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Vocabulary #13. R elent. To become less severe or intense. She really did not want to go to school, but began to relent when her mother said she would not be allowed to attend the Neon dance if she did not go to school. Exhilarated. To be cheerful or excited.
Relent To become less severe or intense. She really did not want to go to school, but began to relent when her mother said she would not be allowed to attend the Neon dance if she did not go to school.
Exhilarated To be cheerful or excited. I was exhilarated at the thought of spring break.
Demur To raise doubts or objections; to hesitate; to show reluctance. “Uh, teacher,” the student demurred for a moment, “can we have nap time?”
Cynical Distrustful of human sincerity or integrity; doubtful about whether something will happen or is worthwhile. People who are cynical tend to be negative about things and distrustful of most people.
Affliction A cause of mental or bodily pain such as loss, sickness, or persecution. She caught a serious affliction from standing out in the cold and rainy weather for too long.
Encumbered To weigh down, burden, impede, hinder. The students could not move faster because they were encumbered by their heavy backpacks.
Impassive Giving no sign of feeling or emotion; expressionless. The fact that he was so impassive at such a stressful moment was a little scary.
Volition A resulting choice, resolution, or intention. She left the room of her own volition.
Subtle Not immediately obvious or comprehensible; difficult to detect; faint. The clues about who the bad guy was were so subtle that it was nearly impossible to figure out who it was.
Predicament An unpleasantly difficult, perplexing, or dangerous situation. Because the economy is bad and there are fewer jobs, college graduates are in a serious predicament once they graduate.