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#12 #23. Roby Pérez Dany Villarreal. September 3,2013. 9ºD. Sugar Love (A not so sweet story). Why we chose this article.
#12 #23 Roby Pérez Dany Villarreal September 3,2013 9ºD Sugar Love (A not so sweet story)
Why we chose this article • We chose this article because it looked very interesting and especially because we (as healthy people) want to show other people the consequences of sugar in our organisms.
Sugar! • The top five foods with sugar are: soda, cupcakes, cereal, candy and syrup • The average American eats about 22.7 tsps. of sugar daily, mostly because of all the sugar processed foods contain • “Sugar was the oil of it’s day. The more you tasted, the more you wanted” • Diabetes has increased massively over the last couple of years, it when from only 4.2 million Americans (1973) being diagnosed with it to 21.1 million Americans (2010) • A lot of foods contain HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) which is even worse than regular sugar and cheaper! • Many years ago, sugar was originally used as medicine as cure for headaches, stomach flutters and that type of things
Concept Webs Dany Villarreal Roby Pérez
WOW (Words our Way) • Elixir: a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely (a “magic potion”) • Sucrose: a sweet crystalline dextrorotatory disaccharide sugar( C12H22O11)that occurs naturally in most plants and is obtained commercially • Triglycerides: An ester formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups. Triglycerides are the main constituents of natural fats and oils
TheOriginsof Sugar • 10,000 years ago in the island of New Guinea, where sugar cane was first processed, people ate it straight from the cane. • In religious ceremonies priests would sip sugar water from coconut shells, later this shells were replaced with cans of Coke. • Sugar reached Asia around 1000 B.C. • By A.D. 500 it was made into powder in India and used for medicine. • By 600 this art had spread to Persia, rulers used it lo entertain guest with plethora sweets. • By 1500 workers who surged sugar where they were considered the lowest of laborers. • In 1943 when Columbus sailed to the New World he took cane with him to plant.
Bibliography • Cohen, Rich. "Sugar Love (A Not so Sweet Story)." National Geographic 13 Aug. 2013: 78-97. Zinio.com. Web. 2 Sept. 2013. <https://mx.zinio.com/www/user/library/?access=read>