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RENATE. RELIGIOUS in EUROPE NETWORKING AGAINST TRAFFICKING and EXPLOITATION. FREEDOM. ‘ Freedom has somehow been out of my reach. Since a sinless baby the freedom and many rights were taken and stepped on. Freedom is my basic human right, and I will run away
FREEDOM ‘Freedom has somehow been out of my reach. Since a sinless baby the freedom and many rights were taken and stepped on. Freedom is my basic human right, and I will run away as many times as I have to , in order to breath its fresh sweet air that calms my wounded heart’.(E. European Victim of Trafficking)
THE HISTORY International Network • UISG USMI TALITHA KUM 2004 -2011 Coordinator: Sr. EstrellaCastalone, FMA Web site: http://www.talithakum.info The Need for a Network in Europe • RENATE 2009 - 2011
THE FIRST GATHERING IN THE NETHERLANDS 15 Participants from 8 European Countries met in March, 2009
Facing the Reality in the Netherlands Field Trips : A) Police work and anti trafficking. B) SHOP: A social, legal and economic support for Prostitutes.
THE VISION All people are created in the image of God. We, the religious of Europe, believe in a world where everyone has a right to human dignity. Human dignity cannot be compromised. Therefore we labour to free the world from trafficking and exploitation.
THE MISSION • We are sent by Christ to take a prophetic stance against the evil of trafficking and the exploitation of human persons. We commit ourselves to putting all our passion for humanity into this work. • With our strengths of companionship in dispersal and with our different qualities of interconnectedness and our charisms, we desire to further develop a network against trafficking. • We will work closely together, in collaboration with people from all cultures and creeds, in the fields of prevention, advocacy and assistance, for the victims of trafficking. • We desire for the world to be freed from such evil therefore we invite others to join us in this mission.
THE MANDATE Corporate Strategic Plan of Action: • Communication system for members. • Facilitate the implementation of the campaign, October 18th. • Connect with Eastern Europe • Organize Conference, 2011 • Guarantee implementation
THE STEERING GROUP (Left to Right) Dominika Zelent (Austria), Marie Hèléne Halligon (France), Ivonne van de Kar ( The Netherlands) Imelda Poole (Albania), Elma van den Nouland (The Netherlands) Dagmar Plum (Germany)
COMMUNICATION OFFICER Sr Isabelle Smyth (Ireland)
CREATE A WEBSITE • Website name: www.renate-europe.net • History, Vision, Mission, Links, News. • With all members contributing
INTERACTIVE FORUM • Name: RENATE • Link Through RENATE web site. • Membership Required • Confidential Internal Forum • For All Religious • For Support, • For Information, • For Joint campaigns
Financial Viability and Independence • All members are invited to raise funds for RENATE • A bank Account has been opened • RENATE is now a Foundation under the Dutch law
European Day Against TraffickingOctober 18th • Letter to Pope Benedict XVI re issue of trafficking. • Copies of this for all Bishops Conferences. • Outline of a homily for the day. • A Prayer on trafficking Translated in many languages for website. • Common Press Release for October 18th • One Member represents us in Brussels (Sr Lorenza Magagnin – Belgium)
CONFERENCE IN KRAKOW`WE HEAR THE CRY´ • September, 2011 • At Salvatorian Conference Centre • From East and West Europe (Equal Numbers) • Subsidised • To continue and develop the work
NEW LIFE FOR THE FUTURE • Inclusive of East and West Europe • Inclusive of Women and Men Religious • Sharing of resources • Strengthening the network in the fields of: A) direct action B) prevention against trafficking C) lobbying and campaigning
FREEDOM ‘Freedom has somehow been out of my reach. Since a sinless baby the freedom and many rights were taken and stepped on. Freedom is my basic human right, and I will run away as many times as I have to , in order to breath its fresh sweet air that calms my wounded heart’.(E. European Victim of Trafficking)