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Learn about the development of lifejacket and immersion suit standards under ISO TC188/SC1 by the U.S. Coast Guard. Discover the role of the STP and the US TAG in shaping national positions on safety equipment standards.
Lifejacket Harmonization Tom Dardis U. S. Coast Guard Boating Safety Division October 10, 2017
PFD and Immersion Suit Standards Development • ISO TC188/SC1 • Personal Safety Equipment • 15 member countries • Current work includes finalizing all parts of ISO 12402 • US involvement in the subcommittee is handled through the US TAG • UL STP 1123 • This standards technical panel (STP) is bi-national (US and Canada) • Currently there are 9 standards published. • New standards for lifejackets and immersion suits are currently being drafted. • The STP has recently decided to use ISO standards as the basis for new standards, when possible. • Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC188/SC1 • accredited by ANSI • the US TAG develops the US national consensus position relative to work in ISO TC188/SC1 • the TAG sends a delegation to the ISO subcommittee meetings to communicate the US position • TAG rules, membership, and documents are circulated through a Homeport community • Currently Ms. Yurkovich is TAG Chair. • The US and Canada have separate TAGs and delegations, but will often work together to form a stronger position. Many of the same members are on the STP and the TAG. Work in the STP helps to shape the US position on ISO standards.
Label Development • Based on the ISO labels, which were developed by international experts and have been used internationally for years. • Developed by the bi-national Standards Technical Panel (STP). • Provide more information for the user to make an informed decision. • Transition to new labels supports the transition to the new bi-national standard.
Label Graphics This image is for illustrative purposes only. This is not the final label and placard.
Label Example 1 This label is for illustrative purposes only. This is not the final label and placard.
Current Status • The STP is making some final changes to the labeling and marking. • USCG is developing transition plans to implement the new labels. • No implementation dates have been set.