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If you have found the correct service to redirect the referral to, then you will need to click on the green redirect button to proceed. This will take you to the Choose and Redirect Referral Redirection form. We will now go through how to complete this form.
If you have found the correct service to redirect the referral to, then you will need to click on the green redirect button to proceed . This will take you to the Choose and Redirect Referral Redirection form. We will now go through how to complete this form.
The Choose and Redirect Redirection Form has several areas that require attention, the majority of which are autopopulated and simply require you to review them to ensure validity.
The first area of the redirection form is “Consumer Details”. For privacy reasons, this area of the form does not autopopulate. The clients date of birth can be entered by clicking on the small calendar logo then selecting the correct month, year and date.
If you select “Ward” you will then need to type in the ward name e.g. 54 North and the campus e.g. MMC Clayton If you select “Emergency Department” from the drop-down list, another drop down list will appear from which you can select the appropriate campus. If the Originating Referrer is a GP, you will need to enter the GPs name and his/her clinic address. The final two selections of “Self” and “Other” are self-explanatory. Once you have entered all the “Consumer Details” you will need to select from the drop down list under “Originating Referrer”.
After completing the “Originating Referrer” section, you should notice that the next section “Service Redirecting Referral” is already populated. The details listed here are linked to your login and password details. This information has been provided to us by your manager. If you notice that these details are incorrect you should notify us via the Feedback section on the No Wrong Door home page. In the section following the “Service Redirecting Referral” you will notice another section “Redirecting Referral To” which has also been autopopulated. This information is autopopulated into this form from the service selection you make in the Choose and Redirect tool.
The “Eligibility Confirmation for Redirection” section provides check-box prompts to ensure that all aspects of the No Wrong Door Referral Redirection Protocol are followed. A copy of this protocol is available via the “What’s New” section of the No Wrong Door website. The first four check boxes must be attended to and one of the check boxes relating to the GP/Referrers wishes must be checked prior to the referral being forwarded. The final section to complete is the “Detail Reasons for Redirecting Referral”. Here a brief, but detailed reason for the referral being redirected, should be given. It is very important to complete this section as accurately as possible. The information supplied in this form will be used to determine why a redirection was required and where needed, target educate referrers that continue refer incorrectly. Once you have completed and check the information on this form, then click on the “Download” button.
This screen will appear once you have clicked on the “Download” button. At this point in time we are unable to email referrals directly from the No Wrong Door website. As a result you will need to download a copy of the completed Referral Redirection Form and forward it to the service / agency you require as per their instructions. To do this, click where indicated on the above screen.
A small pop-up screen will appear asking you if you wish to open and/or save the form you have just completed. Whether you choose to open or save the form will depend on your services internal processes dealing with referrals that require redirection. The Referral Redirection Form you have just completed has now been converted into an Adobe .pdf document which can be saved, printed out and forwarded to the more appropriate agency as identified with the Choose and Redirect Tool. If you click on “cancel” you will loose the data you have entered. Once you have saved and/or printed your form, simply click on the “back” button on your browser to return to the No Wrong Door website.
Why use the Referral Redirection Form? The No Wrong Door partner agencies have agreed to utilise this form as appropriate to facilitate the redirection of a referral to a more appropriate alternative service in consultation with the referrer. By entering this data into this form online we will be able to gather de-identified data to help us target educate referrers where appropriate and hopefully limit the number of inappropriate referrals being received by all No Wrong Door partner agencies.