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A Cryptography Tutorial. Jim Xu College of Computing Georgia Tech http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~jx. Why Cryptography?. Network information needs to be communicated through insecure channel. Stored information may be accessed without proper authorization.
A Cryptography Tutorial • Jim Xu • College of Computing • Georgia Tech • http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~jx
Why Cryptography? • Network information needs to be communicated through insecure channel. • Stored information may be accessed without proper authorization. • Cryptography is a systematic way to make that harder.
Common Security Requirements • Secrecy(encryption) • Authenticity(signature/encryption) • Integrity (signature/encryption) • Non-repudiation (signature)
What Cryptography can do? • Encryption: only the authorized party can understand the encrypted message. • Signature: allow people to verify the authenticity of the message.
Classical Cryptography • Shift Cipher (a special case used by Caesar) • Substitution Cipher • Affine Cipher • Vigenere Cipher • Hill Cipher • Permutation Cipher
Cryptoanalysis • Ciphertext-only attack • Known plaintext attack • Chosen plaintext attack • Adaptive Chosen plaintext attack
Cryptoanalysis • Shift Cipher: English histogram • Substitution Cipher: histogram again • Affine Cipher: histogram • Vigenere Cipher: more complicated stat • Hill Cipher: Known plaintext attack • Permutation Cipher: histogram + semantics
How to achieve perfect secrecy? • One-pad: have a key as long as the plaintext • For example, shift cipher is perfectly secure if the key is random and it is only used to encrypt one character! • Spurious keys: S(n) >= |K|/(|P|^(n*R))-1 • Unicity distance: that n to make S(n) zero
Modern Cryptography • Two broad classes • 1. Shared-key cryptography • 2. Public-key cryptography
Shared-key cryptography • Rooted in computational complexity • Sender has M • Sender sends (M XOR f(x, k), x) • f is a random function • Algorithms: • DES, Various fishes, Lucifer, Fiestel, AES standards (Rijendel), ...
DES • A round can be described as: • Li = Ri-1 • The key generation is performed • An initial permutation PC1 which selects 56 bits and divide them in two halves • In each round • Select 24 bits from each half using a permutation function PC2 • Rotate left each half by one or two position
Rich theory on pseudorandomness • Pseudorandom number/bit generator • Pseudorandom functions (ideal cryptographic hash functions) • Stretch a small completely random string into a longer but less random string • Though less random, indistinguishable to “naked eyes”
Public Key Cryptography • Public/private key pair • Only the owner knows the private key, but everyone knows the public key • If the message is encrypted with the private key, then everyone with the public key can recover the message, but only the owner can generate the encrypted message
Continued • If the message is encrypted with the public key, only the owner can decrypted it using its private key • The first property can be used for signature and the second property can be used for encryption.
Digital signature • Sender sends M, T=E(hash(M), private) • The receiver compares E(T, public) and compares it with hash(M) • M is considered genuine if they match
RSA • Find two big prime numbers p and q • Let B = p*q • Choose private key C to be a number that is coprime with (p-1)*(q-1) • Choose public key D such that C*D=1 mod (p-1)*(q-1)
Continued • Encrypt M: T=M^C (or M^D) • Decrypt M: M = T^D (or T^C) • Theorem: (M^C)^D = M mod B • Why: all the numbers that is coprime with B form a group, and the size of that group is (p-1)(q-1)
Security of RSA • Hinge upon how hard the factorization is • If one can break down B into p and q • then finding C: C*D = 1 mod (p-1)(q-1) is easy • Factorization is found to be quite hard, at least for now.
Cryptographic Protocols • System needs are more complicated than what the primitives can provide • Improperly designed, be broken even if none of the underlying primitives are broken • Hard to check whether it is properly designed (proof logic/model checking/theorem proving methods are involved)
Key exchange • Diff-Hellman • Based on the assumption that knowing prime p and p^n, finding n will be hard • Allow two party to share a key • A senders B p^a and remembers a • B senders A p^b and remembers b • Both sides can generate p^(ab) • Third party can not do that!
Man in the middle • C can establish a key with both A and B, by posing as B and A respectively • Solution: introduce public key or using return address as authentication method
Public Key Infrastructure • Need this infrastructure to prevent A from claiming that B uses the public key that A generates • Both hierachical and flat infrastructure are proposed • Revocation list a major headache
Advanced Issues • Group encryption/signature • Forward security • Everlasting security