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GCSE Sciences for 2011 www.gcse-science.com. Objectives. Understand the ‘rules’ governing 2011 specifications and the changes anticipated Consider OCR’s priorities and proposals Understand the timelines for development and implementation Consider the support to be offered.
Objectives Understand the ‘rules’ governing 2011 specifications and the changes anticipated Consider OCR’s priorities and proposals Understand the timelines for development and implementation Consider the support to be offered
Development Timeline December 2009 – Subject Criteria published April 2010 - submission of specifications and SAMs to Ofqual May 2010 – draft specifications published November 2010 - specifications accredited and published on the OCR website Late 2010 - specifications distributed to Centres Late 2010 - guidance materials published
Achievements Science for the citizen (scientific literacy) and science for the scientist Interest, engagement and motivation Increase in numbers taking GCE sciences Additional controls on coursework Coursework integrated into teaching Transparent and accessible assessment
Why was a review necessary? Assessment issues – highlighted by Ofqual report on GCSE sciences Issues of comparability - between different specifications and routes to grades Opportunities for extended writing and need to provide ‘stretch and challenge’ Opportunities for practical work Use of maths in science Discontinuities: KS3-KS4, and KS4-KS5
Review of subject content Controlled Assessment Terminal requirement Limit on number of units Re-sit rules General and Subject Criteria QCDA carried out consultation with teachers, professional bodies, employers, awarding bodies …and the public
Review of subject content Content of GCSE sciences has been reviewed and some changes have been made There are now Subject Criteria for each qualification (see Ofqual website) 100% of content for Science and Additional Applied Science is prescribed; less than 100% for other specifications
Controlled Assessment Task setting tasks selected from a number of comparable tasks provided by the Awarding Body, renewed each year; the unit must be entered in the year for which the task is identified Task taking Data collection / research can be carried out in groups or at home but analysis and evaluation must be carried out under supervision Task marking teachers mark tasks using mark schemes or criteria provided by Awarding Body; moderation carried out by Awarding Body
Units and weightings Minimum weighting of 20% for each unit Controlled Assessment weighted 25% (60% in Additional Applied Science & Environmental and Land-based Science) So maximum of 4 units possible
Re-sit rules for units Only one re-sit permitted of each unit, so: one attempt at F and one at H…or two attempts at F…or two attempts at H
Terminal Requirement 40% of assessment must be taken in final series, when certification is requested Any combination of units: Controlled Assessment and Written Paper Units which are part of the 40% must ‘count’ Requirement must be met again if candidate subsequently re-certificates
Key issues When will my students do the Controlled Assessment? When will they cash in? Will I offer re-sits – if so when? How will my students meet the Terminal Requirement? What if students want to re-sit units after cashing in?
Consultation Discussions with 700 heads of science 8 focus groups on needs and requirements Consultations with cluster coordinators 150 responses from A Level teachers on progression issues 8 focus groups on controlled assessment tasks
OCR’s priorities Thoughtful development to meet new requirements: “evolution not revolution”, “build on success” Make Controlled Assessment, reliable, valid…… but engaging and manageable Enhanced inclusion of relevant maths Effective progression from KS3 to GCSE; from GCSE to GCE
What revised GCSE specifications is OCR planning to offer? • Twenty First Century Science – Suite A • GCSE Science, GCSE Additional Science • GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics • Gateway Science – Suite B • GCSE Science, GCSE Additional Science • GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics • GCSE Additional Applied Science • GCSE Environmental and Land-based Science
Twenty First Century Science Suite GCSE Science GCSE Additional Science GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics
Mixed Paper Model for C21 Suite Each mixed paper includes questions from biology, chemistry and physics
Twenty First Century Approach Motivates and inspires students Balances Issues for Citizens with Big Questions in science to provide exciting and relevant contexts Integrates How Science Works into the science content for all specifications Offers great flexibility in the scheme of assessment
Gateway Science Suite GCSE Science GCSE Additional Science GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics
Gateway Separate Sciences Gateway Suite
Gateway Science & Additional Science Gateway Suite Each mixed paper includes questions from biology, chemistry and physics
Gateway Approach Differentiated content: three columns for: low demand (foundation tier only) standard demand (both tiers) high demand (higher tier only) Additional column with focus on opportunities for practical and other activities Assessment uses just 3 units (two written papers and controlled assessment) allowing fewer examination sittings Gateway Suite
Controlled Assessment Plan practical ways to answer scientific questions and test hypotheses; devise appropriate methods for the collection of numerical and other data; assess and manage risks when carrying out practical work; collect, process, analyse and interpret primary and secondary data including the use of appropriate technology; draw evidence-based conclusions; evaluate methods of data collection and the quality of the resulting data For GCSE Science
Gateway ScienceControlled Assessmentfor GCSE Science • One task, common topic, in two parts Part 1 - Practical and data analysis including evaluation of data and drawing conclusions Part 2 - Research and planning activity based around the original practical topic • Candidates answer in structured booklets (one for each part) • Tasks set by OCR, valid for submission in one year only, but published two years ahead • Choice of tasks each year
Twenty First Century ScienceControlled Assessment for GCSE Science • Case Study of a topical issue in science and Practical Data Analysis are retained (two independent tasks) • Case Study is based on stimulus material, but candidates still have flexibility to frame their own question • Tasks set by OCR, valid for submission in one year only, but published two years ahead • Choice of tasks each year
Controlled Assessment For GCSE Additional Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics • Develop hypotheses and plan practical ways to test them including risk assessment; • manage risks when carrying out practical work; • collect, process, analyse and interpret primary and secondary data including the use of appropriate technology to draw evidence-based conclusions; • review methodology to assess fitness for purpose, and review hypotheses in light of outcomes.
Gateway SuiteControlled Assessment for GCSE Additional Science and the separate sciences • One task, common topic, in two parts • Part 1 - Using information and planning using stimulus material • Part 2 - Practical and evaluation where candidates carry out a specified experiment • Candidates answer in structured booklets (one for each part) • Tasks set by OCR, valid for submission in one year only, but published two years ahead • Choice of tasks each year
Twenty First Century ScienceControlled Assessment for GCSE Additional Science and the separate sciences • A single Practical Investigation that draws together the skills of predicting and planning, and collecting, interpreting, evaluating and reviewing primary and secondary data • Tasks set by OCR, valid for submission in one year only, but published two years ahead • Choice of tasks each year
Why two suites? To provide choice to teachers To enable teachers to meet the needs of their students To reflect different approaches to teaching & learning To provide a choice of assessment models
Additional Applied Science • The specification becomes free-standing (i.e. not within C21 suite)- it can be taken after/alongside any GCSE Science specification
Additional Applied Science • Controlled Assessment retains the current mix of standard procedures, suitability tests and work related report. • There will be a choice of controlled assessment tasks set by OCR, some of which (work related report) can be adapted by the Centre. • Popular contexts from the current course such as forensics and life care retained and updated.
GCSE Environmental and Land-based Science • The specification can be taken after/alongside any GCSE Science specification
GCSE Environmental and Land-based Science • Choice of online and paper based examinations • Highly motivating course for candidates who enjoy astrong practical focus to their studies • Controlled Assessment retains three strands based upon Practical Tasks, an Investigative Projectand a Work-related Report or mini-Enterprise
What other specifications will be available for KS4? • Entry Level Science • OCR Level 2 Nationals in Science • IGCSE available from CIE
Entry Level Science(Science Plus) Extended until 2012 Options continue to provide progression into GCSE Science - Twenty First Century Science Suite A and Gateway Suite B Post 2012 development - may move Entry Level to QCF
OCR Nationals in Science (Level 2) • Fully internally assessed qualification • Visiting moderators also have an advisory role, supporting Centres • Can be used to meet KS4 Programme of Study • Learning styles and assessment meets the needs of individual students • Level 2 qualifications equivalent to 2 or 4 GCSEs at Grade C+)
IGCSE in Biology, Chemistry and Physics Offered by University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) Separate sciences are fully accredited by Ofqual and funded for state schools www.cie.org.uk/uk for more details
Users of Applied Science (Double Award) Could consider using: GCSE Science + GCSE Additional Applied Science GCSE Science + GCSE Environmental & Land-based Science OCR Nationals in Science Entry Level Science + GCSE Additional Applied Science Entry Level Science + GCSE Environmental & Land-based Science
Support and training Comprehensive programme of INSET Published schemes of work and lesson plans Teacher support handbooks Cluster networks Active Results
Support and training - for early adopters Free half day INSET courses in late June 2010 For early modules in Gateway & Twenty First Century –- documents highlighting what’s changed- draft schemes of work with sample lesson plans - publisher partners releasing draft materials All draft materials updated in Autumn Term (post accreditation) Further free INSET courses on offer in Autumn 2010 and Spring 2011
Links with Publishers Oxford University Press Twenty First Century Science Additional Applied Science Entry Level Collins Gateway Science Environmental and Land-based Science Entry Level Hodder OCR Nationals in Science Other publishers are also likely to produce new materials Supplements to cover new content may also be available.
Implementation of new specifications September 2010 - start of teaching in Y9 (for a 3 year course ending in 2013) September 2011 – start of teaching in Y10 January 2012 – first exams Summer 2012 – GCSE Science first moderation of Controlled Assessment and first certification Summer 2013 – first moderation of Controlled Assessment and first certification for all other qualifications
Final sessions for old (legacy) specifications Last full examination series is June 2012 There are likely to be re-sit opportunities in 2013
Why choose OCR? Engaging and exciting courses Pedagogy underpins content and assessment Flexibility and manageability Teachers involved in development and assessment of OCR courses Extensive, targeted support
Keeping in touch Visit the website: www.gcse-science.com Sign up for e-alerts Register for cluster support Access: specifications, presentations, support documents, details of INSET meetings