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DBMS Project

DBMS Project. 教師 : 李強老師 助教 : 郭晉元 、黃品介 、廖恆慶 {cykuo,free999, kim_gtob}@dblab.csie.ncku.edu.tw. Term Project. Goal 使用 C 或 C++ 來建立一個系統資料庫 請同學自行建立一個資料庫 ( 資料庫建立方式以同學方便為主,但是要讓助教方便判別 SQL 輸入後的結果是否正確, ex: 用 .txt 檔建立,以 tab 鍵區隔每個 attribute) ,寫一支程式可以利用該資料庫以及使用者輸入的 SQL 指令來取得要求的查詢結果。 分組需求 一人一組 due day

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DBMS Project

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  1. DBMS Project 教師: 李強老師 助教:郭晉元、黃品介、廖恆慶 {cykuo,free999, kim_gtob}@dblab.csie.ncku.edu.tw

  2. Term Project • Goal • 使用C或C++來建立一個系統資料庫 • 請同學自行建立一個資料庫(資料庫建立方式以同學方便為主,但是要讓助教方便判別SQL輸入後的結果是否正確,ex:用.txt檔建立,以tab鍵區隔每個attribute),寫一支程式可以利用該資料庫以及使用者輸入的SQL指令來取得要求的查詢結果。 • 分組需求 • 一人一組 • due day 2012/6/10 (日)23:59 • demo 時間表會在公布於課程網頁上。

  3. 評分標準 • Total (100%) = DEMO(70%) + document(30%) • DEMO(70%) • 根據輸出結果是否正確評分(70%) • 輸入輸出請簡單明瞭,也要方便助教確認是否正確 • Document (30%) • 報告的架構完整度 (10%) • 內容詳細度 (20%) • 註:嚴禁抄襲,抄襲一律零分!

  4. Requirement • 底下將說明期末專案的需求,同學們所建立的資料庫要滿足底下的需求可以得到分數。 • Entity type 需求 • 最少 5 個 entity types (tables) • Attribute 需求 • 每個 table 至少有 5 個 attributes • 每個 table 都要有 key attribute • Relationship 需求 • 這些 entities 間需含有下列的兩種 relationship • Binary relationship, Ternary relationship • 需標示 relationship 間的 cardinality ratio • 註:未達到一個要求扣5分!

  5. Document • 系統架構與環境 • 資料庫設計 • E-R schema diagram (詳細文字說明每個 table, attribute, relationship 的意義和關係) • 系統使用說明 • 放一些操作截圖+說明

  6. Basic queries in SQL • SELECT-FROM-WHERE (20%) SELECT <attribute list> FROM <table list> WHERE <condition> • Number of <attribute list> ranging from 1 to N. • Number of <table list> ranging from 1 to N. • Number of <condition> ranging from 0 to N. • Logical comparison operators are =, <, <=, >, >=, != Query 1: Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work forthe ‘Research’ department. Q1:SELECTFNAME,LNAME,ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE,DEPARTMENT WHEREDNAME =‘Research’ AND DNUMBER = DNO Example

  7. Basic queries in SQL (Cont.) • DISTINCT (10%):Eliminates the duplicate tuples SELECT DISTINCT <attribute list> FROM <table list> WHERE <condition> Example Query 2-1: Retrieve the all distinct salary values of employees. Q2-1:SELECTDISTINCTSALARY FROMEMPLOYEE

  8. Basic queries in SQL (Cont.) • UNION (10%):Set operations SELECT <attribute list> FROM <table list> WHERE <condition> • There is a union operation (UNION) operations Example Query 3:Male a list of all project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is ‘Smith’ as a worker or as a manager of the department that controls the project. Q3: ( SELECT PNAME FROM PROJECT,DEPARTMENT,EMPLOYEE WHERE DNUM = DNUMBER AND MGRSSN = SSN AND LNAME =‘Smith’) UNION ( SELECT PNAME FROM PROJECT,WORKS_ON,EMPLOYEE WHERE PNUMBER = PNO AND ESSN = SSN AND LNAME =‘Smith’)

  9. Complex Basic queries in SQL (Cont.) • Aggregate functions (20%) • Include COUNT (4%), SUM (4%), MAX(4%), MIN(4%), and AVG(4%) Example • Query 6a: Find the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary among employees who work for the ‘Research’ department. • Q6a: • SELECTMAX(SALARY),MIN(SALARY),AVG(SALARY) • FROM EMPLOYEE,DEPARTMENT • WHERE DNO=DNUMBER AND DNAME=‘Research’ • Queries 6b: Retrieve the total number of employees in the company • Q6b: • SELECT COUNT(*) • FROM EMPLOYEE

  10. Complex Basic queries in SQL (Cont.) • ORDER BY (10%) :Sort SELECT <attribute list> FROM <table list> WHERE <condition> ORDERBY <attribute list> Example • Query 8: Retrieve a list of employees and the projects each works in, ordered by the employee’s department, and within each department ordered alphabetically by employee last name. • Q8: • SELECT DNAME,LNAME,FNAME,PNAME • FROM DEPARTMENT,EMPLOYEE,WORKS_ON,PROJECT • WHERE DNUMBER = DNO AND SSN = ESSN AND • PNO = PNUMBER • ORDER BYDNAME,LNAME

  11. 檔案上傳 • 請同學將所有檔案 ( 執行的時候需要用的任何檔案 ),壓縮成 學號_project.rar (或是.zip) 例如:F74974039_project.rar • 壓縮檔請上傳至FTP: IP: 帳號:dbms 密碼:dbms2012

  12. Demo • 每組demo10分鐘 • 作業系統限定windows 編譯環境限定Dev C, VS 無法滿足上述需求者請自備筆電 • 建議自備測資(SQL指令),當然助教也會請你打出助教要的指令。

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