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Opening Remarks. John Womersley Fermilab DØ Collaboration Meeting, September 2001. Security Situation. The lab has been placed on “heightened” security footing (DOE SECON 2) guards at gates 24h, everyone must show a valid ID card extra security walkthroughs and checks
Opening Remarks John Womersley Fermilab DØ Collaboration Meeting, September 2001
Security Situation • The lab has been placed on “heightened” security footing (DOE SECON 2) • guards at gates 24h, everyone must show a valid ID card • extra security walkthroughs and checks • parking restrictions • Accelerator operations continue as before • Given that many collaborators are already here, we shall continue with the collaboration meeting • But we are aware that many critical people will not be able to attend (or may not wish to) and some parallel sessions may be cancelled at late notice • Travel restrictions: we need help from local people to cover shifts! • Please contact Dmitri or Leslie
Miscellaneous news • L2 alpha hardware order has been placed (more on Friday) • L3 linux nodes are at D0 • New building almost complete • electrical and telephone work • space assignment by Ron Lipton (presentation at IB) • 802.11b wireless ethernet is live at D0 • Computer security stickers • we will be audited • please don’t remove them, and replace if missing
Miscellaneous news (2) • Reminder about “Technical” Conferences • there has been confusion! • Event though the Speakers Bureau does not assign talks, the SB chair (Dave Hedin) and the designated DØ contact for each conference must be kept informed! • 2002 meetings • we are considering moving to 5 day collaboration meetings: working meetings Mon-Wed, summaries Thu-Fri • please send us your comments • If a suitable host can be found, DØ will hold a summer workshop offsite in 2002 • any volunteers?
Operations • Full details from Dmitri on Friday Evening shift, 9/10/01 CAP: Ron Madaras SMT: Harald Fox DAQ: Bob Kehoe CAL: Adam Yurkewicz MUO: Bassar Sabirov In Supervised Access mode. Work done on individual detector systems. Global Run, "zero bias trigger", muon + trigger framework + L2 crates only. SMT and CAL were already out. Took CFT out because VRC2b was resetting. OPS fixed broken hinge on access gate. A snake in the collision hall was caught and removed by Vladimir Malychev.
Run 2 Author List • The initial D0 Run 2 Author List has been created, and the D0 Masthead has been updated. They can be found at: • http://www-d0.fnal.gov/~madaras/authorlist.html • Almost 200 changes were made to produce the Run 2 Author List, so please check it carefully, and let Ron know of any problems. • There are: • 399 people (in 62 institutions) on the D0 Run 2 Author List • 598 people (in 73 institutions) on the D0 Masthead • Thanks to the authorship committee for the vast amount of work involved: Sijbrand de Jong, Daniel Elvira, Ray Hall, Alan Jonckheere, Ron Madaras (Chair), and Georg Steinbrueck
D0 Run 2b Project(J. Kotcher), Project ManagerR. Partridge, DeputyM. Johnson, Technical Coordinator SiliconM. DemarteauA. Bean, Deputy Level 1H. EvansD. Wood Level 2R. HiroskyJ. Linnemann Level 3J. BlazeyP. Padley OnlineS. FuessP. Slattery Installation & InfrastructureTBA MechanicalW. Cooper, (K. Krempetz) L1 Cal Upgrade L2aN. Varelas L3/DAQD. Cutts LINUX farmG. Brooijmans R. Hauser Sensor Accounting, TestingR. Demina, F. Lehner (L1 Tracking Upgrade) L2b(R. Hirosky) Other tasks… ElectronicsA. Nomerotski, TBA SIFTReplacement STTU. HeintzH. Wahl ProductionTBA QA, Testing, & Burn-inC. Gerber, TBA Simulation L. Chabalina, F. Rizatdinova Radiation MonitorS. de Jong Run 2 project organization Note: The lab prefers to call it all “Run 2b” even though many “2a” tasks are included
Run 2b dates • September 17 • Trigger task force report • October 8 • Conceptual (Technical) Design Report • November 2-4 • Physics Advisory Committee • Early December • Director’s Technical Review Committee (chaired by J. Pilcher) • Initial review will look at scientific justification, technical soundness, time available (and descoping paths), cost and contingency, organization and manpower. • Early January • Lehman baselining review (DOE cost and schedule review) • Ongoing (twice a year) • Continued oversight from Technical Review Committee
Harry’s timeline from July Dates Action ~ July 26 Continue 36 x 36 running With detector as described before. Done By August 15 • Increase L3 rate from 4 Hz to ~100Hz • Complete L1 Cal • Start bringing up L2 trigger partially In Progress NOW Done Run until ~Oct 8 Take data & commission Offline software with real data; Calibration & Alignment 16 In Preparation Oct 8 - ~Nov 10 Install AFE8 boards & other completion November 36x36 stores Commission CFT & L1 track trigger December & January 2002 36x36 fine tune & stabilize; stable operation March 2002 Start stable high rate physics running
A challenge to us all! Do not accept this date as unchangeable. Work to make it sooner. Why not January 1? It will be hard and may not happen, but . . .
Progress with Level 3 • We now have three hardware VRC's running in DØ, and all crates on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the MCH are now being read out through them. The system is now capable of running at 80Hz (or more) into level 3. • We are now running Level 3 filters in the nodes and rejecting events, in order to reduce the L1 rate to something that the production farm can handle. Calorimeter based filters are now running on the lowest pT jet and EM triggers. • The running plan with this configuration will be considered at theTrigger Board this week • Please join me in congratulating all those in the L3/DAQ and L3 filter groups who worked very hard to implement these important upgrades to D0's capabilities. I have probably omitted some names by mistake but the listincludes Doug Chapin, Sean Mattingly, Andy Haas, Gordon Watts, Dave Cutts, Moacyr Souza, Dan Claes, Amber Boehnlein, Jonathan Hays, Volker Buescher, Gustaaf Brooijmans, Elizabeth Gallas and Levan Babukhadia.
Level 3 next steps • We have a Level 3/DAQ oversight committee which has established milestones (agreed between DØ and Brown/ZRL) • next milestones call for (among other things) • 24 SIB and 12 VBDi at ZRL by 10/8 and first-stage prototypes at DØ to be replaced by production boards • one full pipeline running reliably at ZRL by 10/29 • In parallel, we are pursuing a “commodity based solution” using single-board computers in the VME crates, and Cisco switches • we are spending ~$60k on a “slice test” • need to understand software issues • At present, the Brown/ZRL solution is the DØ baseline (and the commodity solution is insurance) • On November 5 we will decide whether this continues, or whether DØ will adopt an alternative to the Brown/ZRL solution
AFE Status September 10, 2001 • Production/Testing • Build interrupted for Mixers (expected to be 2-3 day delay) • Final test debugging continues • SVX: LH boards passing, RH boards show errors • VSVX: Channel location errors • Have sufficient cards at the moment for development • Schedule • This week’s access: infrastructure, crate installation “dry-run”, test temperature distribution, test 1553 loading • Have first draft of October schedule and have reviewed most of it Lot # Manu. Stuffed SiDet (Inspection,Prog) DAB3 (SVX readout) 1 146 146 146 82 12 2 54 54 27 (Bottom) 0 0 3 44 20 (all shipped) 9/31/01 0 0
Complete AFE Production AFE Testing – SiDet - DAB Infrastructure (Team 1) Completion Largely in Sept. Access Sequencer programming (Team 2) Installation (Team 3) CFT – CPS – FPS October Shutdown Attempt to complete by Nov. 1 Commissioning (Team 4) October-November Increasing fraction and provide for trigger checkout FULL CFT/CPS Readout CRITICAL Complete CTT Productions CTT Testing CD – DAB Infrastructure (T1) Completion Safety remedial work in Sept. access Testing of DFEA.., DEFC, Mixer, Double Wides, … Installation (Trigger Team 5) October Shutdown Lots of interconnections Big job to check out Goal establish connectivity, basic functions, programmability Trigger Firmware Implementation after shutdown AFE/CTT End Game
What can you do? • There’s not much that you can do to speed up completion of the very technical items like Level 2 and Level 3 • one or two people may be approached to help with the CFT electronics endgame • BUT there’s a great deal you can do to speed up the start of “physics running” • don’t wait for someone else to solve the problems • don’t wait to be asked to help
Priorities • A number of people have expressed concern that manpower within the experiment is not being applied to the right areas • Just to make it clear where we stand: • Everyone in DØ should be working on tasks related to making the detector and the software work, and understanding its performance • For example: shifts, AFE installation, development of reco, alignment software, trigsim, Monte Carlo samples • Not for example studying the reach in the m0 m1/2 plane, optimizing cuts for future analyses (when we don’t yet understand even basic detector performance) • Obviously there will be some exceptions (Run I students, work towards the Run 2b detector TDR, etc.) but exceptions, by their nature, should be exceptional and not the rule • This priority has been made clear to the physics and ID group leaders
Commissioning and hardware needs IB meeting voted to make this a requirement • Shifters needed • especially postdocs and students resident at Fermilab who can become immersed in the control room, as DAQ and subdetector experts, and take 6-8 shifts per month for 4-5 month “tour of duty” • both SMT and calorimeter are short! • many institutions have not responded • contact Dmitri Denisov (denisovd@fnal.gov) • every one of the subdetector commissioning teams could use a couple more people • best if each university group could align themselves with one or two subdetector efforts so as to provide a cohesive team effort • Trigger commissioning and FPGA programming • Close-to-the-detector software • online monitoring and controls, calibration, database applications. . .
Software and Computing needs • We shortchanged the software effort for a couple of years to give priority to getting the hardware ready. Now, with data to process and a detector to understand, there are a lot of areas that need increased manpower. • See Harry Melanson’s survey of algorithms group manpower athttp://www-d0.fnal.gov/computing/algorithms/reports/august01.html • Extracts: • Level 3 filtering urgently needs more people: 10 FTE’s • Global tracking needs ~ 3 FTE’s to work with real data • SMT, CFT, muon, vertex software all short 1 or 2 FTE’s each • Alignment: 10 FTE’s needed to understand problems in present data, CFT alignment, calorimeter alignment, muon system RCP files • Also note that the speed of reco on the farm is a current data-taking bottleneck, and the output record size also needs to be addressed urgently
Software and computing needs (2) • Need someone to define/implement the DST and microDST data tiers. • Streaming • Need ~ 1-2 people to work with Greg Landsberg to implement • Luminosity • Need ~ 2 people to work with Michael Begel and John Hauptman on immediate luminosity goals • ID groups Bottom Line: > 40 FTE’s are needed Talk to the computing and software leaders, to the spokespeople, or directly to the subgroup leaders • Note: Software shifts • First wave identified and being trained (thanks!) • no more volunteers needed at the moment
I challenge you all . . . • Make the best possible use of the next two months of data • show me a W • show me a Z • show me Z mass distributions in ee and • show me (silicon tracks with A layer hits, pT/pT ~ 10%) • show me K0 (from min bias events, silicon tracks) • show me + jet events with pT balance • Make the best possible use of the October shutdown • Completion of the detector at that point is very important • Work to minimize the time between the end of the October shutdown and the taking of data useful for physics July Maybe? ??? September July August
Dimuon Z candidate • Two muons recoiling against a jet • Dimuon mass = 55 GeV Onne Peters NIKHEF
Photon + Jet candidate event jet Ia IashviliUC Riverside candidate jet
J/candidatesample Sherry Towers Stony Brook
Next steps? • All these results are very nice, but we need to understand things like • efficiencies • why is K0 mass low? (is it low in the MC?) • where is the detector? • what is the luminosity? • Requires • commitment to your colleagues • professionalism • willingness to go beyond the boundaries to chase problems • Ask yourself: • are you working on the most important things to get D0 to physics next year?
Institutional Board Issues • Shifts • October shutdown • High priority manpower needs • Memoranda of Understanding • Common Fund situation • New DØ Conference Room