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Chordates and Fish

Explore the world of chordates and fish in this informative guide. Learn about the anatomy and classification of chordates, including the distinction between vertebrates and non-vertebrates. Discover the diverse classes of fish and their unique adaptations for survival. Dive into the fascinating world of fish reproduction, circulation, respiration, and more.

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Chordates and Fish

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  1. Chordates and Fish

  2. What is a chordate? Members of the KINGDOM ANIMALIA and the PHYLUM CHORDATA They have a dorsal, hollow nerve cord and a notocord

  3. Chordates have - pharyngeal pouches (become gills) -Tail - extends beyond anus Most chordates are vertebrates (SUBPHYLUM VERTEBRATA)

  4. Chordates that are NOT vertebrates: Sea Squirts or Tunicates

  5. Lancelet

  6. Chordate Anatomy Dorsal Nerve Code - part of the nervous system (spinal cord) Notochord - cartilage rod, support

  7. Consider this.... All vertebrates are chordates................. But not all chordates are vertebrates. NO WAY!!!!

  8. What is a vertebrate? -Animals with a backbone(and endoskeleton) -Have spinal cord (dorsal, hollow nerve cord) -Front end of spinal cord develops a brain

  9. Quick Check 1. Members of the Phylum __________ have a dorsal hollow nerve cord. 2. During development, the pharyngeal pouches will become ___________ 3. All chordates belong to the animal kingdom. (T or F ) 4. All chordates are vertebrates. (T or F )5. You are more closely related to a sea squirt than to an earthworm. 5. What are two animals that are chordates, but not vertebrates? 6. An animal with a backbone is called a _________.

  10. Crash Course in Chordates - 12 minutes Take notes as you watch! Be prepared to share!

  11. Vertebrate Classes • Jawless Fish (lamprey, hagfish) • Cartilage Fish (sharks, rays…) • Bony Fish (salmon, catfish, goldfish…) • Amphibians (frogs, salamanders…) • Reptiles (lizards, turtles…) • Birds (sparrows, hawks…) • Mammals (humans, whales, cats..)

  12. What are Fish? * Anything with gills, scales, and fins… 1st Fish were jawless Devonian Period - "Age of Fishes“ Fossil of a devonian fish with jaws and armored plates

  13. Form & Function 1. Circulation heart → gills → body

  14. Fish have a two chambered heart – blood is passed over the gills where it picks up oxygen → SINGLE LOOP

  15. Single Loop vs Double Loop Circulation

  16. 2. Respiration • Water passes over GILLS, oxygen is added • Some fish have gill covers – OPERCULUM • Some fish have special organs to serve as lungs (Lungfish)

  17. 3. Excretion Homeostasis: maintaining water balance KIDNEYS are main organs Salt water fish tend to lose water Freshwater fish tend to gain water *This is why you can’t put a salt water fish in a fresh water tank *The salmon can do both

  18. 4. The Nervous System - Cerebrum - thinking, voluntary activities- Cerebellum - coordination- Medulla Oblongata - basic functions, organs- Optic Lobe - vision medulla

  19. Lateral Line System - senses vibrations in the water

  20. Quick Check over Form and Function 1. Fish have _____________________ loop circulation. Mammals and birds have ____________________ loop circulation. 2. The two chambers of the fish heart are the _______________ and ______________ 3. Blood leaves the heart goes to the gills and then to the ____________ before it returns to the heart. 4. The covering of the gills is the _________________________ 5. __________________________ is the maintaining of a water balance. 6. The part of the brain used for thinking and learning is the ______________________ 7. The part of the brain used for balancing is the ______________________ 8. The _________________ ___________ system senses vibrations. 9. Early fish did not have _________________________. What fish alive today are like that? _________________ and _______________

  21. Other Fish Adaptations A. Swim Bladder – maintains buoyancy (like a balloon) Sharks do not have a swim bladder, if they stop swimming, they sink.

  22. B. FINS

  23. C. SCALES Scales cover and protect the fish Mucus on scales help fish swim The rings on a scale tell the fish’s age

  24. 5. Reproduction Spawning – fish lay eggs that are fertilized externally Some fish bear live young - FRY (baby fish) This 1 minute video shows a lemon shark give birth to live young. Some sharks lay eggs.

  25. Types of Reproduction • Oviparous (lays eggs) • Ovoviviparous (eggs stay in mom) • Viviparous (babies get nourishment from mom. Ex. Humans, cats, some fish)

  26. How do Salmon Reproduce?

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