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Welcome to the Bowen Association UK

Welcome to the Bowen Association UK. Welcome to Bowen. Congratulations for choosing to train with Bowtech, the Original Bowen Technique.

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Welcome to the Bowen Association UK

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  1. Welcome to the Bowen Association UK

  2. Welcome to Bowen • Congratulations for choosing to train with Bowtech, the Original Bowen Technique. • New students are important to us as they represent the practitioners of the future and ensure the survival and recognition of this unique and remarkable therapy. • We are regarded in the Industry as the ‘Gold Standard’ in Bowen, and our training and expertise are one of the main reasons why. • Please take a few minutes to read these slides – then access the links page at the end.

  3. A training course in progress

  4. What will I need? • Couches are provided at training courses but you may wish to purchase your own professional couch on which to practice and carry out your case studies. • If you are unable to source this yourself or you are unsure of what type/make to get, please let us know, we can help. • We would recommend that you purchase a portable couch. You’ll be able to take it with you to your clients or case studies and also bring it with you at training modules. Teachers often appreciate extra couches in classes. • A number of spare towels and a disposable paper roll are also recommended: remember that hygiene is essential.

  5. Only approved instructors UK instructor demonstrating Bowen moves

  6. What’s my Status whilst Training? • Student Membership of the Bowen Association • Welcome to our Community. • Giving you support throughout your training • Opportunity to Network with experienced practitioners.

  7. Insurance • It is important that you are covered by insurance, (even during your training period.) • We have obtained preferential insurance rates for you with Holistic Insurers – saving you ££££ off the usual standard rate. Please contact Alison Livings on…info@holisticinsurance.co.uk….for details. • Always remember to obtain your clients details and their written permission via a ‘Client’s Information Sheet’. Your tutors will have examples of these for you to use. • There is also a good template in your training manual.

  8. What else do I needs to learn?Anatomy and Physiology It is crucial to understand the anatomy of the body part being worked on Your Trainer will advise you

  9. First Aid Training Do I need to learn First aid? • We do advise you to take First Aid training during your Training course. • You will then be ready to take your final assessment and become a Full member of the Bowen Association.

  10. Will I need to do Case studies? • Yes..... This is an essential learning tool. • Apply what you have learnt with confidence and trust the technique: you’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve, even with limited experience. • If you are unsure about which procedures to use, consult you tutor (discuss this with him/her first • If you are particularly pleased with a treatment or a study, send us your story and get it published in our Bowen Association UK ‘Bowen News’ magazine!

  11. How do I get started in Business when I’m qualified? • Ask your friends to spread the word and if possible give talks to different groups of people: ramblers and other walking groups, elderly and/or retired people, the Women’s Institute. Make yourself known to sports clubs, health centres, gardening clubs and maybe dance groups… • 80-90% of your clients will get in touch with you through a common contact or personal recommendation. • FREE..... Press Release writing and PR Publicity advice from us.

  12. BAUK qualified instructors UK instructor and Head of the Teacher’s Association Trevor Griffiths

  13. BAUK website and assistance • Please familiarise yourself with our website. • Our website is updated weekly and as you know has a dedicated student page, a ‘join now’ tab as well as a well-populated Members Area available to Full members. • If you have anything you believe would benefit other members or other students, please let us know. We are always keen to listen and expand this resource for you. • If you have a question or a problem, call us. We are here to help. Whether it has to do with administration, training or equipment, we can talk you through the steps you need to take. You are never alone whilst training with Bowtech!

  14. Code of conduct • You will find a resume of our Code of Conduct in the Constitution and on the BAUK website in ‘Students membership’. • As a student you will also have received a detailed version of it. Please read it carefully and be aware of the importance of its content, its there to protect you. • From time to time the wording of this code may change (for instance to comply with new legislation or new regulation). Please always check the website for the most up-to-date version of our Code of Conduct.

  15. Who’s Who - BAUK Executive members • Veena Lidbetter • Chairman 2013 Rob Godfrey, (Treasurer) Angela Cannon (Vice Chair) Sheila Whyles(Secretary)

  16. Bowen Association UK (BAUK) • The Bowen Association UK is the professional association for Bowen practitioners and is considered the gold standard in the industry. • BAUK is an unincorporated non-profit making Association, governed by the membership at it’s Annual General Meeting. • Our Executive Committee consists of practitioners who have volunteered their services and were elected at the AGM. and are responsible for the operation of the Association.

  17. What is the Role of the BAUK Committee? • The Executive Committee is made up entirely of 9 Full members of the Bowen Association. • They over view the administration of the Association • Strive to keep members informed of current developments legislation, and Regulation. • Implement new ideas. • Organise AGM’s and Seminars.

  18. Join us at our AGM!!!

  19. What happens when I’m qualified? Associate Membership • This is for you if you’re still completing your studies such as Anatomy & Physiology or First Aid. • You will receive quarterly Bowen News and can apply to receive the international Bowen Hands magazine. • You can attend seminars and AGMs with the opportunity to network and to gain additional CPDs. • You will have continued Head Office support and will be able to upgrade to Full Membership as soon as you obtain the appropriate qualifying documentation.

  20. Full Membership • When you have completed your A&P, have obtained your Bowtech Diploma, have a valid First Aid certificate and Insurance you may upgrade to Full Membership of the Bowen Association UK, which is the longest established Bowen association in the UK. • The Full Membership fee will be pro-rata if you join part-way through the year. • Full Membership gives you the status the general public are looking for (and rely on) when searching for a practitioner on the website.

  21. Some of the benefits of Full Membership • Listing on the BTAA and BAUK websites and entitlement to use BTAA and BAUK letters after your name • Access to the Members Area where you will find a wealth of practical tools and PR material. • Voting rights at the AGM • Opportunity to access advanced training courses • Regular email bulletins and our Bowen News magazine • Advice regarding the Advertising Standards Authority • Free Press release writing service and access to corporate advertising templates • Automatic validation to the CNHC

  22. The Back Pain Show in London Kim Pearson, Angela Cannon and Stephen Ludbrooke at the show

  23. What the public hear about the Bowen Association Practitioners • All Practitioners registered with the Bowen Association are fully qualified to a high standard before they can register and are regularly assessed through CPD. • All Bowen Association Practitioners in the UK are covered by insurance, have a current first aid certificate and have completed CPD minimum requirements annually.

  24. BAUK qualified instructors UK instructor John Wilks left breaks between moves for too long…

  25. Mind Body Bowen Anne Shubert teaching Mind Body Bowen with Margaret Spicer

  26. The Bowen Technique • The Bowen Technique is one of the most versatile and effective therapeutic treatments available today. • It uses the fascia and soft tissues of the body to reset and align the body and to re-establish homeostasis (balance). • This gentle form of body work, in which very subtle moves are performed over muscles and connective tissue, send messages deep into the body, retrieving cellular memory of the relaxed and balanced state of the body before the occurrence of any injuries or illnesses.

  27. What can the Bowen Technique treat? • Bowen’s ability to re-align and balance the body means it can address most conditions. • Some examples of what can be treated are: • musculo-skeletal aches and pains • respiratory problems • digestive, bowel and urinary disorders • gynaecological conditions • head related issues • autoimmune and debilitating diseases • emotional trauma

  28. The Origins of the Bowen Technique • The technique was developed in Australia by Thomas Bowen (1916 to 1982). He intuitively began working with this gentle technique discovering that certain moves on the body helped recovery from many conditions. • It is recorded that at the peak of his activity he was treating some 13,000 patients per year. • Tom Bowen never taught the technique himself but allowed others to work with him and document his methods.

  29. Taking the Technique to the World • Ossie Rentsch and his wife Elaine have taught the Bowen Technique to others since the death of Tom Bowen, and developed the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia. • It was only in 1986 that the technique was brought to other countries. • From humble beginnings this incredible technique is now taught in over 33 countries with thousands of practitioners worldwide

  30. What does a treatment consist of? • A treatment consists of a series of gentle moves on skin or through light clothing, with the client usually lying on a bed or treatment couch, although it is possible to be treated seated. • A session lasts up to an hour and frequently results in a deep sense of relaxation, allowing the body to recharge and balance itself. • Everyone’s experience of the Bowen Technique is different but these are some of the most common sensations during a treatment: • drowsiness (very pleasant sort!) • a sense of deep calm • muscle twitching and slight aching • heat and energy surges • light headedness

  31. How does it work? • Practitioners treat the body as a whole or can target a specific problem, as they are able to pinpoint stress build-up in muscle groups and then release it. • The Bowen Technique both balances and stimulates – the restorative process beginning once the body is relaxed. • The moves produce lasting results by penetrating to a deep cellular level – making use of the body’s own ability to heal itself. Moves begin to achieve holistic balance straight away, embracing the client’s physical and emotional aspects.

  32. Every Body is Better with Bowen

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