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The Progress of War: 1861-1865

The Progress of War: 1861-1865. Lincoln had placed some of his greatest Republican rivals within his cabinet Nevertheless many of his party criticized his war policies esp. his Sec. of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase

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The Progress of War: 1861-1865

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  1. The Progress of War: 1861-1865

  2. Lincoln had placed some of his greatest Republican rivals within his cabinet Nevertheless many of his party criticized his war policies esp. his Sec. of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase In addition the Congressional Committee on the Conduct hof the War had been formed and was dominated by “Radical” who Republicans who resented Lincoln’s expansion of presidential power and pushed him for emancipation Lincoln’s Republican Opponents

  3. The Peace Movement: Copperheads The Democratic Part was tainted by the fact that its southern members had left the country Stephen Douglas (a unifier and Union proponent) died soon after the war began Copperheads were Radical Peace Democrats who opposed the draft, and emancipation Vallandigham was the worst and was tried by military court martial (Illegal since public courts were open) and was exiled to the South He made his way to Canada, eh and ran for governor of Ohio but lost Vallandigham became the basis for A Man Without a Country by Edward Everett Hale Clement Vallandigham

  4. 1864 Copperhead Campaign Poster

  5. 1864 Election Republicans re-nominated Abraham Lincoln but to get the support of War Democrats and Lincoln picked a new VP, Tennessee Gov. Andrew Johnson Joining with War Democrats he formed a temporary new party—the Union Party Lincoln’s motto was “Don’t Change Horses in the Middle of the River (Stream)” Democrats nominated fired Gen. George McClellan Gov. Andrew Johnson (D-TN) Pres. Lincoln (Union Party) George McClellan (D)

  6. Cartoon Lampoons Democratic Copperheads in 1864

  7. 1864 Presidential Election Results • Three events helped Lincoln: • Farragut took Mobile, • Sherman seized Atlanta and began his “March to the Sea” and • “Little Phil” Sheridan took and burned Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley Many Union soldiers were furloughed home to vote for Lincoln—the “bayonet vote” With the results all Southern hope for a negotiated end to the war and independence vanished!

  8. The Final Virginia Campaign:1864-1865

  9. Cold Harbor

  10. Battle of the Crater

  11. Surrender at Appomattox Court House April 9, 1865 Lee chose to meet Grant at Wilbur McClean’s House in ACH Grant gave very generous terms and got Southerners to sign parole papers promising not to fight anymore and were fed Grants would not let his army celebrate their victory and humilate the Confederates further Instead they were saluted and national healing began…

  12. Total War

  13. Original Andersonville Plan • Planned to hold 10,000 men. • Had over 32,000 at one time.

  14. Union Prison Campat Andersonville, GA

  15. Distributing “Rations”

  16. Burying Dead Union POWs

  17. Andersonville Cemetery 12,913 of the approximately 45,000 Union prisoners died here because of starvation, malnutrition, and disease

  18. Union “Survivors”

  19. The Sultana Disaster Paddle wheeler destroyed in an explosion on 27 April 1865. the greatest maritime disaster in United States history. 1,800 of the 2,400 passengers (most former Union Prisoners of war) were killed when one of the ship's four boilers exploded and the ship sank not far from Memphis, Tennessee. The disaster received diminished attention as it took place soon after the assassination of President Lincoln Some believe it was the victim of Confederate sabotage

  20. Henry Wirz (Commandant of Andersonville) Only person executed in the Civil War for war crimes

  21. The Lincoln Conspiracy Had wanted to just capture Lincoln and exchange him for Confederate POWs When war ended the plan became more one of revenge

  22. Ford’s Theater (April 14, 1865)

  23. Ford’s Theatre Inside

  24. The Intended Targets (Besides Lincoln) SECRETARY OF STATE WILLIAM SEWARD VICE-PRESIDENT ANDREW JOHNSON General Ulysses Grant

  25. Lincoln’s Box and Guests Clara Harris The Presidential Box Her Fiancé Major Henry Rathbone His Wife (Mary Todd Lincoln)

  26. The Assassination (April 14, 1865)

  27. Lincoln’s Chair and Deathbed The Peterson House

  28. “Now He Belongs to the Angels…I mean Ages!” Secretary of War EDWINSTANTON

  29. The Assassin Actor and Southern Sympathizer Father and brother were famous actors Lady’s man? After shooting Lincoln in the back of the head, he stabbed Maj. Rathbone in the arm and jumped from the box to the stage He then shouted either “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” (“Ever Thus To Tyrants!”) or “The South is Avenged!” He then hopped on a horse and fled Washington, D.C. expecting to be greeted as a hero John Wilkes Booth

  30. Booth’s Flight and Death Booth made his way from Washington to Maryland and on to Virginia He had his broken leg attended to by Dr. Samuel Mudd Eventually he was traced to Garrett’s farm There he an fellow conspirator David Herold were called to surrender Herold came out but Booth remained in the barn The barn was set on fire Booth was shot by Sgt. Boston Corbett He died several hours later. His last words, holding up his hands, were “Useless! Useless!”

  31. The surviving conspirators were tried and most of them condemned to death Most controversial were the verdicts regarding Mary Surratt (who owned the boarding house where the conspirators frequently met) and Dr. Samuel Mudd Mudd got life in prison but Surratt was given the death penalty The Trial

  32. The Execution

  33. Lincoln’s Martyrdom Lincoln’s Body was taken back to Springfield by train He was re-embalmed so many times that when his body was moved to his new tomb years later he was still preserved perfectly! In death Lincoln acquired a popularity he never had in life AND Was spared the difficulty of trying to put the country back together again… RECONSTRUCTION!

  34. Casualties on Both Sides

  35. Civil War Casualtiesin Comparison to Other Wars

  36. Failure of Cotton Diplomacy The South’s attempt to “Whitemail” Europe into recognizing the Confederacy by denying them cotton failed for a couple of reasons: Europe had stockpiled Southern cotton before the war 2. Europe began to replace Southern cotton with cotton from India and Egypt 3. Europe had a bad drought and needed Northern grain more than Southern cotton

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