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Introduction to EU Policy Environment People with Disabilities as Market Participants and Expanding Accessible ICT Ma

Introduction to EU Policy Environment People with Disabilities as Market Participants and Expanding Accessible ICT Markets. Robert Huffaker Early Stage Researcher 25/11/2011. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility. Overview. Technosite introduction Purpose of research

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Introduction to EU Policy Environment People with Disabilities as Market Participants and Expanding Accessible ICT Ma

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  1. Introduction to EU Policy Environment People with Disabilities as Market Participants and Expanding Accessible ICT Markets • Robert Huffaker • EarlyStageResearcher • 25/11/2011

  2. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Overview • Technositeintroduction • Purpose of research • Researchquestionstobepursued • Methodology & timeline • Anticipatedproblems, issues and researchbarriers • SixMonthSecondment

  3. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Technosite • National Organisation of the Spanish Blind Foundation • Horizontal ICT accessibility consultancy, research, development and innovation. • Leading several EU projects, networks and studies concerning accessibility: • Cloud4all • Apsis4all • Atis4all • Economic assesment of eAccessibility (072) • Monitoring eAccessibility (066)

  4. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Purpose of research • Explore EU disability law/policy reform options via UNCRPD • Emphasize the significance of social inclusion & accessibility • Research eAccessibility’s “Business Case” • Explore market potential for the ICT sector to grow its global reach provided its products and services become accessible

  5. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Researchquestions • What are the: • main ICT obstacles & opportunities faced by PwD? • accessibility and usability issues? • training needs of disabled users in accessing these services? • How can accessibility & usability issues be resolved to foster compliance? • What are the implications of industry-standard developments and legal legislation on ensuring eAccessibility?

  6. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Researchquestions • How is the Business Case of eAccessibility currently being accepted? • What are the existing good practice models? • Where are the savings or expenditures of firms investing in eAccessible goods and services? • What can main stake holders do?

  7. Methodology & timeline Search & analysissources Macroeconomic Microeconomic Statistical Strategicanalysis Drivers Effects Stakeholders Cost-benefitanalysis (CBA) Derivedfromaccessibletechnologies Development of economic data Combine existingstatisticsforCBA Preparing Recommendations: Legislative, economic and businessmodel Interactionwithotherresearchers WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility

  8. WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility Anticipatedresearchbarriers • Scarcity of data and indicators on the impact of accessible ICT for PwD in daily life like: • education • employment • recreation • Multiple use of languages in gathering data • Ensuring web accessibility from scratch vs. redesign? • Is it possible to isolate web accessibility cost from the whole web development cost?

  9. SixMonthSecondment Trade association for the European ICT sector Network-wide events on eAccessiblity from the private sector perspective WP 2.4 Building the Business Case for eAccessibility

  10. THANK YOU! Robert Huffaker EarlyStageResearcher (Technosite) rhuffaker@technosite.es http://es.linkedin.com/in/robhuffaker

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