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Español iI. Asientos nuevos. ¿Estás listo para dar tu presentación? ¿Adónde fuiste?. Hoy es miércoles, el 23 de abril O Es Jueves, el 24 de abril. El horario. Hazlo Ahora. Puedes escogerlo. Asientos Nuevos. un repaso. Capítulo 3A. Vocabulario nuevo. El Proyecto. Aprendemos
Español iI Asientos nuevos ¿Estás listo para dar tu presentación? ¿Adónde fuiste? Hoy es miércoles, el 23 de abril O Es Jueves, el 24 de abril
El horario Hazlo Ahora Puedes escogerlo Asientos Nuevos un repaso Capítulo 3A Vocabulario nuevo El Proyecto Aprendemos repasamos Puedesusar un parte de la claseparapreguntassobre el proyecto Protyecto mklspanish@hotmail.com ¿Adónde fuiste?
Cadadía: • Hablaespañol8 minutoscadadía • Aprende el vocabularionuevowrite each word and definition 5-10 times each or make flashcards, quizlet.com is a good resource y, repasalasotraspalabras. Tienesque saber como se escribe, quequieredecir la palabra y también, la pronunciación. • Proyecto: ¿Adónde fuiste? Para el 28 de abril Pruebita de Vocabulario 3A Quizlet.com: maklineliber Puede ayudarte
Capítulo 3A ¿Qué hiciste ayer?
Objetivos: Habla de cosas que hiciste y donde las hiciste. Explica porque no puede hacer ciertas cosas. Describe cosas que compró y donde las compró.
el banco bank
el centro downtown
doctor´s office dentist´s office el consultorio
servicestation la estación de servicio las estaciones de servicio
la farmacia pharmacy
el supermercado supermarket
el buzón los buzones mailbox
la carta letter
to mail a letter echar una carta
el correo post office
enviar (i ►í to send
Presentations are due! • Imagine that you vacationed in a Spanish-speaking capital last summer; you visited several points of interest and went shopping at a mall or town center for gifts for your friends and family. • In your presentation include the following information: • Identify three places you visited • What you did there (at each place) • Where the sites are located (i.e. next to the church, behind the restaurant) • How the experience went (i.e. incredible, bad) • Give the name of the shopping area and its location • Identify three gifts you bought • Identify who you bought these gifts for • Where you bought them • How much you paid for each gift.
Students will create a Power Point presentation with at least 5 or 6 slides to present the speaking targets listed on the previous slide. This is a visual which will act as your reference to help you while speaking but the visual should not have any words/sentences on it. • This project is comprised of four parts: • A script written in class (you will finish this in class April 24 or 25) if you haven’t already finished it. • A Power Point • A typed FINAL copy of the script which will be placed on the last slide of your Power Point presentation. • The Oral Presentation. • Due dates: I am only concerned now that all is ready for class on April 28 or April 29. No excuses for late work because you got this assignment on or before March 20! • See the rubric on the next slide for how you will be graded.
Rubric 20 points 40 points 30 points Total Value: 90 points Oral Presentation Written Presentation
Las Presentaciónes • Todos los estudiantestienenqueprestaratención a la persona queestápresentando.
Repasamos la Tarea: 3B-5 Las Descripciones página 62
SubjectPronouns Los pronombres de sujetopágina 82 The process: ASK if the subject is singular or plural (eliminate ½ of your choices) ASK is there a YOin the subject . . . If yes stop questions there if not ASK if there is a túin thesubject If NO to 2 and 3, yoursubjectis THIRD PERSON.
1B página 60 Definite and IndefiniteArticles Definite and indefinite articlesEl and la are called definite articles and are the equivalent of “the” in English. El is used with masculine nouns; la is used with feminine nouns. You’ve already seen words with definite articles: el librothe book la carpetathe folder Un and una are called indefinite articles and are the equivalent of “a” and “an” in English. Un is used with masculine nouns; una is used with feminine nouns: un libroa book unacarpetaa folder Strategy Learning by Repetition When you learn a new noun, say it aloud, along with its definite article, as often as you get a chance. Eventually, you will find that words just “sound right” with the correct definite article and you will know whether nouns are masculine or feminine.
1B página 60 Definite and IndefiniteArticles Definite articles Indefinite articles Strategy Learning by Repetition When you learn a new noun, say it aloud, along with its definite article, as often as you get a chance. Eventually, you will find that words just “sound right” with the correct definite article and you will know whether nouns are masculine or feminine.
1B página 60 Definite and IndefiniteArticles Definite articles Indefinite articles
1B página 62 Word order: Placement of Adjectives • ¿Recuerdas? • Tomake a sentencenegativeyou place thewordnobeforetheverb. • Eduardo no es un chico serio. • No me gusta jugar videojuegos. In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they describe. Notice how artística follows chica in the Spanish sentence. Margarita es una chica artistica. Margarita isanartisticgirl. Did you notice that in the English sentence the adjective comes before the noun?
1B página 62 Word order: Placement of Adjectives Here’s a simple pattern you can follow when writing a sentence in Spanish.
Repasamos los verbos un poco más . . . patinar - to skate dibujar – to draw practicar - to practice usar– to use esquiar - to ski montar– to ride
SER O ESTAR • Whenyouhave a sentencethatneedstheverbto be…. How do you decide? • SER estar Describes what a personisreallylikeHowyou´refeeling Tells time and whereyou are Tellsthe date Always use theverb Tellsoccupation, profession ESTAR Tellswheresomeoneisfrom Tellsoriginornationality Describes a person´s condition, location, position orhowsomeonefeels.
ToaddSpanishlanguage (characterstoyourkeyboard) SELECT EACH: START -- Control Panel --- REGION AND LANGUAGE SELECT: KEYBOARDS AND LANGUAGES, THEN CHANGE KEYBOARDS SELECT: ADD, THEN FIND SPANISH (SPAIN, TRADITIONAL SORT) SELECT KEYBOARD UNDER SPAIN, TRADITIONAL SORT AND CLICK ON SPANISH. AT THE BOTTOM RIBBON OF YOUR COMPUTER, YOU WILL SEE EN --- THAT IS FOR ENGLISH. IF YOU CLICK ON ES BELOW IT, YOU WILL BE IN THE SPANISH KEYBOARD. Makesurewhenyou log into a program ES isshowingontheribbon. To typeaccentmarks, use theapostrophekeynexttothe ENTER key. Depresstheapostrophe and thentheletteryouwanttohaveaccented. Totype a ñ youpressthe colon keywhichistotheleft of theapostrophe. ¿ ismadebytypingtheshiftkey and the plus sign ? Ismadebytypingtheshiftkey and theminussign ¡ ismadebytypingthe plus sign