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Concepts « vozduh » and « air » in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Oksana Legostaeva. Senior Lecturer. Department of “Foreign Languages”.
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Oksana Legostaeva. Senior Lecturer. Department of “Foreign Languages”
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Lexical-semantic Field 1.adj. with high temperature sem. 2.adj. with low temperature sem. 8.adj. with density sem. air 7.adj. with humidity sem. 3.adj. with weight sem. 6.adj. with freshness sem. 4.adj. with lightness sem. 5.adj. with smell sem. 2
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Lexical-semantic Field 1. пр. с сем. высоких температур 2.пр. с сем. низких температур 8.пр. с сем. плотности. vozduh 3.пр. с сем. тяжести 7.пр. с сем. влажности 4.пр. с сем. лёгкости 6.пр. с сем. свежести. 5. пр. с сем. запаха. 3
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Quotations: В слегка морозном воздухе пахло весной… А.П. Чехов. «Хитрец» Sometimes in winter the airscorched the throats of the people, coming in from the freshness. Mr. Winterbottom was rather small and fat, and very bald. D.H. Lawrence “Sons and Lovers” Зимний воздух Winter air 4
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Quotations: В комнатах душно, а в саду лёгкий воздух, майский, сирень скоро распустится, - на воздухе-то приятно чайку попить. И. С. Шмелёв. «Лето Господне» The sweetness of the air and the greenness of the leaves daunted him. Already on the walk from the station the May sunshine had made him feel dirty and etiolated, a creature of indoors, with the sooty dust of London in the pores of his skin. George Orwell. “1984” Весенний воздух Spring air 5
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Quotations: Her voice floated upward with the sweet summer air, very tuneful, charged with a sort of happy melancholy. George Orwell. “1984” Нам хорошо. Пока еще в постелиВсе старшие, и воздух летний свеж,Бежим к себе. Деревья нам качели.Беги, танцуй, сражайся, палки режь!.. М.И. Цветаева Летний воздух Summer air 6
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Quotations: And I began to dream of unpacking my clothes in a little white room, and getting into a kimono and lying on a white bed, watching the curtains float out from the windows in the delicious autumn air that smelled of apples and honey…until the door opened and a tall, thin woman in a lilac pinafore came in, smiling in a vague fashion. K. Mansfield. “Pension Seguin” Целый день сырой осенний воздух Я вдыхал в смятенье и тоске. Я хочу поужинать, и звезды Золотые в темном кошельке! О. Мандельштам. «Золотой» Осенний воздух Autumn air 7
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Extra examples from English literature Except for a slight feeling of sickness and her consciousness in the child, herself melted out like scent into the shine, pale air. D.H. Lawrence. “Sons and Lovers” The air was motionless, but you open your mouth there was just a faint chill. K. Mansfield. “Miss Brill” Extra examples from Russian literature • … в мягком воздухе разлит осенний запах, подобный запаху вина, тонкий туман стоит вдали над жёлтыми полями … • И.С. Тургенев. «Записки охотника» • Ясный день, осенние листья, холодный воздух …покрепче в дорожную шинель, шапку на уши, тесней и уютней прижмёшься к уму … • Н.В. Гоголь «Мёртвые души» 8
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Linguistic Research. English Air. Conclusions: English air is wetter. Seme “humidity” is included into the core body of the concept ‘air” and for its nomination 6 adjectives are used: humid, moist, damp, dank, muggy, sticky. They have negative connotations. On the basis of negative connotations of these synonymous adjectives there are different signs: cold, closeness, heat, warmth, bad smell and absence of wind. Nonidentity of scopes of concept meanings “vozduh” and “air” in Russian and English is mainly displayed on semes “humidity” and “light” Linguistic Research. Russian Air. Conclusions: Russian air is lighter. Seme “light” is included into the core body of the concept “vozduh” and for its nomination 3 adjectives are used: лёгкий, прозрачный, чистый. Difference of these concepts is not exactly in linguistic factors but in unsimilar schemes of reality perception or in other words in schemes of reconstruction of world pictures. 9
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. System of tasks of the concept methodology in adjectives study Tasks Tasks with Culturological Component Logical-grammatical Creative • LG tasks are aimed at students’ teaching to differentiate adjective as a part of speech considering its semantics (skill to single out one-rooted words of different parts of speech: studying typical adjective suffixes). • Creative tasks are aimed at students’ development of creative mentality and figurativeness of speech. • Tasks with CC are aimed at students’ teaching to find and single out dominant and minor properties of adjectives in Russian and English consciousness. 10
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Structure of the 1st group Logical-grammatical On understanding level of linguistic theory On lexical collocation On comparison and differentiation of studying phenomenon On identification of studying phenomenon in the text On generalization and classification of studying phenomenon 11
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Structure of the 2d group Creative On text construction On matching one’s own examples of studying phenomenon On sentence construction 12
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. Structure of the 3d group Tasks with Culturological Component On knowledge connotation On association 13
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. System of Concept Methodology Tasks. Conclusions: • System of tasks stimulates development of linguistic and cognitive the 1st year students’ abilities of non-philological specialties in the following directions: • Development of students’ perception of different parts of speech, training of differentiation skill of the lexical and grammatical meanings. • More competent use of linguistic terminology in speech. • Perfection of connected monologue statement construction skill on the linguistic topic. • Perfection of connected dialogue statement construction skill on the linguistic topic. • Enrichment of active students’ vocabulary with adjectives of different semantic groups. • Perfection of mental operations: abstraction, classification and differentiation, etc. • Development of conceptual aspect of Russian and English consciousness. • System of tasks also influences perfection of extra-linguistic knowledge, background realias, connotations which are constituents of culturological world picture; it also affects students’ recognition of differential and prototypical properties of adjectives in Russian and English linguistic world pictures and also exerts influence on accumulation of linguistic experience of a linguistic personality which is necessary for understanding and speaking. 14
Concepts «vozduh» and «air» in Russian and English Literature. System of concept methodology tasks in adjectives study. Linguistic-Cultural Approach. BREATHING AIR OF CULTURE – CONTRIBUTING TO CREATION OF FUTURE THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!