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Welcome to Fifth Grade!. Roesland Elementary School 2014-2015. Ms. Holloway 993-4732 or rohollow@smsd.org. Welcome to 5th Grade.
Welcome to Fifth Grade! Roesland Elementary School 2014-2015 Ms. Holloway 993-4732 or rohollow@smsd.org
Welcome to 5th Grade I am excited about a wonderful school year. Your child will be learning many different skills this year in fifth grade. We will be doing many different learning units, working with computers, and taking educational field trips. I am looking forward to working with all the parents so we can make this a fun and educational year for your children.
Miss Rebekah Todd • ESU Intern for Fall semester • Grew up in the Shawnee Mission School District
Ms. Kim Bernandin • ESU Intern for Spring Semester • Former secretary at Tomahawk Elementary
SPECIALS • Monday-Art 9:30-10:30 • Tuesday- Music 9:30 P.E. 10:00 • Wednesday-Library 9:30-10:20 • Thursday- Music 9:30-10 PE 10:00; Computer 1:00 • Friday- Computer 10:30
GRADING • A+ 100% C- 71%-70% • A 99%-92% D+ 69% • A- 91% -90% D 68%-62% • B+ 89% D- 61%-60% • B 88%-82% F+ 59% • B- 81%-80% F 58% and • C+ 79% below • C 78%-72% The grades students earn in 5th grade are:
GRADING Grades are based on the following: 1. Assignments/Homework- sometimes this will be participation, sometimes it will be graded for accuracy. 2. Tests 3. Work Habits 4. Ability to work independently and in groups. 5. Ability to remain on task 6. Attitude/ Effort 7. Responsibility
Attendance • Attendance: Students absent from class are independently responsible for seeing the planner/teacher to get assignments. Homework will be collected if a call is made to the office before 9:30. This is my plan time, and I can get it done during that time. Students will be given two days for every one day missed to make up their work. Students in string, band, and choir will need to make up the missed work and assignments.
HOMEWORK • Homework is an important component of the educational process: • … it provides a practice of skills learned • … it develops good study habits • … it builds responsibility • The Shawnee Mission homework policy calls for ten minutes per grade level. This means that a fifth grade student should have 50 minutes of homework each night. Homework at this grade level may consist of: unfinished work, studying spelling, reviewing math facts, reviewing and studying for tests, completion of projects, vocabulary, research, reading a book, book reports, and long term assignments.
R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binders • I will be bringing this organizational tool to fifth grade. R.O.C.K S.T.A.Rstands for Responsible Organized Children Keeping Stuff Together And Ready.Listed below you will find a description of each section in the R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binder. Please read this section carefully as we will be using the R.O.C.K. S.T.A.R Binder all year long.
R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binders 2ndSheet Protector: This weeks spelling words and a list of spelling activities. Please keep this in here for work at school and home. 1st Sheet Protector: This contains a cover sheet and homework tips to include before turning it in.
R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binders Homework Folder Yellow folder for transferring homework to and from school. Assignment Notebook: This is where the students will be writing in their daily assignments. Parents will need to sign daily. Important Paper Folder Green folder for school and community notes.
Homework and Binder • Homework Procedures • Put homework to be taken home and brought back to school in Homework Folder which is located in R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binder • Write assignment in assignment notebook • The next day, place R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binder on desk and homework in appropriate bin. ** Students are expected to turn in all work. There will be consequences for late or missing assignments. Parents will be notified if this becomes a problem.**
Friday Folder and Important Papers • All Graded assignments will be placed in the Friday Folder located in the R.O.C.K S.T.A.R Binder on Fridays. Parents will be expected to sign the sheet. Please, feel free to make comments or ask questions. • In addition any important papers will also come home in the green folder. These include school or classroom notes and any flyer from the PTA.
READING • Our reading program incorporates a variety of literature and expository texts. Our program is called Wonders by McGraw-Hill. Thisreading series will be used for instruction in a variety of ways. • A Kansas Reading Assessment will be given in the spring. We will be preparing for that all year during our normal reading instruction. • There will also be some chapter books read during the year as a class. • Students will be expected to read on their own for a grade. They will also complete one journal per week. This will be introduced as a class and then become homework.
READING • Students will be expected to complete one book report each quarter, more specific information will be sent home at a later date for each report. • Students will be required to read a number of Accelerated Reader books, this number will increase throughout the year. • First quarter they will be required to read three books and complete the AR test, this does include their book report book. • We do have a rewards program for AR tests.
SPELLING We will be using the spelling program included in Wonders. In addition there will be a dictation test. This will consist of sentences the students will hear and be expected to write down. They will be graded for spelling and grammar. Homework for Thursday will be to study spelling for the test on Friday. I also encourage studying spelling throughout the week.
MATH Computers, textbooks, and math manipulative will all be used for math instruction in fifth grade. We will be using the Envision math program.There is a neat web site that allows the book to be accessed at home on-line www.pearsonsucessnet.com Fifth grade focuses on fractions, decimals, percents, and their relationships. Problem solving skills are also emphasized. A Kansas Math Assessment will be given in the spring. Fifthgraders also participate in the pentathlon .
SOCIAL STUDIES The focus of the 5th grade social studies curriculum is U.S. History and Government beginning in the 1400s through the period after the Revolutionary War. The students will participate in an American Heroes Project, beginning in October.
SCIENCE Many hands-on experiences will be given as the class uses the scientific method through a variety of concepts. We will do a formal group science experiment fourth quarter. The fifth grade text isentitled Harcourt Science (Harcourt School Publisher).
LANGUAGE ARTS • We will implement an L.A. text along with an emphasis in writing. We will be covering the 6-Trait Writing Process as well as parts of speech and sentence structure. We do a lot of creative and informational writing. There will also be a separate writing assessment this year.
HANDWRITING Legible handwriting is expected in all work. Cursive is expected on weekly spelling test and their hero report. However notes taken, map work, or other assignments may be done in manuscript according to teacher directions. Pencil is required in math.
TESTING Students will be taking the MAP test two times this year. (Early Fall and December). Fifth graders will be taking the Math ELA, and writing sections of the Kansas State Assessment in the Spring. We will be preparing for and discussing this test throughout the year.
CLASSROOM MANAGMENT Our class rule is: It is not okay to be hurtful. It is not okay to be disruptive. In other words, Respect yourself and others at all times. Do not interfere with anyone else’s learning. This rule includes: keeping hands and feet to self, active listening, following routines and procedures in school, quiet work times, and no put-downs, etc. If there is a problem beyond the warning in the classroom, the student will be sent to a safe seat. If there are further problems in the safe seat the child will be sent to a buddy room and fill out a think sheet about what occurred. You will be notified if they are sent to the safe seat. In addition we will have a school incentive program, which may earn us class and individual rewards.
Classroom Procedures Beginning of Day • Place coats, bags, and lunch boxes in cubby • Be sure all items needed for class are taken to desk • Place R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R Binders on desk to be checked . • Turn in homework • Get 2 pencils • Begin Morning Work quietly Line Procedures • Line up in a straight line in number(line) order • Face forward while leaving hands and feet to self. • No talking, no turning, no touching while in line (school procedure) • Walk on the red line or the 2nd tile outfrom the wall.
Classroom Procedures Continued • Bathroom Procedures • Line up at door • Get a drink then go to the restroom. • Wash hands • Line up quietly in hallway • Enter the classroom and sit down quietly • Get books, pencils, etc. ready for class • Students will not be allowed to leave during classroom instruction, unless there is an emergency • Classroom Library Procedures • Students may read books in the classroom • Sign out book on sheet • Treat books with respect • Keep library area neat and orderly
Class Procedures • End of Day Procedures • Fill out assignment notebook • Make sure you have all paper and textbooks to go home • Make sure your area around your desk is clean • Retrieve bags, coats, and lunch boxes • Turn in pencils • Be ready for read aloud • At 3:05 stack chairs and line up
PBIS • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support • This program is designed to catch the students who are following the procedures and routines. • We expect the students to be Peaceful, Responsible, Respectful, and Safe-PRRs. • Students will be rewarded and placed in daily and weekly drawings.
Birthdays • We do love to celebrate your child’s birthday. If you want to bring treats please make sure you have the necessary supplies. In addition if it is a large cake or cookie please pre-cut it. • Please do not send party invitations to school to be passed out. This avoids hurt feelings if all students are not invited.
FYI • We will be ordering from the Scholastic Book orders this year. Book orders will come home once a month. Please make checks out to Scholastic Books.Our class code for ordering on-line is GMHM
Classroom Wish List • Clorox Wipes • Prizes/Candy (for drawings) • Hand Sanitizer • Pencils • Small vacuum • Books (for the classroom library) • Paper • Card Stock