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What’s in that Belly???. The Utility of Gastric Ultrasonography in the Preoperative Suite. Amy M. Reed, Ph.D., CRNA. Is this a problem?. Anesthesia Training circa 2013-2014. ~1 year CRNA Practice. NAP Faculty 2016. Is this a problem?. SUBJECTIVE. OBJECTIVE.
What’s in that Belly??? The Utility of Gastric Ultrasonography in the Preoperative Suite Amy M. Reed, Ph.D., CRNA
Anesthesia Training circa 2013-2014 ~1 year CRNA Practice NAP Faculty 2016
Type II Diabetes Mellitus: Relationships between Preoperative Physiologic Stress, Gastric Content Volume & Quality & the Risk for Pulmonary Aspiration
POSITIONING/TECHNIQUE • Abdominal settings • Transducer: • Large pediatric or adults: curved array low-frequency (2-5 mHz) • Small children: linear high-frequency (5-12 mHz) • Scan the epigastrium in a sagittal plane • Sweep the transducer from the left to the right subcostal margins • Identify the gastric antrum –next slides! • Patient position: • Start in the supine position • Follow with the right lateral decubitus (RLD). Never call an empty stomach based on the supine position alone
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