, coherent, and concise writing, including correct grammar and usage • Read for informational purposes • Use technology to organize ideas and create a final product

  4. 4th Grade Standards Social Studies- • SS-04-4.1.1- Students will use geographic tools (e.g., maps, charts, graphs) to identify and describe natural resources and other physical characteristics (e.g., major landforms, major bodies of water, weather, climate, roads, bridges) in regions of Kentucky and the United States. Math- • 4.NBT.4- Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. • 4.MD.2-Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals, and problems that require expressing measurements given in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that feature a measurement scale.

  5. 4th Grade Writing Standards WR-E-1.1.0 -Purpose/Audience: Students will establish and maintain a focused purpose to communicate with an authentic audience by • Narrowing the topic to create a specific purpose for writing • Establishing a controlling idea, theme, or conclusion about the topic • Choosing a perspective authentic to the writer • Analyzing and addressing the needs of the intended audience • Adhering to the characteristics of the form • Applying a suitable tone • Allowing voice to emerge when appropriate WR-E-2.4.0 -Sentence Structure: Students will create effective sentences by • Applying a variety of structures and lengths • Developing complete and correct sentences unless using unconventional structures for an intentional effect when appropriate

  6. 5th Grade Standards Social Studies- • SS-05-4.1.2-Students will use geographic tools to locate and describe major landforms, bodies of water, places and objects in the United States by their absolute location. Math • 5.NBT.7: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

  7. 5th Grade Writing Standards WR-E-2.3.0- Organization: Students will create unity and coherence to accomplish the focused purpose by • Engaging the audience • Establishing a context for reading when appropriate • Communicating ideas and support in a meaningful order • Applying transitions and transitional elements to guide the reader through the piece • Developing effective closure WR-E-3.5.0- Language: Students will exemplify effective language choices by • Applying correct grammar and usage • Applying concise use of language • Incorporating strong verbs, precise nouns, concrete details and sensory details • Applying language appropriate to the content, purpose and audience

  8. 4th and 5th Technology Standards • T-I-RIPSI-U-1- Students will understand that technology assists in gathering, organizing and evaluating information from a variety of sources to answer essential questions. • T-I-RIPSI-S-R1- Students will gather and use accurate information from a variety of electronic sources (e.g. teacher-selected Web sites, CDROM, encyclopedias and automated card catalog, online virtual library; word processing, database, spreadsheet) in all content areas • T-I-RIPSI-S-R4- Students willuse technology tools to process data and report results • T-I-RIPSI-U-3- Students will understand that technology is used to produce an innovative product or system. • T-I-RIPSI-S-I1- Students willuse technology to organize and develop creative solutions, ideas or products • T-I-RIPSI-S-I2- Students will use technology to express creativity both individually and collaboratively

  9. 6th Grade Standards Social Studies- • SS-06-4.2.1- Students will describe how regions in the present day are made distinctive by human characteristics (e.g., dams, roads, urban centers) and physical characteristics (e.g., mountains, bodies of water, valleys) that create advantages and disadvantages for human activities (e.g., exploration, migration, trade, settlement, development). Math- • 6.NS.3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.

  10. 6th Grade Writing Standards • W.6.2- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.a. Introduce a topic; organize ideas, concepts, and information, using strategies such as definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.b. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.c. Use appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. • W.6.4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. • W.6.5- With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

  11. 6th Grade Technology Standards • T-MS-ICP-U-3- Students will understand that technology is used to communicate in a variety of ways. • T-MS-ICP-S-C2- Students will select and use appropriate technology to collect, analyze and share information • T-MS-ICP-S-C4- Students will use a variety of electronic formats (e.g., web publishing, oral presentations, journals and multimedia presentations) to summarize and communicate results • T-MS-ICP-U-4- Students will understand that productivity tools are used effectively and efficiently to accomplish a task. • T-MS-ICP-S-P2- Students will construct and publish information in printed and digital formats (e.g., printed reports, resumes, brochures, charts, multimedia presentations, videos and websites) for authentic audiences • T-MS-ICP-S-P3- Students will use technology to develop innovative and creative products • T-MS-RIPSI-S-R3- Students will locate and collect information from a variety of electronic resources (e.g. search engines, CDROM, online periodical databases, Virtual library/online catalogs, interactive video conferencing) and correctly cite sources • TE-SK-MS-RII-3d- Students will organize information that is collected using a variety of tools (e.g., spreadsheet, database, saved files)

  12. Research for a Virtual Vacation • Choosing a location • Identifying means of travel • Determining accommodations • Selecting attractions • Sample Research Glog

  13. Budget for a Virtual Vacation • Means of Travel • Accommodations • Attractions • Meals • Souvenirs

  14. Spreadsheet

  15. Save a Spreadsheet as a Photo • On a PC: • Press Fn and F11 to copy screen to your clipboard • Open a new document and paste an image of the entire screen, OR • Open the application “Paint” to paste and edit your image, then save it as photo • On a Mac: • Open the application “Grab” • Select “Capture,” then “Selection” • Use your mouse to select the portion of your screen you’d like to photograph • Release the mouse to see your image as a new file • Now you can save it as a photo

  16. Step 3: Upload Photos and Videos • Presentation Options • Web 2.0: Glogster • iMovie • Photostory • PowerPoint

  17. Why Glogster? • Challenges at HABG • Computers lack many essential software applications • Computers are wiped clean at the end of each day • Extensive virus protection limits downloading options

  18. Why Glogster? • Benefits of Glogster: • Compatible with PC and Mac • Does not require saving to a computer or USB • Allows for photos and video • Free!

  19. Videos and Photos in Glogster Photos • Save photos to your desktop or flash drive • Click on tools, then image, and upload your photo • After you upload your image click on it and click use it. Your photo will appear on your Glogster and you can edit it. Videos • Save your links to Microsoft word • Click on tools, then videos, and click on link • Paste your link into the box by using Ctrl v • After your video is uploaded click on it and click use it. Your video will appear on your Glogster and you can edit it.

  20. How to Upload Videos and Photos in Glogster • http://www.glogster.com/edit/g-6lmn0u98p1lkug3u4oa6ba0

  21. Example Glogsters • http://www.glogster.com/bglearningcenter/glog/g-6lvg8pg6rv9calb05fjsma0 • http://www.glogster.com/bglearningcenter/martin/g-6lvkiisolqf41tifq92kma0 • http://www.glogster.com/bglearningcenter/jaylen-greene/g-6lvkj8jja0rtsf2jicfcma0 • http://www.glogster.com/bglearningcenter/mafata-s/g-6lvkjo3t64fnp575k8f4ma0

  22. Other Presentation Options • PowerPoint • For PC and Mac • Allows for photo, video, and audio • Show Sample PowerPoint

  23. Other Presentation Options • Photostory • For Windows • Limited to photos, not video • Allows for audio • Show Sample Photostory

  24. Other Presentation Options • iMovie • For Mac • Allows for photo, video, audio • Compatible with green screen technology • Show Sample iMovie

  25. Questions? • Rhonda.napper@warren.kyschools.us • Allison.pearson@warren.kyschools.us • Tanya.reeder@bgreen.kyschools.us • Melissa.zimmer@warren.kyschools.us

  26. Special Thanks to… • The Housing Authority of Bowling Green • http://www.habg.org/ • The Toyota Math and Technology Leadership Academy

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