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Genoa, November 3 rd , 2011 Tempus Project “DOQUP”. Piazza Rondanini, 48 - 00186 Roma Tel. +39 06 68 44 11 Fax +39 06 68 44 13 99 www.crui.it. CRUI The Conference of Italian University Rectors. CRUI
Genoa, November 3rd , 2011 Tempus Project “DOQUP” Piazza Rondanini, 48 - 00186 RomaTel. +39 06 68 44 11Fax +39 06 68 44 13 99 www.crui.it
CRUI The Conference of Italian University Rectors • CRUI • Is the association of the Italian state and private universities, represented by their rectors. • 1963: private association of individuals (rectors) • 2001: CRUI Foundation (CRUI operational arm) • 2007: new Statute CRUIis a no-profit organization.
CRUI Membership Two categories • full-members (79) • associate-members (2) Associate-members (3-years review) • perform research activities in all the fields in which they also carry out didactic activities • have been performing research activities for 2 years • have a permanent and adequate teaching staff • have adequate and sufficient resources, structures, facilities • University = teaching + research activities
CRUI Governing bodies • CRUI • General Assembly (all members - 81) • Presidency (President + 2 Vice-Presidents) • Board (11 members: Presidency + 8 rectors) • Secretary General (appointed by the President) • Auditors (3 members, nominated by the Board) • Mandates: 3-years term for a maximum of 2 mandates
CRUI and CRUI Foundation - Mission • CRUI • represents and improves the academic system and the value of autonomy (at national and international level) • provides advises, statements, and proposals • contributes to the development of the EHEA + ERA • pursues consistent behaviors and interpretation • enhances quality and attractiveness of the system • CRUI Foundation • implements innovative projects • manages services and initiatives
CRUI Role CRUIhas over time acquired an acknowledged institutional and representative role, as well as practical capacity to influence the development of the university system through its activity of study and experimentation.
CRUI Activities • CRUI, the main voice of the Italian university system, • is a consultative body for public and private authorities • informs members and the public about HE developments • maintains relationships with bodies, associations and national and international organizations • promotes the internationalization of the system and all levels of international exchange • carries out assessments and proposals to improve the teaching and research system
CRUI Foundation Activities • CRUI Foundation • collects data on the universities • is a center of innovation for the universities • runs projects financed from both Italian and European funds • provides direct services for the higher education system CRUI + CRUI Foundation • information and communication activities
CRUI and Programme Quality • CRUI is actively involved in quality assessment, quality • certification and accreditation of study programmes • since the mid of ‘90s. • Assessment • Procedure finalised to promote first of all the quality improvement of a certain product, process or service. • Certification • Statement by an independent third party who declares, with reasonable reliability, that a certain product, process or service is in accordance with specific rules or a given model. • Accreditation • Statement by a recognised institution who declares, formally and publicly, the capability of a body to carry out specific functions or to fulfil pre-defined standards.
CRUI experience in Quality Assessment European Pilot Project (1994-1995) • Definition of a EU methodology for quality management in HE • 15 EU countries involved • 4 Italian universities involved • for Italy: co-ordinated by CRUI and MIUR Campus Project (1995-2000) • Development of professional university courses in partnership with industries • Diffusion of quality culture in universities; implementation of a quality process in line with ISOO 9000 standards (self and external assessment) • 32 universities involved • 94 programmes assessed (mainly in engineering) • over 5.000 students
CRUI experience in Quality Assessment CampusOne Project (2001-2004) • promotion of innovation in university education according the 1999 university reform • design of I° cycle courses respondent to the need of the labour market • wide diffusion of a quality management system and of the CRUI model for quality assurance of study programme • 70 universities involved • 500 programmes, in all fields • 90.000 students and 16.000 academic teachers
CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes The CRUI model for quality assurance of study programme assumes that a programme can be considered a “quality programme” when: • it establishes professional and occupational activities students are to be prepared for and programme learning outcomes “of value”, i.e. consistent with each other, and • with the professional and occupational activities, and • with the educational needs expressed by the organisations representative of the production, services and professional world;
CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes • it assures educational activities adequate to accomplish the programme outcomes, takes them under control and guarantees a correct assessment of student learning; • human resources, facilities, student services and cooperation agreements with businesses, research institutions and other Higher Education Institutions are adequate to accomplish programme outcomes, and are taken under control; • it monitors the results of the educational process; • it adopts an adequate, effective, able to promote programme quality management system, and guarantees the publicity of the information on the programme.
CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes • These principles constitute the “key aspects” to be considered in the QA of a programme and correspond to the 5 QA “areas” of the CRUI approach: • Needs and Objectives; • Educational Process; • Resources; • Monitoring; • Management System.
CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes • For each area the CRUI approach to programme QA defines • what characterizes the quality of a study programme, that is the • “requirements for quality”. • For each quality requirement the CRUI Model defines: • the documentation necessary to provide evidence of the programme quality; • the criteria for the assessment of the level of accomplishment of the associated quality requirement.
CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes The CRUI Model for the Quality Assurance of Study Programmesfulfils all the requirements of the document Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area, proposed by ENQA in February 2005 and adopted by the Conference of European Ministers of Higher Education in the Bergen meeting (May 2005). The CRUI System can be considered a European system for the quality assurance of university programmes.
CRUI and DoCuP Project • According to its experience, CRUI is particularly interested to • the following topics of the DoCuP Project: • establishment of the standards for quality assurance in the Partner Countries; • identification of information and data necessary to assure quality of study programmes; • definition of procedures of collection and documentation of the identified information and data and organization of university facilities for their collection and documentation.
Thank you for your attention! www.crui.it/english