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Prepared for: Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition January 5, 2006 REPORT DRAFT. Home Fire Safety. Table of Contents. Background & Objectives.
Prepared for: Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition January 5, 2006 REPORT DRAFT Home Fire Safety
Background & Objectives • Peg Paul & Associates, on behalf of the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition, commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct a study among U.S. adults ages 18+ who own a house. • Key objectives of this study were to: • Gauge the importance of fire safety among homeowners; • Measure the level of awareness of home fire sprinkler systems; • Determine common thoughts and misconceptions with regards to home fire sprinkler systems; and, • Examine feelings toward fire sprinkler systems and homebuilders who offer them as standard features. • Results from this survey are intended for public release.
Sample and Methodology • Harris Interactive fielded the twenty question survey on behalf of Peg Paul & Associates and the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition. • The telephone survey was conducted among a sample of 1,019 U.S. adults age 18 and older – of whom, 620 own a house.* • The data were weighted to be representative of the total U.S. adult population on the basis of age, sex, race, and region. • Interviewing for this omnibus survey was completed between December 16 and 19, 2005. • The margin of error for the total sample of adults is +/- 3 percentage points. The margin of error for the sample of adults who own a house is +/- 4 percentage points. * Throughout this report, the sample of U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house are referred to as “homeowners”.
Home Fire Safety Fire safety is important to most homeowners, and the majority consider their home to be safe from fire for all who live there. That said, more than one in three homeowners are not aware of fire sprinkler systems for home use, and a substantial number consider sprinkler systems to be more relevant for homes with older adults. • Most homeowners (89%) consider their home to be safe or very safe from fire for all its residents. • However, home fire safety would be a bigger consideration if homeowners were purchasing a home now (80%) than when they purchased their current home (70%). • Less than two in three homeowners (63%) are aware of fire sprinkler systems for home use. • Homeowners are more likely to think a home fire sprinkler system is essential or important for homes for people ages 50+ (42%) than for homes in general (24%).
Home Fire Safety Most homeowners acknowledge the safety benefits of a home fire sprinkler system, and the majority are also aware that a sprinkler system can increase the value of their home. However, a preponderance of homeowners cite several barriers – primarily cost – preventing them from actually installing a fire sprinkler system in their home. Nonetheless, a number say they would be more likely to invest in a home fire sprinkler system if the cost of installation could be included in their mortgage. • The majority of homeowners (69%) are aware that a home fire sprinkler system can increase the overall value of their home, and when thinking about a new home with a fire sprinkler system compared to one without this added safety measure… • Almost one in two homeowners (45%) would find the home with the fire sprinkler system more desirable, primarily because of the added safety of having such a system (51%). • Nearly two in five (38%) would be more likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system than a home without one, also due to the greater safety they would feel (66%). • Though many homeowners recognize the financial and safety benefits of a home fire sprinkler system, nearly nine in ten (87%) cite some barriers preventing them from installing fire sprinklers in their home. • Cost of installation (71%) is overwhelmingly viewed as the number one barrier, followed by fear of water damage (48%) and maintenance costs (48%). • More than two in five homeowners (43%) would be more likely to install a home fire sprinkler system if its cost could be included in the home mortgage.
Home Fire Safety Two in five homeowners would trust home builders for information about home fire sprinkler systems. Home builders who offer these systems as standard are viewed very positively, and many homeowners would hire such builders over those who do not offer fire sprinkler systems as standard. • The top three most trustworthy sources for credible information on home fire sprinkler systems are fire department representatives (85%), fire sprinkler contractors (47%), and home builders (40%). • Nearly two in five homeowners (39%) would be more likely to hire a home builder who offers a fire sprinkler system as standard over one who does not. • Such home builders are described by homeowners as safety-conscious (70%), innovative (52%), and caring (51%).
Home Fire Safety – Analysis by Age Attitudes toward home fire sprinkler systems vary based on homeowners’ ages. Older homeowners (those ages 50+) are more likely than their younger counterparts to feel their home is very safe from fire, and less likely to find home fire sprinkler systems as necessary. • Homeowners ages 50+ are more likely than those ages 18 – 49 to consider their home to be very safe from fire for all of its residents (63% ages 50+ vs. 52% ages 18 – 49). • When it comes to reliable information about home fire sprinkler systems, older homeowners are less trusting of a variety of sources than their younger counterparts, specifically: fire department representatives (81% ages 50+ vs. 88% ages 18 – 49), fire sprinkler contractors (40% ages 50+ vs. 56% ages 18 – 49), and public officials (18% ages 50+ vs. 27% ages 18 – 49). • Homeowners of all ages are equally likely to trust home builders for information about home fire sprinkler systems (39% ages 50+, 42% ages 18 – 49). • Just over one in three older homeowners (36%) consider a fire sprinkler system essential or important in homes for people ages 50+, compared to nearly half of younger homeowners (49%). • Compared to younger homeowners, a greater proportion of homeowners ages 50+ say they would be less likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system (23% ages 50+ vs. 14% ages 18 – 49) or hire a home builder who offers a sprinkler system as standard (20% ages 50+ vs. 12% ages 18 – 49). • Older homeowners are less likely than their younger counterparts to cite the cost of installation as a barrier to investing in a fire sprinkler system for their home (67% ages 50+ vs. 75% ages 18 – 49). • Unlike their younger counterparts, a greater share of homeowners ages 50+ say they would be less likely to install a fire sprinkler system even if its cost was included in the mortgage (30% ages 50+ vs. 20% ages 18 – 49).
Just over half of U.S. adults are homeowners, of whom nearly two in five have children under the age of 5 living in or regularly visiting their home. Type of Living Situation Profile of Homeowners Which of the following best describes your situation? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ (n= 1,019) How many children under the age of 5 live in or regularly visit your home? * Do you have anyone living in your home with a medical or physical condition that would make it difficult or impossible for the person to escape from a home fire without the help of someone else? * * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 1% of all responses. Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) 1 The mean was calculated based only on homeowners who have any children under the age of 5 living in or regularly visiting their home.
The vast majority of homeowners consider their home to be safe from fire for all the residents who live there. Very safe Safe Somewhat safe Not at all safe Perceived Fire Safety of Home for All Residents Very safe/ Safe (net) 89% How safe do you consider your home to be from fire for all the residents who live there? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute less than 1% of all responses.
Homeowners would pay more attention to home fire safety if they were planning on purchasing a new home now compared to its importance when they were purchasing their current home. Very important Important Somewhat important Not at all important Importance of Fire Safety at Time of Purchase Of Current Home Importance of Fire Safety If Were Purchasing New Home Now Very important/ Important (net) 70% Very important/ Important (net) 80% When you were purchasing your current home, how important was home fire safety to you? * If you were planning to purchase a new home now, how important would home fire safety be to you? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute less than 1% of all responses.
The vast majority of homeowners are aware of smoke alarms and fire extinguishers for home use. Less than two in three are aware of home fire sprinkler systems. Awareness of Fire Safety Products for Home Use Which of the following fire safety products, if any, are you aware of for home use? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 1% of all responses.
Homeowners are nearly twice as likely to feel a home fire sprinkler system is essential for homes for older adults than for a home in general. Absolutely essential Somewhat important Not at all important Important Importance of Fire Sprinkler System for a Home Importance of Fire Sprinkler System Specifically for Homes for People Ages 50+ Absolutely essential/ Important (net) 24% Absolutely essential/ Important (net) 42% Do you consider a fire sprinkler system for a home absolutely essential, important, somewhat important, or not at all important? * When thinking specifically about homes for people ages 50+, do you consider a fire sprinkler system for their home absolutely essential, important, somewhat important, or not at all important? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 3% of all responses.
Though many homeowners would prefer to install a fire sprinkler system over other types of household amenities, more than one in three would not install sprinklers over any of the luxuries listed. Whether Would Prefer to Install a Fire Sprinkler System Over… When thinking about building a new home, would you prefer to install a fire sprinkler system over any of the following? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute 2% of all responses.
Nearly one in two homeowners would find a new home with a fire sprinkler system more desirable than the same home without one. Desirability of New Home with or without a Fire Sprinkler System LESS desirable than = 9% Just as desirable as = 39% MORE desirable than = 45% When thinking about a new home with a fire sprinkler system, would you find it more desirable, less desirable or just as desirable as the same home without a fire sprinkler system? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 7% of all responses. Unaided follow up: Why do you think a new home with a fire sprinkler system is [more desirable than/less desirable than/just as desirable as] the same home without a fire sprinkler system? ** Variable Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house and think a new home with a fire sprinkler system is [more desirable than/less desirable than/just as desirable as] the same home without a fire sprinkler system ** Top 5 mentions are shown. *** Caution should be exercised when interpreting these results due to small base size.
Close to two in five homeowners would be more likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system over a house without one, by far because they would feel safer. Likelihood of Purchasing New Home with or without a Fire Sprinkler System LESS likely = 18% Equally likely = 33% MORE likely = 38% Would you be more, less or equally likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system, over one without a fire sprinkler system? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 11% of all responses. Unaided follow up: Why would you be [more likely/less likely/equally likely] to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system, over one without a fire sprinkler system? ** Variable Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house and would be [more likely/less likely/equally likely] to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system, over one without a fire sprinkler system ** Top 5 mentions are shown.
Barriers and Incentives to Installing a Home Fire Sprinkler System
More than two in three homeowners recognize that a home fire sprinkler system increases the overall value of a home. How a Fire Sprinkler System Impacts the Overall Value of a Home Do you believe a home fire sprinkler system increases, decreases or has no impact on the overall value of a home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 3% of all responses.
Homeowners cite the cost of installation as the biggest barrier to installing fire sprinklers in their home. Barriers to Installing Home Fire Sprinkler System Any barriers (net) 87% What barriers, if any, would prevent you from choosing to have fire sprinklers installed in your home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 1% of all responses.
More than two in five homeowners would be more likely to install a fire sprinkler system in their home if its cost could be included in the mortgage. Likelihood of Installing Fire Sprinkler System if Cost was included in Mortgage If you could include the cost of installing a home fire sprinkler system in your mortgage, would you be more, less or equally likely to install a fire sprinkler system in your home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 3% of all responses.
Fire department representatives are the most trusted source of credible information about home fire sprinkler systems. About two in five homeowners trust home builders for such details. Trusted Sources of Credible Information about Home Fire Sprinkler Systems Which of the following people, if any, do you trust completely to provide you with credible information about home fire sprinkler systems? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute 1% of all responses.
Home builders who offer a fire sprinkler system as standard are viewed positively by homeowners – these builders are seen as being safety concerned, innovative, and caring. Adjectives to Describe a Home Builder who Offers a Fire Sprinkler System as Standard Which of the following adjectives, if any, best describes a home builder who offers a fire sprinkler system as standard? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 2% of all responses.
About two in five homeowners would be more likely to hire a home builder who offers a fire sprinkler system as standard over one who does not. Likelihood of Hiring Home Builder who offers Fire Sprinkler System as Standard When thinking about a home builder who offers a fire sprinkler system as standard, would you be more, less or equally likely to hire him or her to build your house over a home builder that does not offer a fire sprinkler system as standard? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 2% of all responses.
Older adults are more likely than their younger counterparts to own a home. Among homeowners, older adults are less likely to have children under the age of 5 living in or regularly visiting their home. Ages 18 – 49 Ages 50+ Type of Living Situation – % Homeowners By Age Profile of Homeowners – By Age Which of the following best describes your situation? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ (n= 1,019); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 496), Ages 50+ (n= 490) How many children under the age of 5 live in or regularly visit your home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 1% of all responses. 1 The mean was calculated based only on homeowners who have any children under the age of 5 living in or regularly visiting their home
Older homeowners are more likely than younger homeowners to feel that their home is very safe from fire for all its residents. Very safe Safe Somewhat safe Not at all safe Perceived Fire Safety of Home for All Residents – By Age How safe do you consider your home to be from fire for all the residents who live there? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute less than 1% of all responses.
Older homeowners are less trusting than their younger counterparts of a variety of sources for information about home fire sprinkler systems. Ages 18 – 49 Ages 50+ Trusted Sources of Credible Information about Home Fire Sprinkler Systems – By Age Which of the following people, if any, do you trust completely to provide you with credible information about home fire sprinkler systems? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute 1% of all responses.
Older homeowners are nearly three times as likely as their younger counterparts to feel that fire sprinkler systems are not at all important when thinking specifically about homes for people their age. Absolutely essential Somewhat important Not at all important Important Importance of Fire Sprinkler System Specifically for Homes for People Ages 50+ – By Age Absolutely essential/ Important (net) 36% Absolutely essential/ Important (net) 49% When thinking specifically about homes for people ages 50+, do you consider a fire sprinkler system for their home absolutely essential, important, somewhat important, or not at all important? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 3% of all responses.
Older homeowners are less likely than younger homeowners to cite the cost of installation as a barrier that prevents them from installing a fire sprinkler system in their home. Ages 18 – 49 Ages 50+ Barriers to Installing Home Fire Sprinkler System – By Age What barriers, if any, would prevent you from choosing to have fire sprinklers installed in your home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 1% of all responses.
Compared to their younger counterparts, a greater proportion of older homeowners would be less likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system or hire a home builder who offers a sprinkler system as standard. Ages 18 – 49 Ages 50+ Likelihood of Purchasing New Home with or without a Fire Sprinkler System – By Age Likelihood of Hiring Home Builder who offers Fire Sprinkler System as Standard – By Age Would you be more, less or equally likely to purchase a new home with a fire sprinkler system, over one without a fire sprinkler system? * * “Don’t know” and “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 11% of all responses. When thinking about a home builder who offers a fire sprinkler system as standard, would you be more, less or equally likely to hire him or her to build your house over a home builder that does not offer a fire sprinkler system as standard? * * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 2% of all responses. Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345)
A larger share of older homeowners would be less likely to install a fire sprinkler system if its cost was included in the mortgage than their younger counterparts. Ages 18 – 49 Ages 50+ Likelihood of Installing Fire Sprinkler System if Cost was included in Mortgage – By Age If you could include the cost of installing a home fire sprinkler system in your mortgage, would you be more, less or equally likely to install a fire sprinkler system in your home? * Base: U.S. adults age 18+ who own a house (n= 620); Ages 18 – 49 (n= 257), Ages 50+ (n= 345) * “Decline to answer” responses are not shown, and constitute about 3% of all responses.