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PASTA Updates 2013-14. Work in progress…. NIS Data Portal UI improvements The website meets and or exceeds standards for accessibility by persons with disabilities: Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 W3C Web Accessibility Initiative;
Work in progress… • NIS Data Portal UI improvements • The website meets and or exceeds standards for accessibility by persons with disabilities: • Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • W3C Web Accessibility Initiative; • The website meets general guidelines for industry acceptable functionality and aesthetics; and • The website provides specific functionality to meet the needs of data providers and data consumers
More work in progress… • Integration of the DataONE Generic Member Node into PASTA • Development of the PASTA adapter for the GMN is basically complete, but deployment and policy/procedures are still being planned • User registration/data policy compliance • Add support for new user registration and compliance with the LTER Data Policy
More work in progress… • Support for LTER groups/roles into PASTA system authentication and authorization • Integrate LTER Personnel Database groups/roles services into PASTA for associating individual users with LTER groups/roles as stored in the LTER Personnel Database
More work in progress… • Improve data package browse functionality • Revise data package browse functionality to integrate controlled vocabulary so that categories are of finer granularity and cross-referenced through LTER's dynamic vocabulary tools
Work to come soon… • Support of other identity providers • Add support for users to login using other authentication systems - federated authentication (e.g., InCommon Federation, OpenID/OAuth - Google, Yahoo!, Facebook).
Work on the horizon… • Metacat replacement and related search capability • Replace current metadata search functionality with a new search functionality that improves the quality of search results and overall performance. Technology that will be investigated is Apache Solr/Lucene and native XML Databases (e.g., BaseX or eXist-db)
Work when we can do it… • Quality check process and new quality checks • Continue to improve the number and fidelity of PASTA quality checks for metadata and data quality and metadata/data congruence • Overall system hardening, performance tuning, and debugging