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From Nuclei to Neutrinos The Naming of the Denys Wilkinson Building 21 June 2002 Nick Jelley

From Nuclei to Neutrinos The Naming of the Denys Wilkinson Building 21 June 2002 Nick Jelley. The Optical Model. d s/ d W. 29 MeV 3 He on 14 N 1962. Particle Identification. p. d. 3 H. 3 He. D E. E. 4 He. 10 100 MeV. p. d. 4 He. 3 H.

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From Nuclei to Neutrinos The Naming of the Denys Wilkinson Building 21 June 2002 Nick Jelley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Nuclei to Neutrinos The Naming of the Denys Wilkinson Building 21 June 2002 Nick Jelley

  2. The Optical Model ds/dW 29 MeV 3He on 14N 1962

  3. Particle Identification p d 3H 3He DE E 4He 10 100 MeV

  4. p d 4He 3H 114 MeV 12C beam on carbon 1974 40 MeV protons on carbon 1967 Particle Identification

  5. High Spin Low Spin 114 MeV 12C and 11B beams on carbon Excitation Probability Selectivity in Heavy-Ion Reactions

  6. 40Ca(16O,2np)53Com Proton Radioactivity 49 MeV 16O beam on calcium 1970 53Com 245 ms half-life

  7. DE-E telescope Discovery of 14C radioactivity 1984

  8. Alpha-decay of Heavy Nuclei 1990 Geiger-Nuttall Plots

  9. modern 14C 13C old 13C 14C 14C dating Nature 1978

  10. p-induced X-rays 12.5 m The Oxford Microprobe 1986

  11. 90o 16O _ 0o 19F foil stopper 0o 6.13 MeV stopped flight 90o Magnetic Moments of Excited States 1984 19F + 1H _16O* + a 6.13 MeV 3- |g| = 0.556(4)

  12. 11.26 MeV 1+ 13.19 MeV 20Ne _16Ogs Parity Violation 1957 1983

  13. - 8B _8Be* + e+ + n 8Li _8Be* + e- + n second-class current gIT = 2.10-3 b decay of 8Li and 8B: The Second-Class Current Problem 1971 |gIT| < 7.10-4

  14. 8B  8Be*+ e+ + Solar Neutrinos

  15. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

  16. n Reactions in SNO Þ ne only n + Þ + + n NC Þ Equal cross section for all n types d p n x x ES - - + Þ + All n typesbut enhanced sensitivity to ne Þ ν e ν e x x n + Þ + + - CC d p p e e • Good measurement of ne energy spectrum • Weak directional sensitivity1-1/3cos(q) • Measure total 8B n flux from the sun. • Low Statistics • Strong directional sensitivity

  17. A Neutrino Event

  18. Signal Extraction Results CC 1967.7 +61.9 +26.4 +49.5 +60.9 +25.6 +48.9 ES 263.6 NC 576.5

  19. 5.3 s SNO Results 2002 n flux 7 106 cm-2 s-1 6 Standard Solar Model 5 4 3 2 1/3 SSM 1 SNO CC SNO NC

  20. after Combining All Experimental and Solar Model information Flavour Oscillations n Oscillations before SNO

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