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Welcome to… Killarney Parent Advisory Committee Portfolio Information Session

Welcome to… Killarney Parent Advisory Committee Portfolio Information Session. What is meant by a “PORTFOLIO”?. A PORTFOLIO is a collection of “sample evidence” of student work that demonstrates their competencies in a number of areas.

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Welcome to… Killarney Parent Advisory Committee Portfolio Information Session

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  1. Welcome to…Killarney Parent Advisory CommitteePortfolio Information Session

  2. What is meant by a “PORTFOLIO”? • A PORTFOLIO is a collection of “sample evidence” of student work that demonstrates their competencies in a number of areas. • The BC Graduation Portfolio is designed to showcase this evidence across a wide variety of areas throughout a student’s secondary school career, from grade 10 to 12. • The Graduation Portfolio is sorted into various “ORGANIZERS” that contain the evidence…..

  3. ORGANIZERS…… help the student know what type of evidence/work is contained within a specific part of the portfolio. Arts & Design Community Involvement Education & Career Planning Employability Skills Information Technology Personal Health What is meant by an “ORGANIZER”?

  4. CORE Aspects are mandatory parts that must be included in the Grad Portfolio under each ORGANIZER. CORE Aspects must satisfy all the criteria to obtain full marks. Each ORGANIZER has a CORE Aspect Each CORE Aspect is worth 5 marks Completion of all CORE aspects produces 30 marks What is meant by “CORE” Aspect?

  5. CHOICE Aspects are additional items that students choose to include in their Portfolio, which demonstrate greater depth of achievement within a particular ORGANIZER. Items included as CHOICE Aspects must satisfy more advanced criteria than those set out for the CORE Aspects. CHOICE Aspects can earn up to 5 marks each What is meant by “CHOICE” Aspect?

  6. Evidence includes any type of school or community based activities, assignments, projects that satisfy the Aspect Criteria Examples of Evidence Performances (Musical, Dramatic) PowerPoint Presentations Volunteer/Service Activities Fitness Activities & Team Sports Career Fair & Work Experience Using Written, Verbal, Visual Communication Skills What constitutes “EVIDENCE”?

  7. Summary of Grad Portfolio In Planning 10 students will complete… • CORE Aspects Arts/Design; Community Involvement, Info Tech • 3 to 5 CHOICE Aspects In Grade 11 students will… • Receive a Portfolio Completion Plan outline • Work on Core Aspects 3.1; 4.1; 6.1 In Grade 12 students will… • PRESENT their Graduation Portfolio to a panel

  8. CORE ASPECTS 30% Of Final Mark CHOICE ASPECTS Up to 50% possible Recommended to complete 10 CHOICE aspects to obtain maximum marks (up to 5 marks each) GRADE 12 PRESENTATION 20% of Final Mark Mandatory for all students Check information in Portfolio Presentation Guide Summary of Grad Portfolio

  9. Portfolio Completion Plan – Grade 11

  10. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence • ARTS & DESIGN • Artwork (Pottery/Painting) • Performance (Music/Drama) • Design (Websites/Clothing) • Metalwork (Jewellery/Furniture)

  11. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence 2. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • Volunteering for community or school events • Coaching; refereeing • Fundraising activities • Clubs (Recycling/ACTI) • Student Government • Tutoring • Community Service

  12. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence 3. EDUCATION & CAREER PLANNING • Career Research • Resumes; Cover letters • Work Experiences • Career Cruising • Career Fairs

  13. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence 4. EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS • Writing – essays, poetry, plays, stories • Communication – PowerPoint, videos, speeches • Numeracy – taxes, math tests, budgets • Teamwork – sports, clubs, groupwork • Critical thinking – lab write ups, debate team, research

  14. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence 5. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • Report prepared using industry standard software • Designed web page • Internet research project • PowerPoint document • Yearbook production

  15. Ideas for Portfolio Evidence 6. PERSONAL HEALTH • Gym/community centre membership • Sports teams • Fitness classes • Personal exercise regimen • PE11/12 • Camp activities counsellor • Diet management plan • Family sports/health activities

  16. Reflective Response Form (How to Use) • The Response Form provides a way of documenting portfolio evidence. • The Response Form lays out a specific format for typing in responses…follow it…and it’s easy! • One Response Form should be included for each piece of Evidence that is included in the Portfolio. • The check box at the top of the form ensures that each write up satisfies the criteria requirements • Copies of assignments or pictures should be attached to the form as the “hard evidence”.

  17. Reflective Response Form (For Evidence Write Up) • The response form is available on the school computers • LOG ON……………..go to….. • MY COMPUTER..…..go to….. • DATA ON………....…go to….. • PLANNING 10………go to….. • RESPONSE FORM (WORD file)

  18. Response Form (For Evidence Write Up) ORGANIZER NAME AND ASPECT NUMBER Student Name & Number: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ Requirements:  minimum 1 typed page, maximum 2  leave a blank row under each criteria business font (examples: arial, times roman, bookman). Font size 12.  proofread carefully single-spaced responses, including criteria  attach evidence www.bced.gov.bc.ca/portfolio/word Criteria #1: Type criteria statement here. Type out your response here. Criteria #2: Type criteria statement here. Type out your response here.

  19. Response Form (For Evidence Write Up) INFORMATON TECHNOLOGY – ASPECT 5.1 Student Name & Number: John “The Kid” Smith Date: January 27, 200_ Requirements:  minimum 1 typed page, maximum 2  leave a blank row under each criteria business font (examples: arial, times roman, bookman). Font size 12.  proofread carefully  single-spaced responses, including criterea  attach evidence ww.bced.gov.bc.ca/portfolio/word Criteria #1:Demonstrates use of computer technology to complete a task such as a school assignment or a home or community-based project. I created a personality brochure using MS-Publisher in Planning 10. I searched on the Internet for information regarding my personality type, then went into MS-Publisher to create the multi-panel brochure. It demonstrated my basic skills of using the computer. The brochure is attached. Criteria #2:Demonstrates that you have followed school policies regarding appropriate/safe care/use of basic computer equipment and Internet privileges. I treated the computer with respect by not intentionally damaging any part of it. I followed school policy regarding Internet use, not taking advantage of the time to do other things, and made sure I used sites relevant to my assignment. A copy of the school policy for Internet/Computer use can be found in the agenda on page 12. I also followed school policies by taking down my own notes and creating sentences out of that, rather than copying the information directly off the websites.

  20. In the Presentation students SELECT specific pieces of EVIDENCE from their Portfolio which they would like to highlight to a “Portfolio Panel” POSSIBLE FORMAT Interviews Group presentation Booth display Performance Exhibit Other…… What format will the “PRESENTATION” take?

  21. Evidence will be assessed against the CRITERIA for each Aspect An assessment grid showing these Criteria will be used by the Assessment Team CORE Aspects earn 0 or 5 marks for a mandatory 30 marks CHOICE Aspects can earn up to 5 marks each for a possible 50 marks How will “PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT” occur?

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