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IMS Campaign Manager Intra-day Updates and Response Attribution. SDL Campaign Management Solutions. Agenda. Intra-day Updates using Campaign Event tools Import Events RaisingCampaignEvents using the Web Service API Campaign Response Attribution
IMS Campaign ManagerIntra-day Updates and Response Attribution SDL Campaign Management Solutions
Agenda Intra-day Updates using Campaign Event tools • Import Events • RaisingCampaignEvents using the Web Service API Campaign Response Attribution • The linking of a customer behaviour or ‘transaction’ record to a specific outbound contact to indicate a response.
IMS Campaign ManagerIntra-day Updates SDL Campaign Management Solutions
Intra-day Updates Why might Intra-day Updates be needed? • Drive campaign activity to respond quickly to Customer behaviour • Becoming increasingly important in today’s digital interactive world What do we mean by Intra-day Updates? • Real time / regular / continuous / drip feed supply of key Customer behavioural data • For example... • Newsletter opt-in preferences changes • Cart abandonment events • Specific order types placed • Appointments booked • New account registrations
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example We want to run a campaign to acknowledge changes that Customers make to their newsletter opt-in preferences... ...and be able to use new opt-in preferences in other campaigns Scenario: • Customers can subscribe to separate product-based newsletters - assume we’re talking about two SDL CMA products... • Campaign Manager • Email Manager • Customers interact via a web portal to amend their own opt-in preferences
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example What features of Campaign Manager do we need to run the process? • Recipient-level ‘Subscriptions’ • Event-driven Subscription management ‘campaign’ • Import Event tool • The ‘Opt-in Acknowledgement’ campaign
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription Lists In our example we are using two product specific subscription lists. Which are defined globally outside of any one specific campaign. Subscriptions are added by clicking Campaign Manager icon on the main toolbar and clicking the icon.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign settings ... Reminder – purpose is to process the opt-in events only • Audience must contain all include all Customers • No need to generate campaign history • No End Date is required as the campaign will be running continually
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Import Events set-up Supplied Event file Mapping against the Event file... • Key Column = column 1 • Event ID Column = column 2 • Event Date = column 3 Subscription_2013-06-10_205527257.evt custid|eventid|event_dttm 31|Unsubscribed: Campaign Manager|2013-06-10 14:47:38.648 31|Subscribed: Campaign Manager|2013-06-10 14:49:16.652 30|Subscribed: Campaign Manager|2013-06-10 20:47:28.692 29|Subscribed: Campaign Manager|2013-06-10 20:47:38.738
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign Next we define our triggers, which are going to be the actions carried out as a result of our new events. Add a new trigger and rename it to one of the new event names.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign Next we define our triggers, which are going to be the actions carried out as a result of our new events. Associate the corresponding event with our new trigger.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign Next we define our triggers, which are going to be the actions carried out as a result of our new events. Add an Unsubscribe tool to the trigger and assign it to the correct list. Optionally, if we wanted to output the current status of the recipient in a tactic we could also create a recipient level variable with a plain English value.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign Next we define our triggers, which are going to be the actions carried out as a result of our new events. Repeat these steps for the other events.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign Next we define our triggers, which are going to be the actions carried out as a result of our new events. Repeat these steps for the other events. Add a new trigger and rename it to one of the new event names. Associate the corresponding event with our new trigger. Add an Unsubscribe tool to the trigger and assign it to the correct list. Optionally, if we wanted to output the current status of the recipient in a tactic we could also create a recipient level variable with a plain English value.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Subscription management Campaign: Complete Design Subscriptions Subscription management Campaign Manager Program: None Start Date: Current Date/Time Stop Process: End Date: Campaign Key: [Customer].[CustID] Campaign History: Trigger: Unsubscribe : Campaign Manager Email Manager Unsubscribe from ‘Campaign Manager’ Recipient Level Variables Sub_Campaign _Manager to ‘No’ Audience Customer: Records from [Customer].[CustID] Sub_Campaign _Manager (‘Yes’, ‘No’) Trigger: Subscribe : Campaign Manager Sub_Email_Manager (‘Yes’, ‘No’) Subscribe to ‘Campaign Manager’ Event: Sub_Campaign _Manager to ‘Yes’ Import Subscription Events Trigger: Unsubscribe : Email Manager Unsubscribe from ‘Email Manager’ Sub_Email_Manager to ‘No’ Track: Start Trigger: Subscribe : Campaign Manager Empty Subscribe to ‘Email Manager’ Sub_Email_Manager to ‘Yes’
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example What do we need to do to achieve our goal? • Assume the portal is set up to add users preferences changes to a ‘Subscription Log’ • Extract the latest log records at set intervals to a designated FTP Site and folder. • Create a ‘Subscription monitor’ campaign in IMS to process the incoming events. • Create IMS Subscription lists in order to store the recipients status. • User created campaigns can then use the campaign Subscription values. Subscribe User Campaign Subscription Monitor Campaign Is Subscribed? Subscription Update Event Import Events Subscription Log Subscriptions Queue CDC Extract FTP No 11:00.evt Unsubscribed 11:00.done Unsubscribe
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example What do we need to do to achieve our goal? • Assume the portal is set up to add users preferences changes to a ‘Subscription Log’ • Extract the latest log records at set intervals to a designated FTP Site and folder. • Create a ‘Subscription monitor’ campaign in IMS to process the incoming events. • Create IMS Subscription lists in order to store the recipients status. • User created campaigns can then use the campaign Subscription values. Subscribe User Campaign Subscription Monitor Campaign Is Subscribed? Subscription Update Event Import Events Subscription Log Subscriptions Queue CDC Extract FTP Yes Subscribed 11:10.evt Unsubscribe 11:10.done 11:10.evt
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example Required event data content... Subscription Event Log (i.e. event data captured at the source) We must include the ‘campaign key’ attribute to link the event to the correct campaign recipient The data and time the event occurred. This must be provided in ascending order. Our event column is broken down in to two sections. 1) The action we wish to carry out, Subscribe or Unsubscribe. 2) The Campaign Subscription list name Next we need a unique event identifier column, this will be used to tell our campaign what to do.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example CDC (Changed Data Capture) Extract • This step must only send to the FTP folder events that have occurred since the last extract (CDC). • The files will be processed by the Import Events tool in alphanumeric order, so a date/time stamp on the files will be required. Subscriptions_2013-06-27_112047.evt • The “.evt” files extension is optional, but is the default.
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example FTP Folder • It is recommend that this folder should only contain files for this specific use, as the Import Event tool will process all files with a given extension in a folder. • Once the file is processed it will be flagged with the .done extension. • If for any reason IMS is not active or the Subscription Monitor campaign is not running, the files will sit in the queue waiting to be processed when the system/campaign is resumed. FTP Subscriptions_2013-06-27_140000.done Subscriptions_2013-06-27_141000.txt Customer.txt
Intra-day Updates Raising Events via the Web Service API Import Events can now (v2.9+) operate in two ways: • CSV File import • used for bulk loading of event data - files supplied to an ftp site • driven by a polling frequency to check for uploaded files • Web Service API ‘RaiseCampaignEvent’ method • low volumes of data where speed of response is required • triggers ‘listening’ for API-supplied events • Import Events is configured in the same way for both methods • The mechanism for supplying the event data is different
Intra-day Updates Raising Events via the Web Service API • Pass Event data into an existingCampaign • Immediately fire triggers listening for these Events • Import Events node configured to match the data being supplied Example RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post matching our existing Subscription management campaign example Sample RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post: { "Token": "94A4DD02-74D6-4382-9FA8-4DAFD2AD4B71", "CampaignId": "485", "EventSourceIdentifier": "7a0de064-8321-447e-b51b-34598afe1d55", "EventData": ["31","Unsubscribed: Campaign Manager","06/10/2013 14:47:38"] } An authentication token can be retrieved from the authentication service
Intra-day Updates Raising Events via the Web Service API • Pass Event data into an existingCampaign • Immediately fire triggers listening for these Events • Import Events node configured to match the data being supplied Example RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post matching our existing Subscription management campaign example Sample RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post: { "Token": "94A4DD02-74D6-4382-9FA8-4DAFD2AD4B71", "CampaignId": "485", "EventSourceIdentifier": "7a0de064-8321-447e-b51b-34598afe1d55", "EventData": ["31","Unsubscribed: Campaign Manager","06/10/2013 14:47:38"] } ID of the Campaign to apply the Event to Call GetCampaigns to retrieve the ID for any campaign
Intra-day Updates Raising Events via the Web Service API • Pass Event data into an existingCampaign • Immediately fire triggers listening for these Events • Import Events node configured to match the data being supplied Example RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post matching our existing Subscription management campaign example Sample RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post: { "Token": "94A4DD02-74D6-4382-9FA8-4DAFD2AD4B71", "CampaignId": "485", "EventSourceIdentifier": "7a0de064-8321-447e-b51b-34598afe1d55", "EventData": ["31","Unsubscribed: Campaign Manager","06/10/2013 14:47:38"] } Identifier of Import Events node to apply data to Call GetCampaigns to retrieve the ID for an Event Source in a Campaign
Intra-day Updates Raising Events via the Web Service API • Pass Event data into an existingCampaign • Immediately fire triggers listening for these Events • Import Events node configured to match the data being supplied Example RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post matching our existing Subscription management campaign example Sample RaiseCampaingEvent() API Post: { "Token": "94A4DD02-74D6-4382-9FA8-4DAFD2AD4B71", "CampaignId": "485", "EventSourceIdentifier": "7a0de064-8321-447e-b51b-34598afe1d55", "EventData": ["31","Unsubscribed: Campaign Manager","06/10/2013 14:47:38"] } • The Event Data mapped in Import Events tool • Same format as in the CSV file import example • Only one event can be posted at a time
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example How does this fit with our process? • Our Log, Extract and FTP queue are no longer required. • Our application can now raise events in IMS directly. Subscribe User Campaign Subscription Monitor Campaign Is Subscribed? Subscription Update Event Import Events Subscription Log Subscriptions Queue CDC Extract FTP No Unsubscribed Unsubscribe Web API
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example How does this fit with our process? • Our Log, Extract and FTP queue are no longer required. • Our application can now raise events in IMS directly. • If the Campaign is not running, the API will return a paused result and the event will not be recorded. Subscribe User Campaign Subscription Monitor Campaign Is Subscribed? Subscription Update Event Import Events Subscription Log Subscriptions Queue CDC Extract FTP Unsubscribe Web API
Intra-day Updates: Subscription Example How does this fit with our process? • Our Log, Extract and FTP queue are no longer required. • Our application can now raise events in IMS directly. • If the Campaign is not running, the API will return a paused result and the event will not be recorded. • If the Web Service is not running, the event will be missed unless you handle the failure responses accordingly. Subscribe User Campaign Subscription Monitor Campaign Is Subscribed? Subscription Update Event Import Events Subscription Log Subscriptions Queue CDC Extract FTP Unsubscribe Web API
Intra-day Updates Questions?
IMS Campaign ManagerResponse Attribution SDL Campaign Management Solutions
Response Attribution The tool allows you to configure appropriate rules to monitor the success of a specific campaign and creative. Response Attribution defined for a specific Tactic Checks for Recipients included in the Campaign Identify the table containing the Response behaviour Response behaviour record must have a Date or Datetime attribute If Date only is used only first of multiple records on the same date will be attributed Apply a Rule to only identify specific records as a Response behaviour Define the Response ‘window’ Define a post campaign end response checking window
Response Attribution Once the tool is defined and processing is in place, the implementation of our tactics will be recorded in the appropriate campaign history table based on our campaign key. Sample Campaign History table: Each creative in a campaign have will its own unique identifier. Each time a tactic is deployed in a campaign it will be given Tactic Instance ID. If a recipient receives the same tactic twice in a campaign it will still be given a different id. Even if the creative has come from the same tactic template, it will still have a different Creative ID in the campaign it is being deployed from.
Response Attribution Once the tool is defined and processing is in place, the implementation of our tactics will be recorded in the appropriate campaign history table based on our campaign key. Sample Campaign History table: This column can also be used as part of your tactic outputs and Import Events tools. Import Events Tactic Layout
Response Attribution Once the tool is defined and processing is in place, the implementation of our tactics will be recorded in the appropriate campaign history table based on our campaign key. Sample Campaign History table: A compound primary key of TacticInstanceID and the Campaign Key (CustID) is also created to enable unique linking to other tables.
Response Attribution Once the tool is defined and processing is in place, the implementation of our tactics will be recorded in the appropriate campaign history table based on our campaign key. Sample Campaign History table: Once processing has occurred, an extra column will be added to your response table. A link we also be create between the tables. If the table is to be updated by a full refresh, this will drop all columns. Therefore the process should include the storage of the record key and attributed history ids to enable reassignment post table refresh.
Response Attribution With processing now completed we are able to display are attributed results in our reports.
Response Attribution Questions?