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Solutions: Physics 106 Practice Problem Set 2 Rotational Dynamics I SJ 7th 8th Ed.: Chap 10.4 to 6 FOP 7th Ed.: Chap

PP10601-33 . PP10601-35 . PP10601-37 . Prob10601-39: Calculate the rotational inertia of a meter stick, with mass 0.56 kg, about an axis perpendicular to the stick and located at the 20 cm mark. (Treat the stick as a thin rod.). PP10601-41 . PP10601-42 . Prob10601-44: Delivery trucks

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Solutions: Physics 106 Practice Problem Set 2 Rotational Dynamics I SJ 7th 8th Ed.: Chap 10.4 to 6 FOP 7th Ed.: Chap

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    1. 1 Solutions: Physics 106 Practice Problem Set 2 Rotational Dynamics I SJ 7th & 8th Ed.: Chap 10.4 to 6 FOP 7th Ed.: Chap 10.6 to 8 AP Chap 14.1 to 5, 14.7 to 12 Lecture 2 topics: Kinetic energy of rotation Rotational inertia � rotational analog of mass Calculating rotational inertia (moment of inertia) Parallel axis theorem � definition Examples Proof (optional) Torque � rotational analog of force Moment arm definition for 2 dimensions Cross product definition, cross product review

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